IDesILaytags0303sev2.9DoTRDSE 03/03 - Seats and Seat AnchoSeats and Seat AnchoragesFederal Office of Road Safety4j Z$L8!.p Zf  $~ԁ &,28>DJPV\bhntz6`LookupIDoc6 #2+h_$ 6Ӷ 02$~($6$ $~($Hd3oh64*36039410611530700Nj68606 6 6 6@'%%%PP``` # #4%@XXR&jjBXXR&d'TlSOw R&dx+6this $~($6  $0:00 // P 0 #########General@@X  ^R[ @@@@'@@ @@@@@!&/0U^d! I^/ ! I^/  !&/VU^! & I^B>IVU^ &!&!?I6 A2I6  && ZRMI?I WMI&LIR^[6ZPIT$YDR^[T Z&lD3lDR^[R^[A"D_Qx@@@'''' '' @@X  D_ @@@  @@X  D_ @@@   @@X  D_ @@_"D_Q@@X D_ lSSHNTf--$$V;; A;;'DVV--N Zl3Submit s Web6 r   $Zx0303sev922$rKG$o$2.9h$rKT$"o$hFederal Office of Road SafetyDoTRDQ.#QSE 03/03 - Seats and Seat AnchoSeats and Seat Anchorages~XX QXXd'ubN 3d(|Date (6fLookupIDocaH"workpage  .ppHide_AllFields  4-Sq -4qS oj 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_AllFi(LFelds1 P1P @  0pp Hide_Officer  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@7 Hide_Offic(LJerPp$ L*Discussion Items: This information has been auto-generated by the electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired. This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'submit' button. You can only submit this information to the discussion list once. All subsequent attempts will be refused.     P`0 @  33,pMsg_FormSubmitted   `w 1 1 @  -pp Hide_Status  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@9 Hide_Stat(LIus/0 @  /ppHide_FormTitle  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@:Hide_For(LAmTitle1 1  @  1ppHide_InformationID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_Infor(L;mationID1 1 @  2ppHide_CertUnitID  4-Sq -4qS 4-Sq,Arial (@8 Hide_Cert(LAUnitIDP`3P#@'''p' '' Title  FP`3P# @'''' '' 3p#p ErrorList  `& #pSubmitr5"Q#`Submit  ` '''' '' 3p#p ErrorList  ~& #pSubmit  #@Submit    @'x''' ''  LB LookupIDoc ;<  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;찈"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7:"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7CRNLamp_CompRegNumCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_LitManufCRNLamp_PrtNum DataPresentDigitalSignature Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceFormUs_ApplyCRNFormUs_VehAppvCRNFormUs_VehAppvTestLumino_BelowHrzLumino_InAboveHrzLumino_OnRefAxis MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYTestRe_CompNumTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2 TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ECEApp2TestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_ReportNumVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceVehAppv_VeclMakeVehAppv_VeclModelWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning17 Warning18 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21    7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumPosCheck31Check34Hide_ECEApprove $Z LookupIDoc ;<  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;찈"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""7:"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Check1Check2Check3Check4Check5Check6Check7CRNLamp_CompRegNumCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_LitManufCRNLamp_PrtNum DataPresentDigitalSignature Docume_DateDocume_ReferenceFormUs_ApplyCRNFormUs_VehAppvCRNFormUs_VehAppvTestLumino_BelowHrzLumino_InAboveHrzLumino_OnRefAxis MainCheck MainWarningTestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYTestRe_CompNumTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2 TestRe_DateTestRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ECEApp2TestRe_FacAddressTestRe_FacName TestRe_FacNumTestRe_ReportNumVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceVehAppv_VeclMakeVehAppv_VeclModelWarning1Warning2Warning3Warning4Warning5Warning6Warning7Warning8Warning9 Warning10 Warning11 Warning12 Warning13 Warning14 Warning15 Warning16 Warning17 Warning18 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21    7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumC;\ ;\F6.N" masterpage Lower (Hide_Status) <> 'received' Then '' Else CollapseColumn 