IDesILaytagsV0300sev2.4DoTRDSE 03/00 - Seats and Seat AnchoSeats and Seat AnchoragesFederal Office of Road Safety V4jb! 7%[-t Q Q ] 5  $ Z% &,28>DJPV\bhntz6`LookupIDoc6 U(̩@d7h_$ 6Ӷ 02$~($6$ $~($Hd3oh64*36039410611530700Nj68606 6 6 6@'0'0'0'PP``` # #4%@XXX@jBXXX@d'ʼw X@d  :6this $~($6  $KInformed_StartupScriptLangxDocument(1).currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Document(1).currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false;nullJScr JavaScriptON Zl3Submit s Web CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Informed tab delimited dataHTTP Submit Details Web server: CGI: /perl/discsubmit.cmd Submit includes these parts: Informed tab delimited dataI/perl/discsubmit.cmdW*$|$0KT$6 r   $ Qx0300sev922$rKG$o$2.4h$rKT$"o$hFederal Office of Road SafetyDoTRDQ.#QSE 03/00 - Seats and Seat AnchoSeats and Seat Anchorages ~XXQXXd'ʴ/ 4d(|Date (]zo) Seat FacesIF<>a HQ`# L*Discussion Items: This information has been auto-generated by the electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired. This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'submit' button. You can only submit this information to the discussion list once. All subsequent attempts will be refused.     `P@p @n  33/pMsg_FormSubmitted   Nw 102 @o  0pp Hide_Status  4-Sq -4qS ! 4-Sq,Arial (@9 Hide_Stat(LIus12@p  1ppHide_AllFields  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_AllFi(LFelds00 @q  2ppHide_FormTitle  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@:Hide_For(LAmTitle10@2@ @r  3pp Hide_Officer  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@7 Hide_Offic(LJer10 2  @s  4ppHide_InformationID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_Infor(L;mationID102 @t  5ppHide_CertUnitID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_Cert(LAUnitID`P3`#p@'u''p' '' Title  G`P3`#p@'v''' '' 6p#p ErrorList  N& #`Submitͫ5.Nꩫ#PSubmit  N workpage'' '' 6p#p ErrorList  ~& #`Submit  #0Submit    @'x''' ''  SignatureVersionOE Data VersOE$ Blue KeysH*GraphicsOET0HeaderTOE6 FieldListTOE< Form InfoOE x LayoutPropsOE  DesPathInfoScriptsD&Scripts2 < ;yz      Yg% 'A\w^ y E rfB~H}@Jbj|9&'V( {2eoed8AQ 61=5{R2L 4h3[01*kWjB  nn{ k:9"   d /    l    I   $i8 h,/ c)z&q pt sxwvy7r)*3<uMPDocume_Reference Docume_DateCheck30Check1 MainWarning MainCheckIdComT_ManufSeatAsseIdComT_ManufSeatAdjustIdComT_SeatDirect DataPresentTestRe_EceR14RvalTestRe_EceR14EvalWarning1TestRe_EceR17RvalTestRe_EceR17EvalWarning5 TestRe_FacNumTestRe_FacNameTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_ReportNum TestRe_DateCheck5Check4Check33Check32Warning8AddLoa_SeatPosNumIdComT_SeatMassIdComT_SeatHingedYesIdComT_SeatHingedNoIdComT_SeatBackMassAddLoa_LapAnchNumAddLoa_LapSashNumAddLoa_SashPelvicNumAddLoa_FinTorsNumAddLoa_LoadSashNumLongTe_ForSeatMass1Warning2Warning3Warning4Check29Warning6Check42Check2Check6LongTe_ForSeatMass2Check7LongTe_ForAccPulse1Check8LongTe_ForAccPulse2Check9LongTe_RearSeatMass1Check10LongTe_RearSeatMass2Check11LongTe_ReaAccPulse1Check12LongTe_ReaAccPulse2Check13LongTe_ForNetLoadCheck14LongTe_ReaNetLoad2Check16LongTe_ForIntLoad1Check17LongTe_ReaIntLoad2Check19LongTe_ForResLoad2Check21RearMo_SeatSupYes Warning12RearMo_SeatSupNoRearMo_TotReaMomCheck22Energy_ShortDurationCheck28IdComT_NumSeatPosIdComT_LocationsSeatPosCheck31Check34Hide_ECEApprovedTestRe_DataEntryAdviceAddLoa_DataEntryAdvice1Hide_ForwLongStaticTestHide_ExemptionApplicableLongTe_DataEntryAdvice2RearMo_DataEntryAdvice3Energy_DataEntryAdvice4MainLengthCheck LengthMessageTestRe_DataEntryAdvice1Docume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModelCheck35Check36Check3Check20Check25Check37Check38LongTe_ForNetLoadCl633LongTe_ReaNetLoadCl633LongTe_DynamicCl632LongTe_DynamicCl633 LongTe_StaticCheck40Check41Check43 Warning10Msg_FormSubmitted Hide_StatusHide_AllFieldsHide_FormTitle Hide_OfficerHide_InformationIDHide_CertUnitID ErrorListTriggerDocume_Reference1 Issue_NumExt Issue_Num25Check37Check38LongTe_ForNetLoadCl633LongTe_ReaNetLoadCl633LongTe_DynamicCl632LongTe_DynamicCl633LongTe_ADR6900 LongTe_StaticCheck40Check41Check43 Warning10arning10Cell129upYes4 $~($9d3ch_$ $~($9d3sh_$ozeP  ! Z LookupIDoc ;<  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;찈"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7:"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7CRNLamp_CompRegNumCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_LitManufCRNLamp_PrtNum DataPresentDigitalSignature Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceFormUs_ApplyCRNFormUs_VehAppvCRNFormUs_VehAppvTestLumino_BelowHrzLumino_InAboveHrzLumino_OnRefAxis MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYTestRe_CompNumTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2 TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ECEApp2TestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_ReportNumVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceVehAppv_VeclMakeVehAppv_VeclModelWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning17 Warning18 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21    7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumC;\ ;\=-N6 masterpage Lower (Hide_Status) <> 'received' Then '' Else CollapseColumn (MakeColumn (IFT (Check30 = '%',"Document Reference is empty"),IFT (Check30 = '',"Document Reference must not be more than 12 characters"),IFT (Check1 = '%',"Document date is empty"),IFT (Check1 = 'x',"Document date is incorrect"),IFT (Check35 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Make must not be more than 30 characters"),IFT (Check36 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Model must not be more than 30 characters"),IFT (Warning2 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Assembly is empty"),IFT (Warning3 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Adjusters is empty"),IFT (Check34 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Number of Seating Positions is empty"),IFT (Check34 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Number of Seating Positions must be within the range 1 to 5"),IFT (Check31 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Location of Seating Positions is empty"),IFT (Check31 = '',"Identification of Component Tested Location of Seating Positions must not be more the 100 characters"),IFT (Warning4 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Direction of Seat is empty"),IFT (Check29 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass is empty"),IFT (Check29 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass must be within the range 10 to 200 kg"),IFT (Warning6 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Hinged has not been answered"),IFT (Check42 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is empty"),IFT (Check42 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is incorrect"),IFT (Warning1 = '%',"ECE Approval R14 is empty"),IFT (Warning5 = '%',"ECE Approval R17 is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Number is empty"),IFT (Check4 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Test Results Test Report Date is greater than the document date"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Test Results Test Facility Number must have a prefix of T followed by four digits"),IFT (Check32 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT (Check32 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Name must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check33 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check33 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Address must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check2 = '%',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages must be within the range 0 to 10"),IFT (Check20 = '%',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Uppper Torso is empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Upper Torso must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check25 = '%',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint is empty"),IFT (Check25 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint only must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check37 = '%',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage is empty"),IFT (Check37 = 'x',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check38 = '%',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide is empty"),IFT (Check38 = 'x',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check7 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check41 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check40 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is incorrect"),IFT (Check17 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in forward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in forward direction Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"),IFT (Check19 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"),IFT (Check21 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is empty"),IFT (Check21 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is incorrect"),IFT (Warning12 = '%',"Rearward Moment Test Seat back supported by structure has not been answered"),IFT (Check22 = '%',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment is unusual"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment must be greater than or equal to 530 Nm"),IFT (Check28 = '%',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is empty"),IFT (Check28 = 'x',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is incorrect"))) End  88G G 4-Sq G,Arial ())If Lower (Hide_Status) <> 'received' Then(5 ''(AElse(Ml CollapseColumn (MakeColumn (IFT (Check30 = '%',"Document Reference is empty"),IFT (Check30 = '',"Document(YwReference must not be more than 12 characters"),IFT (Check1 = '%',"Document date is empty"),IFT (Check1 = 'x',"Document(endate is incorrect"),IFT (Check35 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Make must not be more than 30(qycharacters"),IFT (Check36 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Model must not be more than 30 characters"),IFT(}t(Warning2 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Assembly is empty"),IFT (Warning3 =('%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Adjusters is empty"),IFT (Check34 = '%',"Identification of(xComponent Tested Number of Seating Positions is empty"),IFT (Check34 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Number of(~Seating Positions must be within the range 1 to 5"),IFT (Check31 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Location of Seating(zPositions is empty"),IFT (Check31 = '',"Identification of Component Tested Location of Seating Positions must not be more(xthe 100 characters"),IFT (Warning4 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Direction of Seat is empty"),IFT (Check29 =(x'%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass is empty"),IFT (Check29 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat(yMass must be within the range 10 to 200 kg"),IFT (Warning6 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Hinged has(snot been answered"),IFT (Check42 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is empty"),IFT (Check42 =({'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is incorrect"),IFT (Warning1 = '%',"ECE Approval R14 is empty"),IFT(q(Warning5 = '%',"ECE Approval R17 is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Number is empty"),IFT(|(Check4 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Test Results Test Report Date is greater than the( }document date"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Test Results Test Facility({Number must have a prefix of T followed by four digits"),IFT (Check32 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT(%z(Check32 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Name must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check33 = '%',"Test Results Test(1{Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check33 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Address must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT(=(Check2 = '%',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Additional(I|Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Additional(UyLoads Lap Anchorages is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages must be within the range 0 to 10"),IFT(av(Check20 = '%',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Uppper Torso is empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Additional(mwLoads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Upper Torso must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check25 = '%',"Additional Loads(yLap Anchorage for pelvic restraint is empty"),IFT (Check25 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint only must(ybe within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check37 = '%',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage is empty"),IFT (Check37 =(z'x',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check38 = '%',"Additional Loads(xLoad Bearing Sash Guide is empty"),IFT (Check38 = 'x',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide must be within the range(t0 to 5"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check6 =(|'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse(z[Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT(|(Check10 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Longitudinal(zTest Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is(wunusual please check"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check7 =(y'%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass(}Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please( check"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Longitudinal Test(tMass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward(!