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Component Tested Location of Seating Positions must not be more the 100 characters"),IFT (Warning4 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Direction of Seat is empty"),IFT (Check29 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass is empty"),IFT (Check29 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass must be within the range 10 to 200 kg"),IFT (Warning6 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Hinged has not been answered"),IFT (Check42 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is empty"),IFT (Check42 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is incorrect"),IFT (Warning1 = '%',"ECE Approval R14 is empty"),IFT (Warning5 = '%',"ECE Approval R17 is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Number is empty"),IFT (Check4 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Test Results Test Report Date is greater than the document date"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Test Results Test Facility Number must have a prefix of T followed by four digits"),IFT (Check32 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT (Check32 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Name must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check33 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check33 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Address must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check2 = '%',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages must be within the range 0 to 10"),IFT (Check20 = '%',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Uppper Torso is empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Upper Torso must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check25 = '%',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint is empty"),IFT (Check25 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint only must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check37 = '%',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage is empty"),IFT (Check37 = 'x',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check38 = '%',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide is empty"),IFT (Check38 = 'x',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check7 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check41 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check40 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check15 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is empty"),IFT (Check15 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is incorrect"),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is incorrect"), IFT (Check18 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is empty"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check17 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in forward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in forward direction Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check19 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check21 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is empty"),IFT (Check21 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is incorrect"),IFT (Warning12 = '%',"Rearward Moment Test Seat back supported by structure has not been answered"), IFT (Check22 = '%',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment is unusual"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment must be greater than or equal to 530 Nm"), IFT (Check28 = '%',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is empty"),IFT (Check28 = 'x',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is incorrect"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Energy Dissipation Test seat 'contactable 3/02' has not been answered"), IFT (Check23 = '%',"Energy Dissipation points tested is empty"),IFT (Check23 = 'x',"Energy Dissipation points tested must be greater than or equal to 1"), IFT (Check24 = '%',"Energy