{[Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT(-}(Check13 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check41 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load(9Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check40 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check14(E~= '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static(QqTest is incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check16 =(]~'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is incorrect"),IFT (Check17 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied(iin forward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in forward direction Static(u{Test must be greater than or equal to 20"),IFT (Check19 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction({Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Static Test must be(wgreater than or equal to 20"),IFT (Check21 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is empty"),IFT({(Check21 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is incorrect"),IFT (Warning12 = '%',"Rearward Moment(uTest Seat back supported by structure has not been answered"),IFT (Check22 = '%',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward(wmoment is unusual"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment must be greater than or equal to 530(xNm"),IFT (Check28 = '%',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is empty"),IFT (Check28 = 'x',"Test Load Duration shortest(duration is incorrect")))(End4 G$~($Nd3+h$ %G$~($jd36h$ G$~($d3@h$oP  ;\,L* G$~($d3+h$ %G$~($d36h$ G$~($d3@h$oP  ;\,L* G$~($bd3+h$ %G$~($nd36h$ G$~($zd3@h$oP  ;\,L( G$~($d3)h$ %G$~($d34h$ G$~($d3>h$oP  ;\,L) G$~($d3*h$ %G$~($d35h$ G$~($Fd3?h$oP  ;\,L) G$~($_@d3*h$ %G$~($_@d35h$ G$~($_@d3?h$oP  ;o7fvP @#' p#'0p'p# ''0'0P'Pp'p''0# '0'0'0' `' `@' @# '0"#'"%#'  Additional Loads   qba `  lIndicate the number of seating positions requiring additional loads to allow for Child Restraint Anchorages.  qb  p@@@'2''+' '' AddLoa_SeatPosNum  p0 VPlease indicate how many of each type of seat belt anchorages are located on the seat.  qb @ )Lap anchorages for a Lap belt system only  qb  ` ;Anchorages common to both pelvic and upper torso restraints  qb   JLap Anchorage provided for pelvic restraint only in a lap-sash belt system  qbB  ` 0 0Final Torso Anchorage or Harness Torso Anchorage  qb   0 Load bearing sash guide  qbm @p`@@'4''@' '' AddLoa_LapAnchNum  `p@@'5''@' '' AddLoa_LapSashNum  p @@'6''@' '' AddLoa_SashPelvicNum   p @@'7''@' '' AddLoa_FinTorsNum   p @@'8''@' '' AddLoa_LoadSashNum    Longitudinal Test Loads   qb P 1Mass of seat as tested in forward direction (kg)  qb ` p  Acceleration pulse (g)  qbc  @ 2Mass of seat as tested in rearward direction (kg)  qb  pP Acceleration pulse (g)  qbc p 5Net Longitudinal test load in forward direction (kN)  qb P 6Net Longitudinal test load in rearward direction (kN)  qb   #For hinged seats or seat backs only  qb @ CAcceleration applied to restraining device in forward direction (g)  @ @ ! @,Arial (J$Acceleration applied to restraining (Jdevice in forward direction (g) P % [Cl.]  33` " %[Cl.]  33@@ DAcceleration applied to restraining device in rearward direction (g)  @ @ @ @,Arial (J$Acceleration applied to restraining (J device in rearward direction (g) @P % [Cl.]  33P@ 1Forward load sustained by restraining device (kN)  ? ? ! ?,Arial (I-Forward load sustained by restraining device (I(kN) P % [Cl.]  33`@'<''@' '' LongTe_ForSeatMass1    @3 Title    @-  33 Check2 h6 h6 ? h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@> Title  @.  33 Check6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k`@@'E''@' '' LongTe_ForSeatMass1  @F Title  @0  33 Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0`@'?''@' '' LongTe_ForAccPulse1    @@ Title "   @6  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k`0@@'G''@' '' LongTe_ForAccPulse1    @H Title #   @8  33 Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0P`@'A''@' '' LongTe_RearSeatMass1  @@@B Title '@@ @>  33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0`P@@'I''@' '' LongTe_RearSeatMass1  @@@J Title (@@ @@  33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1Pp`@'C''@' '' LongTe_ReaAccPulse1  ``@D Title +`` @:  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kP`p@@'K''@' '' LongTe_ReaAccPulse1  ``@L Title ,`` @<  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@0 Dynamic test to  qbD @  Dynamic test to  qbD @!  Static test  qb, p@# @'M''@' '' LongTe_ForNetLoad  p@N Title -p @>  33 Check8 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@# @'O''@' '' LongTe_ReaNetLoad1  p@P Title 0p @C  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0@# @'Q''@' '' LongTe_ForIntLoad1  `p`@R Title 1`p` @E  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@0# @'S''@' '' LongTe_ReaIntLoad1  p@T Title 3p @I  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0@# @'U''@' '' LongTe_ForResLoad1  `p`@V Title 7`p` @M  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kp Rearward Moment Test   qb   -Is the seat back supported by the structure?   qb P `@'X''' '' RearMo_SeatSupYes   p No  qb  ` @Z Title 8`  @N   Warning6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n p@ Yes  qb P @'Y''' '' RearMo_SeatSupNo  !`"  7If No, report the total rearward moment applied to seat  qb !0"P`@'[''#@' '' RearMo_TotReaMom  !0"0@\ Title :!0"0 @U  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k23#P  Sheet 2 of 2   qb8 23 SE 03/00 Jan 2003    qb[  p % [Cl.]  33#@$  Test Load Duration   qbm $`%  <Please report the shortest duration of any static test load.  qb $`%  % [Cl.]  33$0 %P@@'^''0' '' Energy_ShortDuration  $`%  s  qb $0p%0@_ Title @$0p%0 @`  33 Check8 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k# @1  33PAddLoa_DataEntryAdvice1   3& !