Dissipation impact velocity is unusual"),IFT (Check24 = 'x',"Energy Dissipation impact velocity must be greater than or equal to 6.69 m/sec"))) End  "B"BD D 4-Sq D,Arial ()If Lower (Hide_Status) <> 'received' Then( ''(Else( l CollapseColumn (MakeColumn (IFT (Check30 = '%',"Document Reference is empty"),IFT (Check30 = '',"Document(wReference must not be more than 12 characters"),IFT (Check1 = '%',"Document date is empty"),IFT (Check1 = 'x',"Document($ndate is incorrect"),IFT (Check35 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Make must not be more than 30(0ycharacters"),IFT (Check36 = '',"Application for Vehicle Approval Vehicle Model must not be more than 30 characters"),IFT(<t(Warning2 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Assembly is empty"),IFT (Warning3 =(H'%',"Identification of Component Tested Manufacturer's Part No. Seat Adjusters is empty"),IFT (Check34 = '%',"Identification of(TxComponent Tested Number of Seating Positions is empty"),IFT (Check34 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Number of(`vSeating Positions must be within the range 1 to 5"),IFT (Check31 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Location of(l}Seating Positions is empty"),IFT (Check31 = '',"Identification of Component Tested Location of Seating Positions must not be(x{more the 100 characters"),IFT (Warning4 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Direction of Seat is empty"),IFT (Check29(z= '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Mass is empty"),IFT (Check29 = 'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat(yMass must be within the range 10 to 200 kg"),IFT (Warning6 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Hinged has(snot been answered"),IFT (Check42 = '%',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is empty"),IFT (Check42 =({'x',"Identification of Component Tested Seat Back Mass is incorrect"),IFT (Warning1 = '%',"ECE Approval R14 is empty"),IFT(q(Warning5 = '%',"ECE Approval R17 is empty"),IFT (Warning8 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Number is empty"),IFT(|(Check4 = '%',"Test Results Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Test Results Test Report Date is greater than the(}document date"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check5 = 'x',"Test Results Test Facility({Number must have a prefix of T followed by four digits"),IFT (Check32 = '%',"Test Results Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT(z(Check32 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Name must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT (Check33 = '%',"Test Results Test({Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check33 = '',"Test Results Test Facility Address must not be more the 80 characters"),IFT((Check2 = '%',"Additional Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Additional(|Loads Number of seating positions requiring additional loads must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Additional(yLoads Lap Anchorages is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorages must be within the range 0 to 10"),IFT( v(Check20 = '%',"Additional Loads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Uppper Torso is empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Additional(,wLoads Anchorage Common to Pelvic and Upper Torso must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check25 = '%',"Additional Loads(8zLap Anchorage for pelvic restraint is empty"),IFT (Check25 = 'x',"Additional Loads Lap Anchorage for pelvic restraint only(Dsmust be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check37 = '%',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage is empty"),IFT(Po(Check37 = 'x',"Additional Loads Final/Harness Torso Anchorage must be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check38 =(\u'%',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide is empty"),IFT (Check38 = 'x',"Additional Loads Load Bearing Sash Guide(hwmust be within the range 0 to 5"),IFT (Check6 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please(tzcheck"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Longitudinal(Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2]({is incorrect"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check10(z= 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration(Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.2] is incorrect"),IFT(y(Check7 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Longitudinal(xTest Mass Tested Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is(wunusual please check"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check11 =({'%',"Longitudinal Test Mass Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please check"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Mass(Tested Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is unusual please(check"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration Pulse [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check41 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test(Net Load Forward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT (Check40 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward [Cl.6.3.3] is incorrect"),IFT(o(Check15 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is empty"),IFT (Check15 =(z'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is incorrect"),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Longitudinal(rTest Net Load Forward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Forward Static Test is(({incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Net Load Rearward Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Longitudinal(4yTest Net Load Rearward Static Test is incorrect"), IFT (Check18 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward(@}direction Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle is empty"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward(Lxdirection Front row in an ADR 69/00 vehicle must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check17 = '%',"Longitudinal Test(X~Acceleration applied in forward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in(dforward direction Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check19 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied(p}in rearward direction Static Test is empty"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Acceleration applied in rearward direction(|}Static Test must be greater than or equal to 20"), IFT (Check21 = '%',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device(uis empty"),IFT (Check21 = 'x',"Longitudinal Test Load sustained by restraining device is incorrect"),IFT (Warning12 =(p'%',"Rearward Moment Test Seat back supported by structure has not been answered"), IFT (Check22 = '%',"Rearward(uMoment Test total rearward moment is unusual"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Rearward Moment Test total rearward moment must be(ugreater than or equal to 530 Nm"), IFT (Check28 = '%',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is empty"),IFT (Check28 =(~'x',"Test Load Duration shortest duration is incorrect"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Energy Dissipation Test seat 'contactable 3/02'(shas not been answered"), IFT (Check23 = '%',"Energy Dissipation points tested is empty"),IFT (Check23 = 'x',"Energy(yDissipation points tested must be greater than or equal to 1"), IFT (Check24 = '%',"Energy Dissipation impact velocity is(punusual"),IFT (Check24 = 'x',"Energy Dissipation impact velocity must be greater than or equal to 6.69 m/sec")))(EndD4 G$~($d3*h$ %G$~($d35h$ G$~($d3?h$oP  ;\,L) G$~($?d3*h$ %G$~($?d35h$ G$~($?d3?h$o8 ;\ ,H;\ T;\ ;\T @;\ ;\|  %o@~(77d3^h o@~(77d3lh o@~(7&7d3|ho8 ;\ ,p;\ T;\ ;\T @;\ ;\|  % ~(7%G+d3[h/ ~(7%G+d3ih/ ~(7%G+d3yh/oP  ;\,L' ~(7%+d3(h/ % ~(7%+d33h/ ~(7%+d3=h/oP  ;\,L* ~(7%8d3+h/ % ~(7%8d36h/ ~(7%8d3@h/oP  ;\,L* 8OKF[F[F\1Informed_StartupScriptHasNoteSaveDoc SaveAsDocLang!if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; // The follow lines of code replace the contents of the Make and Model cells with trimmed text strings // The lines are only to be enabled by removing the double slash on the System version of a template //Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Hide_Reference").value; } nullJScr JavaScriptLangFBuiltinCommand("Place Note").execute(); Cell("NoteHere").value = true;nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.9" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.9" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save As").