`" Nm  qb  p " @=  33PLongTe_DataEntryAdvice2   3& ``# @W  33PRearMo_DataEntryAdvice3   3& #$# @]  33PEnergy_DataEntryAdvice4   3& @@@c Title @@ @-  33  Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kpp@d Title pp @-  33  Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @e Title   @-  33  Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @f Title    @-  33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @g Title    @-  33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp`@ @$h$$@$ $$ LongTe_ForNetLoadCl633  `@ @$i$$@$ $$ LongTe_ReaNetLoadCl633   @'9''' '' LongTe_DynamicCl632  @':''' '' "LongTe_DynamicCl632   @';''' '' $ LongTe_Static    CIndicate to which method the longitudinal test loads are performed:  "  "  h6 " ,Arial (,5Indicate to which method the longitudinal test loads (,are performed: '@j Title , @<  33& Check8 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@k Title # @8  33' Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k P@l Title = P @Z  33( Check43 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k00@@m Title 00@ @-  33)  Warning10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@ [Cl.]  330  [Cl.]  33!  [Cl. 3.3.2]  33P0p @'w @'   8  A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V  p@ Licensee's Ref  qbA P002 33P0p @'w @'   8  A! Manufacturer's Name   OPV  p@ Licensee's Ref  A 3' ' 3333 ',Arial ( [Cl. 3.3.2]P0p @'w @'   8  A! Manufacturer's Name  X~T  `@ Licensee's Ref  LDBA 0 @8  33' Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k`@q Title =` @Z  33( Check43 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k00@@r Title 00@ @-  33)  Warning10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (o n(| i( n# @\  33PRearMo_DataEntryAdvice3   Z$%/ #$# @b  33PEnergy_DataEntryAdvice4   Z$%/ &@'@# @e  33PEnergy_DataEntryAdvice5   Z$%/ @@@uv Title @@ @-  33  Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kpp@w Title pp @-  33  Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k @x Title   @-  33  Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k  @y Title    @-  33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k  @z Title    @-  33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(kp0 @${$$@$ $$ LongTe_ForNetLoadCl633  0 @$|$$@$ $$ LongTe_ReaNetLoadCl633  P@'9''' '' LongTe_DynamicCl632  `@':''' '' "LongTe_DynamicCl632  0@';''' '' #LongTe_ADR6900   @!@'<''' '' $ LongTe_Static   CIndicate to which method the longitudinal test loads are performed:  "  "  pj " ,Arial (,4Indicate to which method the longitudinal test loads(,are performed: '0@Q} Title ,0 @<  33& Check8 h6 h6 "  h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k0@~ Title #0 @8  33' Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k`@ Title =` @Z  33( Check43 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k00@@ Title 00@ @-  33)  Warning10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (o n(| i( n`pp@`  $Title  E`pp @  +p`$Title   ?P M@hGC;\R;\ O;\?;\|  B@X4 g%4 X4 g%4 02@Q~(7AHd3Ih@ B@X4 g%4 X4 g%4 X4 g%4 03@E~(7ARHd3h@ 04@E~(7AnHd3h@ frontQ~(7AId3h@ qptsn@ ;\T,;\;\;\;\  ;\  `;\  ;\D  $;\  t;\;\8;\;\ ;\;\H;\;\p;\;\4;\;\;\;\L ;\!;\";\#;\$ %!;\&"x;\'#;\<()*$(;\+%;\,&;\-';\.(;\/);\0*t;\1+@2,;\3-;\|33>;\d- 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E _d36hD 7QA~(EF_d3NhD 7QA~(Ej_d3ghD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E6_d3hD 7QA~(EN_d3hD 7QA~(Ef_d3hD 7QA~(E~_d30hD 7QA~(E_d3phD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E2_d3hD 7QA~(EJ_d3hD 7QA~(Eb_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(ER_d3OhD 7QA~(E_d3ihD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(EB_d3hD 7QA~(Er_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E&_d3hD 7QA~(EV_d3hD 7QA~(E_d35hD 7QA~(E:_d3NhD 7QA~(E_d3ghD 7QA~(EZ_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E>_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d3 hD 7QA~(E_d3hD 7QA~(E_d33hD 7QA~(E*_d3KhD 7QA~(Ez_d3chD 7QA~(E:Zd3{hD 7QA~(E^Zd3hD 7QA~(EZd3hD 7QA~(EZd3hD 7QA~(EZd3hD3fdxtTow @v  7  PTrigger  3&  00 @  Hide_ForwLongStaticTest  0` @p  Hide_ExemptionApplicable   #'!#')1#'" (#'$%!0'$`%' @'' ' '' Hide_ECEApproved  ` @pP Title  `  @ 0  o `1  DataPresent  3&7   p Document   qb;   P ?*Licensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters)  '   @` `@'  @'   d  A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V  @P`"@@'  '  (e p "P >Date (dd/mm/yyyy)       @ @ @  Title  @ @ @  f Check30 h6 h6 4-Sq h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @"P@#@ Title  @"P@# @  g Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kpp "Identification of Component Tested   qb Pp@@ Title Pp@ @  33h  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(rP@p@ Title P@p @  33i  MainCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e "` SE 03/00 December 2012   qbw  P P! *Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    ` Manufacturer's Part No.  qbm  @'''&' '' j%&IdComT_ManufSeatAsse  3&p p @'''&' '' k%&IdComT_ManufSeatAdjust  3&u  p  Seat Assembly  qbB p! 'Seat Adjusters (If not fitted note N/A)  qb ` $Which direction does the seat face?   qb p 0@'''' '' nIdComT_SeatDirect  P# (If the seat swivels and can be used in transport front-facing and rear-facing, the seat must be tested installed facing in both directions. Indicate here the direction being reported in this form.) (If side-facing, no further responses required.)  F F ! F,Arial ((If the seat swivels and can be used in transport front-facing and rear-facing, the seat must be tested installed facing in both (Fdirections. Indicate here the direction being reported in this form.) (0(If side-facing, no further responses required.)$% '$P% E   qb $%@"#  q!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: F  :t,Arial (!*Test Facility (,*No.$%  ECE Approval  qb> $`%p'$%p E   qb $%pP@$#  t!# Test Facility No.   :t  t:  :t,Arial (!*Test Facility (,*No.$%`  ECE Approval  qb> $!P%"@! Title  $!P%" @  u Warning5 h6 h6  :t h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n+`,@'*,)'  v*,* Test Facility No.  3&G .10 @'-$.' $$ Pw-p.  Test Facility Name  3&R .`10!@'/$(p' $$ Px'(q"    3& +,`@''', ' '' y+@,! Test Report No.  3&F + @,@'(+'  (z*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     h6 ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) + @+@ *Test Report Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    +,0@, Title  +,0 @  { Check5 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k+0,`@) Title  +0,` @  33| Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k.!/"@0 Title  .!/" @  33} Check33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k)*P  Test Results   qbG + `+ Test Facility No.  qbG + +0 Test Report No.  qbF . /@. Title  . / @  33~ Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k+, @+ Title +, @  33 Warning8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n&( ! (If certified to ECE R17/02 and R14/02 (if applicable) with no child restraint loading and is a front-facing seat which is not a "folding seat ", no further response required.)  LL`( `( h6 `(,Arial (r{(If certified to ECE R17/02 and R14/02 (if applicable) with no child restraint loading and is a front-facing seat which is (~5not a "folding seat ", no further response required.)2`3#`  Sheet 1 of 2   qb; `   Seat mass  qb/ 0 pP@''' ' '' IdComT_SeatMass  `   kg  qb   @! Is seat back hinged?  qb[   `!0 @'''' '' IdComT_SeatHingedYes    `!0 @'''' '' IdComT_SeatHingedNo   P ! No  qb   P!0 If yes, seat back mass  qbc  p!0@'''' '' IdComT_SeatBackMass   @! kg  qb  @p@ Title @p @'   Warning2 h6 h6 `( h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n @!p@ Title  @!p @(   Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( npp@ Title pp @)   Warning4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n00@@ Title 00@ @*   Check29 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  !@ Title   ! @+   Warning6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gr(t n( i( n !@ Title  ! @,   Check42 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @ )Number of Seating Positions for this seat  X X h6 X,Arial (j Number of Seating Positions for (v this seat0 PP@'''' '' IdComT_NumSeatPos   8Location(s) of Seating Position(s) in Vehicle (describe)  p p X p,Arial (#Location(s) of Seating Position(s) (in Vehicle (describe) "@''' ' '' dIdComT_LocationsSeatPos  "#@ Title "# @(   Check31 h6 h6 p h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!300@ Title 00 @'   Check34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k'`p( ! % [Cl. 3.4]  33)p*p# @&  33PTestRe_DataEntryAdvice   3& $% R-14   qb $ P%p@##  p!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: h6  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No.$%0@  Title $%0 @  r Warning1 h6 h6  :t h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n$% R-17   qb $%p! @%#  (s!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: h6  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No.-`.Test Facility Address  qb\ -.Test Facility Name  qbR  @@! Yes  qb "#  ECE Approval   qbP Pp@ Title Pp @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6  :t h6, Wingdings  (en(tg(t @ Title  A @m  33 0 LengthMessage  3&G "## @`  33PTestRe_DataEntryAdvice   3& @p *Vehicle Make (Optional)   @p *Vehicle Model (Optional)    P@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V p"@@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V @a Title  @   Check30 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"P#@b Title "P# @   Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ @  D:*Summary of Evidence Report - Australian Design Rule 03/00   @ DSeats and Seat Anchorages^3 3^ h6 ^3,Arial (x=Seats and Seat (= Anchorages@@x @   9  A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V p!0 @y @   :  A! Manufacturer's Name  3&V R ZBP001,Arial (x=Seats and Seat(= Anchorages Call UTIL_FillCodesList(CODE_COUNTRY, cboOPostCountry) Call UTIL_FillCodesList(CODE_TITLE, cboContTitle) Call UTIL_FillCodesList(CODE_PARTSTATUS, cboStatus) cboStatus = DEFAULT_STATUS End Sub Private Sub cmdParticLinks_Click() frmPartLinks.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdAuthrse_Click() frmAuthorise.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Call ARCH_CancelChanges(Me, 0) End Sub Private Sub cmdHelp_Click() Call ARCH_GetContextHelp End Sub Private Sub cmdTradName_Click() frmRegTrd.CallingForm = Me frmRegTrd.Show 1 On Error GoTo cmdTradName_Error 'handles err 9 on frmRegTrd close with erased array If mblnTradingNameChange Then lblTradName = mstrTradingName(0) txtPartACN.SetFocus cmdTradName_Exit: Exit Sub cmdTradName_Error: If mblnTradingNameChange Then lblTradName = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim intSuccess As Boolean intSuccess = ARCH_SaveParticipant(Me) End Sub Private Sub SetContextHelp() Me.HelpContextID = HELP_REG_AGENT End Sub Public Sub SetGUI(Optional ByVal strAddssType As String = "Local") Call USER_ToggleAddresses(Me, strAddssType) End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() gobjRVCS.CurrentPartID = UTIL_IDStoredFormat(lblPartId) gobjRVCS.CurrentPartName = txtPartName gobjRVCS.CurrentPartStatus = cboStatus gobjRVCS.CurrentPartType = TYPE_AGENT Call USER_SetMainMenus(Me) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call Initialise Call SetContextHelp End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) mstrImage = "" End Sub Private Sub Label8_Click() End Sub Private Sub tabAgent_Click(PreviousTab As Integer) ' Adjust tab order of command buttons If tabAgent.Tab = 0 Then Call USER_CmdTabResequence(Me, txtGenEMail.TabIndex + 1) txtPartName.SetFocus Else Call USER_CmdTabResequence(Me, chkRegAgentList.TabIndex + 1) cboContTitle.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub txtBusinessNo_GotFocus() Call UTIL_SelectText End Sub Private Sub txtComments_GotFocus() Call UTIL_SelectText End Sub Private Sub txtContEMail_GotFocus() C}%[BgPNG  IHDR pHYsodtEXtSoftwareAdobe ImageReadyqe<~IDATx^+=oRB[BJp )%tRBJx3ǙI,V:纏%HbO<_2Z:#`0F#`˿ d!-0F#`0F 'a /7d0F#`05"Gjጀ0F#`0F('Q~#`0F#iLq?m_l4 WųonX#`0F#`0}?-)+/^:Q?GB#`0F#`>)5탵&6m W1.Y#`0F#`0};zoZ~,0F#`0@JwMY~,0F#`0@J" $$,#`0F#iLq?>BQŹ\p$~tTr=#`0F#XLqT^SǪyKHoF#`0FǶ1}Дޘ|, JKJ#`0F#`>)=RV_s[^.&g|QiqUx#`0F#`_Lq,yad '>zү e<8wM$+wwy#`0F#`) XkLqThmo[,_K;2d^vŘ-fP\X-#`0F#`{?(+~kXƷOU4W\`}ŗ Ƈ*k]@\#`0F"`{00)(+7~n?";xGk#`0FC@˟:?`.Ӟ@#`0F#`~Sv r\ґ`ͺ F#`0F'0} ERyWYʷɡN#`0F#~LqR\Y\ULN-#`0F#pSKSvAWIEW#`0F#`E곸ޫg o3z#`0F#0ŭLbuxo)5B0wW]UV#`0F@R""u~/kHQlݻ F#`0F$KLOg."E20F#`0)RWŽA S`/eݯ %]/F#`0F0ŝtJؑqp0F#`Lq\v?[(8x3v#`0F#N7N6B`/^ @3olSMEcRF#`0FNpIqWɌuO Zn8#wAsy#`0F#'^3|ϣ5]„.zC9]QquB03NKh0F#`(R_!+|*80>tRwp)& ²#`0FBMD=r&PC7=LLa̚;_ar_6F#`0OF#` z"iTVG|+JǛŊv0PPNBu,AfR\9F"z}=X 4F#`0Fi|>D CN5t_2Eyhŀj#Ԭ #`0F#VhD!R'ٌ")]=,yTHo[ynjt)R\DqI;/6F#`08qZ _&غ1UB}KJ*+g&|##`0F<WQx֝OCːMj,_;sh['ZӞOז< oU #`0F#(^Eq$[t_+@zn{(_t8eCQx0F#`0FFU,BiR+SJ-Ad8OqqT7ǾQ\ G&) LFq4 B9Vl6DJݮ0F#`0}^Hq<~:tNW^ &`\J(@Wj yW0kxI%*➻9\gJǭ,.}XuI#`0F#`x!}A"]S"o(bvpU+@D!T_oYQ\ _DÑt* '*&'0F] ӯI8#~K"o S4F#`0DU7E5| , G D I΋[<."ڧтr@17]V❣Q5P8-_ h}DhVJv[#`0F#`EU7F:|=#oq}{ @;JnD`qB"Ĉ(!<媌0F"*.p>ch:I*r/yR\&zƚS(GQ\R3F%"4GWeax{CLc0qgCFjEjN V?[(5@,=5kӨ[ pJc6_P<_]SG设)ŗ#`HL“A\9p,sl4tɉ{@{|~SFt0"Ž֎@iUڊ۹ )/27Wo~O;C.%{EK^luԺW<74m rua)gG[8C Wk(n@4,(p?WQ\`Nr"I+um;*%g$*IAtaDeUQL|8q z(OX,OLF]&72iE]tI[\];LhH̟ElFen@=voBt K2^Hqڍ_Q\ԦH >%be2ƼܱXtda~̿1'68UftKWjUۢo4Ss#Zl7ꪌ"^KqUiF P>ΰ 3vI_ŢS糧$^HqYۘa(WRQ?!^ƶ{cF:}\8FCz` D dx$gCy-%u2%ԑH!?}PYDDD4m`Z(nr1:Q\Lq gDDDnQ 4\W }XaVH=FmR\[)Jy wG6}!u2iذ4p P\-qHv:GFխT}2+^Wd$"IW7IO9!K6pK畖3]auK ]ݴ,K;nRx7:p'(.'=88̜O+o.L}A FCz,0Z#`~{(.fՔ<^@x8DD^ߍNˣ@nʋ O={2$KM3Ŀb2Ȅf/Tqw:Fc|NA4}xjػhHҔ8?3C~I ` p%pi@2K 0:W:x5y>#d&F (b27l c)x WtV2tJ߀| k#R ߋS,\v=azo_vn۴zPLqJqg"K33TF|wR\lxs nTd1`lb[XXIcy( )Jӧ;q ƮlJ /eCS$:bӆJ/J]yoR\LDj uBBqd/:NMC(!DBAZwp8lU}x}nF~]HscQAX!q.MMwUqQbxh40iˡ0'P!ǔ0x1HXWǎ{7F|;).Yu\EVqxհxKJlZѼõ_'JBq!c !Qܕ/S !^>M9uz"B +>;t:@tìNXHᴥx)*Ga6EƈYuw:Z];%-9M ]H;$$+z6N·dpʅ|~?ީ)wPhQ ɶ 3&q,'`qf9B= V`Ii!JhDfR1p8wfX-n1*6.o7"p'T&PE y=Lgo/X_Q{e[,lpEqW[+˳O2_I7$s$*Q"r2₄S68q"iBL#WZ$oR\ + 8i6>LH`NE@>ey8jt4/ZHӆڕUW"q=b8ZS*&.Hsow:jcI7~Ka Pxx yb8#`W p'&VE2a /]tŜM"+"3fe؋Fa~dXu*2Z]xrj5RC$䜡PP ez\@Oy5+h[km]1,_]8 0{{i dꅯ-[}$<`5UNY' "q8 dn2Hӑt #`GBzUùZGmhXe #h1JI`LUAM$v,0j礃vɧN f5s8\0F"wR\r-߰sz2=:>=FF`lSMq\wy$",/t}C+;p+wLUL7P\1pI6Ir>4v)n[?byc:ZGVN{PURڕ+Z108 jӳD4OqcIS'G7*o0ZW78 dh"iYN h\VDZLw+<*>۹nEp\0Bq!I"wxc=Һb/n/ *(x] +zUj}t8? %UnT& g_ALqq onR\ԃµy#:i@օ;C͏9NOS0_ۿnTTQ)[6S8qnޭ\] x.r,.$Oءoq "Ab0}檕ӛwnT`k*jt5^VKVa%@}i`W=Y]ty#`4Aq :`7˷Sc! 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Positions is emptydIdentification of Component Tested Location of Seating Positions must not be more the 100 characters=Identification of Component Tested Direction of Seat is empty5Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass is emptyRIdentification of Component Tested Seat Mass must be within the range 10 to 200 kgIIdentification of Component Tested Seat Back Hinged has not been answered:Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is empty>Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is incorrect(Test Results Test Report Number is empty&Test Results Test Report Date is empty?Test Results Test Report Date is greater than the document date*Test Results Test Facility Number is emptyQTest Results Test Facility Number must have a prefix of T followed by four digits(Test Results Test Facility Name is emptyBTest Results Test Facility Name must not be more the 80 characters+Test Results Test Facility Address is emptyETest Results Test Facility Address must not be more the 80 charactersPAdditional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads is emptygAdditional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads must be within the range 0 to 5(Additional Loads Lap Anchorages is empty@Additional Loads Lap Anchorages must be within the range 0 to 10EAdditional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Uppper Torso is empty[Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Upper Torso must be within the range 0 to 5Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrectGLongitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please checkLongitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrectGLongitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please checkhDn@pL;\M;\@;\hGh;\C;\R`;\OL;\?8;\R B@1} 1} 02gg}SiD8gIggg B@1} 1} 1} 02jeg}SiD8gjegje frontg}SiD8gdgd qptsn@ F;\8;\T;\+0 ;\  ;\  ;\  ;\D  h;\  ;\,;\;\;\;\ d;\;\\(;\;\;\;\;\;\t;\;\L 8;\!;\";\#;\$ ;\%&'(!;\)";\<*#H;\+$;\x,% ;\-&;\.'(;\/(;\0);\1*;\,11>;\@* A~(#2d3h$ 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Further responses are required.q@C@ p;\ ;\( 2~(G3Sd3h2 B@'>=L '>=Lf4zS2d3G3E2412~(G3SSd3Sh2f4zS2d3G3E2f4zS2d3G3E2SECE country code must be within the range 1 to 99. Further responses are required.t@L+@ ;\ ;\<;\ ;\ GavR7 C;\ ,;\ R;\ Ox;\ d;\ ;\X P;\  ;\ (;\;\;\+x fgd}SiD.ffgf B@XR1} XR1} % hg}SiD.fU hg h eg4}SiD.fuege %fg}SiD.ffgf Jfg}SiD.fJfgJf ggd}SiD.fggg XR1} 02gg}SiD.fggg %gg}SiD.fggg frontg$}SiD.f3BhgBh %ag}SiD.fZaga %ag}SiD.fiaga agL}SiD.fyagatsnW;\@ 4;\T|B|;\4;\  ;\ ;\  7Q~(Evokd3hD NEW7Q~(Eokd38hD ####~(Eokd3phDf4:ok7Qd3EED 7Q~(Eokd3xhDf4:ok7Qcd3EED517Qe~(Eokd3.hDf4$:ok7Qcd3E$EDf4*:ok7Qd3E*EDf40:ok7Qd3E0EDTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 4 digits, or in the case of a new test facility must be the word "NEW".v@ ;\`Fw   $~($Vg)d3h_$f4&g)$d3$E_$01$~($6g)d36h_$f4&g)$d3$E_$6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.ze  X;\ @T;\;\h;\ TX;\B;\ 0;\  ;\;\  7Q~(EJ7kd3hD %7Qq~(Ez7kd3YhD 7Qq~(E7kd3ghD NEW7Q ~(E7kd3hD ####~(EF7kd3hDf4$&7k7Q!d3E$ED 7Q#~(E7kd3hD x7Qq~(E7kd3hD 7Qq~(E7kd3hD 7Q~(E7kd3hDvo  ;\ @7|;\ 7Q~(Ejd3hD %7Qq~(Ejd3WhD 7Qq~(Ejd3ehD x7Q~(Ejd3hD 7Q~(Ejd3hDzoe ;\ ;\ "G;\D;\;\ 7Q~(Eld3hD %7Qq~(Eld3]hD 7Qq~(Eld3khD Ĵy&.7Q 7Q~(Eld3hD 7Q~(Eld3hDxo ;\ d;\ @[NDh;\T;\!OT 7Q~(Ekd3hD %7Qq~(Ekd3ZhD 7Qq~(Ekd3hhD Ĵy&.7Q 7Q~(Ekd3hD 7Q~(Ekd3hDwoD x ;\ $;\ @;\;\  7Q~(EZjd3OhD %7Qq~(Efjd3\hD 7Qq~(Erjd3jhD 7Q~(E~jd3zhDoy @ t;\ ;\( 5~(56=d3hg5 G@?8vL G@?8vLf4=5d35Eg5N,15~(50~=d30hg5f4=5d35Eg5f4=5d35Eg50Seat mass must be within the range 10 to 200 kg.@$h !;\;\  ;\  D;\ ;\;\    ;\;\D ;\$$  _,~(,3d3h,f4 3_,d3, E,-1_,~(,23d32h, B@7F6 LL _,~(,3d3h, 7F6 LLf4$3_,d3,$E,-1_,~(,-3d3-<h, _,~(,3d3Zh, 7F6 LL  kg.,~(,Z3d3xh,f4<3_,d3,<E,f4D3_,d3,DE,2Seat back mass not required if seat is not hinged.-Seat back mass must be within the range 1 to @" Z @T  G$~($&d32h$ %G$q~($&d3?h$ G$q~($&d3Mh$ G$~($&d3]h$oj" Z @T  G$~($j&d34h$ %G$q~($&d3Ah$ G$q~($&d3Oh$ G$~($&d3_h$ok" Z ;\@T  7Q~(EJd3/hD %7Qq~(EJd3<hD 7Qq~(E&Jd3JhD 7Q~(E2Jd3ZhDonP R;\O;\ T ;\;\| ;\ ;\;\;\R 7Q~(E2Jd3hD sideQ~(EJd3`hD %7Qq~(EJd3nhD 7Qq~(E^Jd3|hD y&.7Q y&.7Q x7Q~(EJd3hD 7Q~(EJd3hDon T;\ , R;\TOh D;\ ;\|L;\ 8;\ sideQ~(ERJd3}hD %7Qq~(E^Jd3hD 7Qq~(EjJd3hD 7Q~(EvJd3hDon"R;\O, ;\ @ T  ;\p;\;\H;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ o|  side,~(,n3d3Ah, _,~(,3d3~h, %_,q~(,3d3h, B@y&._, _,~(,^3d3h, y&._, x_,q~(,3d3h, _,q~(,3d3h, _,~(,3d3h, on,@ p;\ ;\ ;\( .~(G/"Wd3h. 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Further responses are required.p@:"@ p;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ Mh;\ ;\  @;\ ,;\ ;\  @~(7A/!d3h@ B@y&.@ y&.@ %@q~(7A"/!d3Uh@ @~(7A/!d3uh@ %@q~(7A/!d3h@ @q~(7A/!d3h@ @~(7A~/!d3h@ 02@~(7A/!d3h@ %@q~(7A./!d3h@ %@q~(7AZ/!d3h@ @~(7AJ/!d3h@qpG=bGl;\C;\T ;\H;\R4;\OX;\ D;\ ;\ R8;\ O ;\  8;\;\D R;\X Ol ;\ p;\ ;\ h;\ ;\ ;\,;\;\;\  ;\4,;\7;\\=  ؇^}SiDʇ؇^؇ .^}}&aT 02&^}SiDʇP&^&}X0Hʇ^8}sD fc|%14^8}SiDʇNN4^4 frontg@}SiDʇjegje}X0H.ʇ^8}sD+(%1eg8}SiDʇ(a(ege frontg}SiDʇege  seat is front facingege egL}SiDʇege frontg}SiDʇege  andegL}SiDʇege fgL}SiDʇfgf  seat back is not hinged.g f ..fgL}SiDʇV.fg.f%115~(5KW=d3Khg5f4W=5d35Eg5f4W=5d35Eg5KLap anchorages for a Lap belt system only must be within the range 0 to 10.@L@ p;\;\ ;\( 5~(56=d3hg5 001,01 LK@001,01f4=5d35Eg515~(5\=d3\hg5f4=5d35Eg5f4=5d35Eg5\Anchorages common to both pelvic and upper torso restraints must be within the range 0 to 5.@[;\@ ;\8;\ ;\( 5~(5OXd3hg5 G@?8vL LK@G@?8vLf4bOX5d35Eg515~(5k[d3khg5f4bOX5d35Eg5f4bOX5d35Eg5kLap Anchorage provided for pelvic restraint only in a lap-sash belt system must be within the range 0 to 5.@A@ p;\;\ ( 5~(5d3hg5 $31 31 LK@$31 31f4~5d35Eg515~(5Qd3Qhg5f4~5d35Eg5f4~5d35Eg5QFinal Torso Anchorage or Harness Torso Anchorage must be within the range 0 to 5.@(@ p;\;\ ;\( 5~(5V?=d3hg5 0f0f LK@0f0ff42?=5d35Eg515~(58?=d38hg5f42?=5d35Eg5f42?=5d35Eg58Load bearing sash guide must be within the range 0 to 5.@D/;\B@ ;\ 0;\" ;\;\;\  0 d;\ ;\XP;\ <;\   ;\;\;\$;\/N _,~(,'3d3h, B@7v6 LLf4^'3_,d3,E,01_,~(,M6'3d3Mh,f4"^'3_,d3,"E,>1_,~(,MZ'3d3Mhh,  kg.,~(,~'3d3h, 7v6 LLf4:^'3_,d3,:E,L1_,~(,T'3d3T.h, 7v6 LL  kg. Please check.d3_h,f4P^'3_,d3,PE,f4Z^'3_,d3,ZE,MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.2 not selected as test method.MMass of seat as tested in forward direction must be greater than or equal to TMass of seat as tested in forward direction would normally be less than or equal to (@ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\|d;\;\ ;\( 5~(5od3Phg5 %5q~(5od3]hg5 y&.5 LK@y&.5 x5q~(5od3hg5 5q~(5od3hg5 5~(5od3hg5o6 ;\ T;\ ;\T |>;\;\p;\;\ \;\;\ ;\0|  ~(#.d3_h$ q~(#.d3kh$ ~(#.d3h$ %q~(#.d3h$ xq~(#>.d3h$ y&. %q~(#.d3h$ q~(#.d3%h$ ~(#.d35h$ o( IQ* ,<;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\0 D0;\ <  ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\t;\;\4;\\$;\ ;\;\;\;\;\);\E;\K;\$Q .~(O/Od3h.f4 zO.d3O/ E.1.~(O/MOd3Mh.f4zO.d3O/E.1.~(O/MOd3MMh.  kg..~(O/Od3hh. .~(O/"Od3h.1.~(O/`^Odna&h.  kN..~(O/Od3Kh. .~(O/Od3Nh. 7877Lf4NzO.d3O/NE.1.~(O/jOd3jh. .~(O/Od3$h.1.~(O/`Odnah.  kN..~(O/*Od3h. .~(O/6Od3h. .~(O/NOd3 h.f4zO.d3O/E. 1.~(O/Q~Od3Qh.  kN..~(O/Od3h.f4zO.d3O/E.f4zO.d3O/E.MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.3 not selected as test method.MMass of seat as tested in forward direction must be greater than or equal to ` Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to jMass of seat as tested in forward direction would normally be less than or equal to 200 kg. Please check.` Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to QNet Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to  "@B ;\? ;\ T|;\;\ ;\;\( .~(G/5d3jh. %.q~(G/5d3wh. x.q~(G/B5d3h. y&.. %.q~(G/r5d3h. .q~(G/~5d3h. .~(G/5d3h. o"!J(;\B@ L;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\D!  _,~(,?3d3h, B@7~6 LLf4?3_,d3,E,0_,~(,M6?3d3Mh, 1-7~6 LLf4"?3_,d3,"E,0_,~(,UZ?3d3Uch, }x@7~6 LLf4.?3_,d3,.E,0_,~(,k?3d3kh,f44?3_,d3,4E,f4>?3_,d3,>E,MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.2 not selected as test method.UDynamic test to Clause 6.3.2 acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.kDynamic test to Clause 6.3.2 acceleration pulse would normally be less than or equal to 25g. Please check.(@" ;\?;\T |;\;\ D;\;\ 0;\;\ ;\  ~(#g2d3_h$ q~(#no2d3kh$ ~(#w2d3h$ %q~(#w2d3h$ 1-y&. xq~(#w2d3h$ }x@y&. %q~(#w2d3h$ q~(#f2d3h$ ~(#r2d3h$ o(I ,h;\ ;\ 8;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\8;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\4;\\;\p;\ 4;\%;\= ;\C!7I .~(O/Nd3h.f4 N.d3O/ E.0.~(O/MNd3Mh. 1-7877Lf4N.d3O/E.0.~(O/U6Nd3UHh. .~(O/NNd3mh.0.~(O/`~Ndnah.  kN..~(O/Nd3+h. .~(O/Nd3.h. 7877Lf4FN.d3O/FE.0.~(O/kNd3kh. .~(O/Nd3h.0.~(O/`2Ndnah.  kN..~(O/JNd3h. .~(O/VNd3h.f4tN.d3O/tE.0.~(O/QzNd3Qth. kN..~(O/Nd3h.f4N.d3O/E.f4N.d3O/E.MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.3 not selected as test method.UDynamic test to Clause 6.3.3 acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.` Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to kDynamic test to Clause 6.3.3 acceleration pulse would normally be less than or equal to 99g. Please check.` Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to QNet Longitudinal test load in forward direction must be greater than or equal to "@h ;\?;\ T|;\ ;\;\  ;\R .~(G/:G6d3jh. %.q~(G/FG6d3wh. 1-y&.. x.q~(G/G6d3h. y&.. %.q~(G/G6d3h. .q~(G/G6d3h. .~(G/G6d3h.o"F/;\8B;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\$;\  ;\0 ;\ ;\X;\ ;\   ;\;\;\$;\/N _,~(,zo3d3h, B@7n 6 LLf4Jo3_,d3,E,0_,~(,Mo3d3Mh,f4"Jo3_,d3,"E, 0_,~(,No3d3Nkh,  kg.,~(,o3d3h, 7n 6 LLf4:Jo3_,d3,:E,0_,~(,URo3d3U3h, 7n 6 LL  kg. Please check.d3dh,f4PJo3_,d3,PE,f4ZJo3_,d3,ZE,MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.2 not selected as test method.NMass of seat as tested in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to UMass of seat as tested in rearward direction would normally be less than or equal to (@6 ;\?;\T |;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ 0|  ~(#.d3_h$ q~(#.d3kh$ ~(#.d3h$ %q~(#.d3h$ xq~(#J.d3h$ y&. %q~(#.d3h$ q~(#.d3(h$ ~(#.d38h$ o( e ,O;\,;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\   ;\D  ;\X l  ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\ |;\ ;\4 ;\H@;\ ;\p,;\;\ ;\;\;\;\;\ ;\;\ ;\$ d;\;\` <;\;\t;\  ;\d;\7;\YP;\_;\e .~(O/oUd3h.f4 >oU.d3O/ E. 0.~(O/MoUd3Mh.f4>oU.d3O/E. 0.~(O/PoUd3PRh.  kg..~(O/oUd3mh. .~(O/oUd3h. h78f77L 0.~(O/avoUdnb/h. h78f77L  kN..~(O/oUd3Uh. .~(O/oUd3Xh. 78f77Lf4Z>oU.d3O/ZE. 0.~(O/^6oUd3^h. .~(O/oUd3#h. h78f77L 0.~(O/aoUdnbh. h78f77L  kN..~(O/ oUd3h. .~(O/"oUd3h. .~(O/oUd3h. h78f77Lf4>oU.d3O/E. 0.~(O/RJoUd3Rh. h78f77L  kN..~(O/oUd3h.f4>oU.d3O/E.f4>oU.d3O/E.MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.3 not selected as test method.PMass of seat as tested in a rearward direction must be greater than or equal to a Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to ^Mass of seat as tested in a rearward direction would normally be less than or equal to 200 kg.a Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to RNet Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to "@B ;\?;\ T|;\Vg L;\8;\( .~(G/7d3kh. %.q~(G/7d3xh. x.q~(G/7d3h. y&.. %.q~(G/*7d3h. .q~(G/Z7d3h. .~(G/J7d3h. o"!J;\B@ X;\ 0;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\D!  _,~(,"d3h, B@76 LLf4"_,d3,E,0_,~(,MV"d3Mh, 1-76 LLf4""_,d3,"E,"0_,~(,U:"d3Uch, }x@76 LLf4."_,d3,.E,00_,~(,k"d3kh,f44"_,d3,4E,f4>"_,d3,>E,MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.2 not selected as test method.UDynamic test to Clause 6.3.2 acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.kDynamic test to Clause 6.3.2 acceleration pulse would normally be less than or equal to 25g. Please check.(@" ;\?$;\T |;\ ;\ p;\;\ ;\  ~(#-d3_h$ q~(#-d3kh$ ~(#-d3h$ %q~(#-d3h$ 1-y&. xq~(#~-d3h$ }x@y&. %q~(#-d3h$ q~(#-d3h$ ~(#-d3h$ o( a ,M$8;\ ;\;\ (M;\ $;\  ;\  ;\;\0 D  ;\X;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\;\   d;\ HP;\ <;\;\?;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\;\L;\`  ;\X;\7;\UD;\[;\a .~(O/;d3h.f4 ;.d3O/ E.,0.~(O/M;d3Mh. 1-78f77Lf4;.d3O/E.:0.~(O/U.;d3UHh. .~(O/^;d3mh. h78f77LH0.~(O/a;dnb h. h78f77L  kN..~(O/N;d30h. .~(O/f;d33h. 78f77Lf4R;.d3O/RE.V0.~(O/\;d3\h. .~(O/;d3h. h78f77Ld0.~(O/a;dnbh. h78f77L  kN..~(O/v;d3h. .~(O/;d3h. .~(O/;d3h. h78f77Lf4;.d3O/E.r0.~(O/R ;d3Rh. h78f77L  kN..~(O/;d3h.f4;.d3O/E.f4;.d3O/E.MEntry not required when dynamic test to Cl 6.3.3 not selected as test method.UDynamic test to Clause 6.3.3 acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.a Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to \Dynamic test to Clause 6.3.3 acceleration pulse would normally be less than or equal to 99g.a Additionally, Net Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to RNet Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to "@h ;\?;\ T|;\;\ |;\h;\R .~(G/xd3jh. %.q~(G/xd3wh. 1-y&.. x.q~(G/6xd3h. y&.. %.q~(G/Zxd3h. .q~(G/fxd3h. .~(G/rxd3h.o";6 ,5HR;\|O ;\;\5;\x;\ ;\d;\RP;\ O<;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\ h;\;\   ;\;\*;\0t;\6x 0~(!7d3h1f4 f70d3! E1p 00~(!F7d3Fh1 front~(!J7d3h1f4"f70d3!"E1~ 00~(!cV7d3ch1 00~(!/n7d3/h1 h-W,KL rear0~(!7d3@h1f4Hf70d3!HE1 00~(!c7d3ch1 h-W,KL 00~(!.7d3.h1f4^f70d3!^E1f4hf70d3!hE1FEntry not required front when static test not selected as test method.cNet Longitudinal test load in forward direction for a static test must be greater than or equal to / kN when direction of the seat is front facing.cNet Longitudinal test load in forward direction for a static test must be greater than or equal to . kN when direction of the seat is rear facing. $n@*&| ;\?|;\ T|R;\O 4;\;\ ;\;\R;\O;\ ;\0 H;\;\X4;\  ;\&|  0~(!Dd3bh1 %0q~(!Dd3oh1 front~(! Dd3h1 x0q~(!Dd3h1 hy&.0 rear0~(!RDd3Ih1 x0q~(!^Dd3Wh1 0q~(!jDd3eh1 0~(!vDd3uh1o$n!J , ;\| ;\=7;\;\ ;\;\;\   ;\8;\ ;\D!  .~(G/6d3h.f4 6.d3G/ E. 0.~(G/F6d3Fh. h*)}Lf4 6.d3G/ E. 0.~(G/fJ6d3fbh. h*)}L  kN..~(G/6d3h.f466.d3G/6E.f4>6.d3G/>E.FEntry not required front when static test not selected as test method.fNet Longitudinal test load in rearward direction for the static test must be greater than or equal to $@ ;\?(;\ =7P;\;\ (;\;\ ;\ .~(G/7d3ch. %.q~(G/7d3ph. hy&.. x.q~(G/7d3h. .q~(G/7d3h. .~(G/7d3h. o$ ,5;\  ;\;\R 0~(!8d3h1f4 80d3! E1 00~(!F8d3Fh1 1-- W,KLf480d3!E1 00~(!D68d3D(h1f480d3!E1f4&80d3!&E1FEntry not required front when static test not selected as test method.DStatic test acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.$@. ;\ ;\ @ |;\;\;\;\;\( _~(?cd3Qh %_K~(?cd3h _K~("?cd3h 1-y&._ x_q~(?cd3h _q~(?cd3h _~(?cd3h o$ ,h;\ $;\>wR .~(G/~6d3h.f4 6.d3G/ E.0.~(G/F6d3Fh. 1-*)}Lf46.d3G/E.0.~(G/DZ6d3D(h.f46.d3G/E.f4&6.d3G/&E.FEntry not required front when static test not selected as test method.DStatic test acceleration pulse must be greater than or equal to 20g.$@. ;\ ;\ @ |;\8;\;\;\;\( .~(G/GId3Qh. %.K~(G/GId3h. .K~(G/&GId3h. 1-y&.. x.q~(G/bGId3h. .q~(G/nGId3h. .~(G/GId3h. o$!J ,4;\| 4 ;\;\;\   ;\;\ ;\D!  0~(!8d3h1f4 80d3! E100~(!F8d3Fh1 h- W,KLf4 80d3! E100~(!`8d3``h1 h- W,KL  kN.0~(!F8d3h1f4680d3!6E1f4>80d3!>E1FEntry not required front when static test not selected as test method.`Forward load sustained by restraining device for a static test must be greater than or equal to $@Z ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\H;\ ;\4;\ ;\;\( _~(Sd3Qh %_K~(Sd3h _K~(Sd3h hy&._ x_q~(Sd3h _q~(Sd3h _~(Sd3h o$< ;\ ;\, ;\ ;\T PP  %>q~(?ARFd3sh> >q~(?A Fd3h> >~(?A"Fd3h>o5;\;\;\ ;\ ;\|  ~(#N1d3h$  77N76Lf41d3#E$0~(#R1d3Rh$ ;77N76Lf41d3#E$0~(#in7Ld3i\h$f4 1d3# E$f4(1d3#(E$RTotal rearward moment applied to the seat must be greater than or equal to 370 Nm.iTotal rearward moment applied to the seat would normally be less than or equal to 1000 Nm. Please check.@r  t;\ ;\?;\;\| h;\;\;\ ;\R ~(#^'2d3h$ %q~(#'2d3vh$ q~(#'2d3h$  y&. x~(#'2d3h$ ;y&. %~(#'2d3h$ ~(#'2d3h$o;\ ;\  .~(G/Sd3h. B@* )}Lf4:S.d3G/E.T0.~(G/OfSd3Oh.f4:S.d3G/E.f4:S.d3G/E.OShortest duration of any static test load must be greater than or equal to 1 s.@  ;\ @p;\|h;\;\ 7Q~(Ecd3hD %7Qq~(EJcd3XhD 7Qq~(Ecd3fhD B@y&.7Q x7Q~(Ecd3hD 7Q~(Ecd3hDo(V Entries not required.:hD 7Q~(EVJd3DhD(V Entries not required.:hD 7Q~(EVJd3DhD(V Entries not required.:hD 7Q~(EVJd3DhD(V Entries not required.:hD 7Q~(EVJd3DhD ;\ X;\@h 0;\ |  ;\ 5~(5d3Qhg5 y&.5 y&.5 x5q~(5d3hg5 5q~(5d3hg5 5~(5Jd3hg5o ;\ @;\@h D;\ | ,;\ @;\ 5~(5'd3Qhg5 y&.5 LK@y&.5 x5q~(5J'd3hg5 5q~(5V'd3hg5 5~(5:'d3hg5o ;\ D;\@;\h 4;\ |  ;\ 5~(5gd3Thg5 y&.5 LK@y&.5 x5q~(5gd3hg5 5q~(5gd3hg5 5~(5gd3hg5o ;\ ;\@h ;\ | ,;\ @;\ 5~(5~(?A>Fd3h>f4 F>d3?AE>/>~(?ARFd3Rh> .>~(?AFd3h>f4 F>d3?AE>f4" F>d3?A"E>RNet Longitudinal test load in rearward direction must be greater than or equal to @L ,f4L>d3?E/?@&%T h  | R;\O `;\ ;\ L;\  ;\ 7f6 LL front-~(,d3h,f4._,d3,.E,/_,~(,d3h,f44_,d3,4E,Dynamic test as per 74/408/EEC can only be carried out for front-facing seats which are not folding seats, which do not incorporate any built-in seatbelt 'Anchorages'. and which do not require additional loads to allow for 'Child Restraint Anchorages'. n@L ,f4~Y>d3?E/?@L ,f46Y>d3?E/?@` ;\?;\T;\ | ;\;\ ;\;\( .~(O/gJd3nh. .~(O/gJd3h. hy&.. x.K~(O/^gJd3h. .K~(O/jgJd3h. .q~(O/vgJd3h. .~(O/gJd3h. o" ;\?;\Tl;\ |;\ ;\ ;\;\ .~(O/ w)d3oh. .~(O/6w)d3h. x.q~(O/Zw)d3h. .q~(O/fw)d3h. .~(O/rw)d3h. o"%= ;\h  ;\| R;\O;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\ y&. front~(#2-d3h$ x~(#-d3h$ ~(#B-d3h$ n ;\ |;\,T h ;\ ;\| >;\  <;\;\;\ B@y&. ~(#fo2d3mh$ %q~(#o2d3h$ q~(#o2d3h$ ~(#o2d3h$ o("$& dc Zc  +~(O4^d3hWFf4^+d3O4EWF/+~(O4A^d3A|hWFf4^+d3O4EWFA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***8Arial Wingdings"( "?S!R .5  SignatureVersionOE Data VersOE$ Blue KeysH*GraphicsOET0HeaderTOE6 FieldListTOE< Form InfoOE x LayoutPropsOE  DesPathInfoScriptsD&Scripts2CellDisplayName;\ ;\  l;\ X;\  ;\D;\X 8 ;\;\ ,;\;\     ;\  ;\p;\  ;\  ;\  l;\ X;\ ! ;\8";\L # ;\$;\ % ;\&;\' ;\(;\) ;\*;\+ @;\,,;\- ;\d.;\x/ ;\0;\1 ;\2;\3 x;\4d;\5 ;\,6@7 89 ;\:; 4;\< ;\= ;\>? ;\@ t;\A ;\XB;\lC D;\D0;\E ;\F;\G ;\H;\I ;\ J;\4K |;\Lh;\M ;\N;\O ;\PQ RS ;\T ;\U ;\LV;\`W ;\X ;\Y ;\Z;\[ @;\\ ,;\] ^ (_ 8;\`$;\