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Test Facility Number field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptriptMainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(rP@  ~< :i;rg%}G)7fI~}Q'|/?u~{)0IS'U=VEZtacfi'qAuYwqy{} )Db 3NL<Ah= Yk}ged5@K v a~ h x y p /z   t I|  JFL1  e db> <   1jB`_nLr^T/RQ 7_ u6R?# N  # i $"^WMXZYg\[|i8h,CV; zt lsZxwvy48Docume_Reference Docume_DateCheck30Check1 MainWarning MainCheck Id_PartNo Id_SeatDirectTestRe_EceR17RvalTestRe_EceR17EvalCheck47 TestRe_FacNumTestRe_FacNameTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_ReportNum TestRe_DateCheck5Check4Check33Check32Check49 Id_NumCRAId_MassId_Luggage_Yes Id_Luggage_NoCheck39Check45Check29Check46Check2LongTe_ForAccPulse1Check8LongTe_ReaAccPulse1Check12LongTe_ForwLoadCheck14LongTe_ADR6900DocCheck15LongTe_RearLoadCheck16RearMo_TotReaMomCheck22Energy_DisVel_1Check24Energy_DisDur_1Check26Energy_StaticDurCheck28 Id_NumSeat Id_LocationsCheck31Check34DataEntryAdvice_2DataEntryAdvice_3DataEntryAdvice_4DataEntryAdvice_5DataEntryAdvice_6MainLengthCheckDataEntryAdviceDocume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModelCheck35Check36LongTe_DynamicLongTe_ADR6900 LongTe_StaticCheck50TriggerDocume_Reference1 Issue_NumExt Issue_NumAttached Attached_Yes Check_new_doc DataAlertHide_Reference LengthMessageCommentsNoteHereFormUs_VehAppv_TestCheck56FormUs_VehAppv_ECEDocume_VeclCatCheck86 Id_Swivel_Yes Id_Swivel_NoCheck57 Id_SwivDocRefCheck58Check59 LuggPro_5151 LuggPro_5152 LuggPro_5153Check60 LuggPro_Yes LuggPro_No LuggProAlertId_SeatBack_YesId_SeatBack_NoCheck61 HeadRest_YesCheck62 HeadRest_NoHeadRest_HeightUpCheck63DataEntryAdvice_7Energy_DisMaxAcc_1Check64Energy_DisPoint_1Check68Energy_DisVel_2Check69Energy_DisDur_2Check70Energy_DisMaxAcc_2Check71Energy_DisPoint_2Check72Energy_DisVel_3Check73Energy_DisDur_3Check74Energy_DisMaxAcc_3Check75Energy_DisPoint_3Check76HeadRest_DisplacementCheck77HeadRestHeight_YesCheck78HeadRestHeight_NoId_SeatPosFront_YesId_SeatPosFront_NoCheck79HeadRest_HeightDownCheck80HeadRestHeightAlertHeadRestBreak_YesCheck81HeadRestBreak_No Id_NumbPosCheck82RearMo_Break_YesCheck83RearMoBreak_NoLongTe_PulseDurCheck84RearMoSeatSupp_YesCheck85RearMoSeatSupp_No CRATestAlert Issue_NumberMotion_BBLabelRearMo_Cl643_YesCheck87RearMo_Cl643_NoDataEntryAdvice_8Id_HeadRestNumCheck88TestRe_EceR17valId_HeadRestNumCheck88TestRe_EceR17valceR17valDataEntryAdvice_9adRestBreak_No Id_NumbPosCheck82RearMo_Break_YesCheck83RearMoBreak_No  33$%@- Title uYuCPNG  IHDR pHYs.#.#x?vtEXtSoftwareAdobe ImageReadyqe<tIDATxY;\;B@@@@@@@ * u{}6eFҖ?>>İA!B!,8wwwϒB!B! !B!(CϟUB!Bw\__grB!Bw@ϟ?㟒rz|{_^^B!B!;{ߏ766~zzzJ }ׯ_t:f}}ן^ܥlB!BPA_A*B!Bw(ue Z!B!B4;;;GGG\`=PxbeҷB!B![кR䋋 s5D\!B!ĭ"^|ssW ˗xssߧr{{*!B!v+9::~ |"J !B!$nKx6Oxr{bo>յY_^^TFB!B 4m9cMT;;;ًY d&k!B! 2Z{~Ԗ9 >俼)M֐',B!ĝKkT.__\ۨ?'-5~${iN !B!$<΅WBAi;^*W!B!;*w}}ݯ-hކUB!B yTn`uubi;wpsyOB!B3EWy~Xv;I!tkkfU6W!B!;rЇ_~P—7GUpdmmPJŲ !B!$q珗V設Dϐ{{{W;vitoE)]so<)#~txxXB!D٩_9995UГ7umm җ{q#pr%¸B!BHJ6SwoFr+766:X!B!_eAƛPȫNVd[!B!^:om 6)IY۪B!BIZbgϟ?}/_SB!Ba=YfkHE{9B!B jʠ?ac{{sҵ߫B!B%]T{{3B!Bw%nsE*B!bhr_.XYYY5 K?nJ!B1Ld-)Y0CnaȷB!BwB!iXIc<}ʼX> ~,V5ʚ hZ T}Y.qcH#@_&B! 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Testing of devices intended to protect the occupants (7against displacement of luggage ( App. A, Clause 5.15.))*# @p  33PDataEntryAdvice_5   /n +P,P EWhat clause must the device used to protect the occupants comply to?    ? + ",#@ Title L+ ",# @  V Check51 h6 h6 p h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5+P ,P 5.15.1.    + ,@@'M''' '' W LuggPro_5151  + ,@@'N''' '' X LuggPro_5152  +@ ,P 5.15.2.    +@0, ` 5.15.3.    * ,0!@'O''' '' Y LuggPro_5153  ,-P :Did the device meet the requirements of the above clause?      ,`"-P#p@ Title M,`"-P#p @  Z Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5,-P Yes    ,@-@'P''' ''  [ LuggPro_Yes  ,@-@'Q''' ''  \ LuggPro_No  ,-@ No     -.#` @  33^P LuggProAlert   /G `#' )8. Rearward Moment Test (App. A, Cl.6.2.)    P +Total rearward moment applied to seat back:    P@'>''#@' '' RearMo_TotReaMom  ` @o Title :`  @U  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @Nm    # @n  33PDataEntryAdvice_4   /n `(`#' 0!0 09. Energy Dissipation Test (App. A, Cl    $% @ Lowest Impact Velocity  EOe OEe L  EOe,Arial (WYLowest Impact Velocity$p%@'B''(' '' Energy_DisVel_1  $%@s Title <$% @X  33 Check8 h6 h6 EOe h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k'0' !Duration of acceleration over 80g    &p(@'D''(' '' Energy_DisDur_1  &'@t Title >&' @\  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k$P% km/h    '0' ms       !# @r  33PDataEntryAdvice_6   /n 0 .Shortest duration of any static test load (s):     @'4''0' '' Energy_StaticDur  `@q Title @` @`  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k/P2#'/P00 Comments   > 002#p@'R''&p' '' AComments  && Maximum acceleration   f %p&@'C''(' '' hEnergy_DisMaxAcc_1  %&@ Title Q%& @  33i Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k& &@ m /s^2    #$ Number of points tested   k #p$@'A''(' '' pEnergy_DisPoint_1  #$@ Title U#$ @  33q Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k#P$p'$P%p'%P&p'&P(p'#$'$%'%&'&('" `" Units    $%0@'F''(' '' tEnergy_DisVel_1  $%0@ Title W$%0 @  33u Check8 h6 h6 L  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k&(0@'H''(' '' vEnergy_DisDur_1  &' @ Title X&' @  33w Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k%&0@'G''(' '' xEnergy_DisMaxAcc_1  %&0@ Title Y%&0 @  33y Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k#$0@'E''(' '' zEnergy_DisPoint_1  #$0@ Title Z#$0 @  33{ Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k$0%@'J''(' '' |Energy_DisVel_1  $`%@ Title [$`% @  33} Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k&0(@'L''(' '' ~Energy_DisDur_1  &P'@ Title \&P' @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k%0&@'K''(' '' Energy_DisMaxAcc_1  %`&@ Title ]%`& @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k#0$@'I''(' '' Energy_DisPoint_1  #`$@ Title ^#`$ @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k"`p#'"# Direction of headform strike   | "`P#p'"#P Rear    "`#0'"# Front    "`0#'"`# Rear    !@#'!@p"`'!"` Part of seat tested   R !@P"`p'!"`  Rear of Seat   9 !@"`'!@"` Head Restraint   C #$ Number   $ `#'0 7. Head Restraint   a   &Height of head restraint: at position:  4(T (4T L  4(T,Arial (F2&Height of head restraint: at position:P@'8''#@' '' eHeadRest_HeightUp  p @ Title Pp  @  33f Check8 h6 h6 4(T h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ mm    # @  33gPDataEntryAdvice_4   /n 0 oDisplacement when a force that produces a moment of 373 Nm around the R point is applied to the head restraint:  y' 'y h6 y',Arial (1HDisplacement when a force that produces a moment of 373 Nm around the R (1'point is applied to the head restraint:P@`@';''#@' '' HeadRest_Displacement  `pP @ Title _`pP  @  33 Check8 h6 h6 y' h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kPP mm     %[App. A, Cl. 5.11.]  33  -Is the head restraint adjustable for height?     @0@'5''' '' HeadRestHeight_Yes  `p No     p`` @ Title `p``  @   Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5` Yes    @p@'6''' '' HeadRestHeight_No  `@'7''#@' '' HeadRest_HeightDown    Lowest:   " 0 Highest:   % @ Title b @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k#@ @  33PHeadRestHeightAlert   /h  @ |Was there any breakage of the seat, seat back or locking device when the load on the head restraint was increased to 890 N?   ( ( h6 (,Arial (2IWas there any breakage of the seat, seat back or locking device when the (23load on the head restraint was increased to 890 N? 0@'<''' ''  HeadRestBreak_Yes   p No     ` @ Title c`  @   Check51 h6 h6 ( h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5  Yes    p@'=''' ''  HeadRestBreak_No  @#'#p'  Height (App. A, Cl. 6.5.)    0   Performance (App. A, Cl. 6.4.3.)     P AWas there any breakage of the seat, seat back or locking device?    0  0`@'?''' '' RearMo_Break_Yes  @p No     P`@ @ Title eP`@ @   Check51 h6 h6 L  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5@ Yes     `p@'@''' '' RearMoBreak_No  0'   5Shortest duration of deceleration pulse over 20g (ms)     0 '   @'1''@' '' LongTe_PulseDur    @ Title g   @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @  Test Results   7  Dynamic test to App. A 6.3.1.     Static test to Cl. 6.4.   [  P .Test Report Number for ADR 69/00 vehicle test:      EIs the rear Moment Test being demonstrated by testing to Cl. 6.4.3.?    3 0@'9''' ''  RearMo_Cl643_Yes  p No     ` @ Title i` @   Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5 Yes    p@':''' ''  RearMo_Cl643_No  #p @  33PDataEntryAdvice_4   /n p0 %[App. A, Cl. 5.12.]  33RearMo_Cl643_No  #p @  33PDataEntryAdvice_4   n p0 %[App. A, Cl. 5.12.]  33'#@' '' HeadRest_HeightDown  `   Lowest:   " P0 Highest:   $  @ Title b  @  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kP@#@ @  33PHeadRestHeightAlert   `g  @ AWas there any breakage of the seat, seat back or locking device?    $ 0P@'>''' ''  HeadRestBreak_Yes  p0p No     @`0 @ Title c@`0  @   Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5p0 Yes    Pp@'?''' ''  HeadRestBreak_No  P#p'`#p'   Height (App. A, Cl. 6.5.)       Performance (App. A, Cl. 6.4.3.)    0  AWas there any breakage of the seat, seat back or locking device?    $ 0@'A''' '' RearMo_Break_Yes   p No     ` @ Title e` @   Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5  Yes    p@'B''' '' RearMoBreak_No   Title `@ @   Check51 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5@ Yes     P@'''' '' HeadRestHeight_No  ;p  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{Ǵ@{K Issue_Number Issue_NumExtTriggerDocume_Reference Docume_DateCheck30Check1 MainWarning MainCheck Id_PartNo Id_SeatDirectId_MassId_Luggage_Yes Id_Luggage_NoCheck39Check45Check29Check46 Id_NumSeat Id_LocationsCheck31Check34MainLengthCheckDocume_VeclMakeDocume_VeclModelCheck35Check36 Issue_NumAttached Attached_Yes Check_new_doc DataAlertHide_Reference LengthMessageNoteHereAttachedMessageFormUs_VehAppv_TestCheck56FormUs_VehAppv_ECEDocume_VeclCatCheck86 Id_NumCRACheck2 Id_Swivel_Yes Id_Swivel_NoCheck57 Id_SwivDocRefCheck58TestRe_EceR17EvalCheck47TestRe_EceR17RvalDataEntryAdvice TestRe_FacNumTestRe_FacNameTestRe_FacAddressTestRe_ReportNum TestRe_DateCheck5Check4Check33Check32Check49DataEntryAdvice_2Id_SeatBack_YesId_SeatBack_NoCheck61Id_SeatPosFront_YesId_SeatPosFront_NoCheck79 HeadRest_YesCheck62 HeadRest_No Id_NumbPosCheck82 CRATestAlertRearMoSeatSupp_YesCheck85RearMoSeatSupp_NoMotion_BBLabelId_HeadRestNumCheck88TestRe_EceR17valLongTe_ForAccPulse1Check8LongTe_ReaAccPulse1Check12LongTe_ForwLoadCheck14LongTe_ADR6900DocCheck15LongTe_RearLoadCheck16DataEntryAdvice_3LongTe_DynamicLongTe_ADR6900 LongTe_StaticCheck50Docume_Reference1DataEntryAdvice_5Check59 LuggPro_5151 LuggPro_5152 LuggPro_5153Check60 LuggPro_Yes LuggPro_No LuggProAlertRearMo_TotReaMomCheck22DataEntryAdvice_4Energy_DisVel_1Check24Energy_DisDur_1Check26DataEntryAdvice_6Energy_StaticDurCheck28CommentsCheck55Energy_DisMaxAcc_1Check64Energy_DisPoint_1Check68Energy_DisVel_2Check69Energy_DisDur_2Check70Energy_DisMaxAcc_2Check71Energy_DisPoint_2Check72Energy_DisVel_3Check73Energy_DisDur_3Check74Energy_DisMaxAcc_3Check75Energy_DisPoint_3Check76HeadRest_HeightUpCheck63DataEntryAdvice_7HeadRest_DisplacementCheck77HeadRestHeight_YesCheck78HeadRestHeight_NoHeadRest_HeightDownCheck80HeadRestHeightAlertHeadRestBreak_YesCheck81HeadRestBreak_NoRearMo_Break_YesCheck83RearMoBreak_NoLongTe_PulseDurCheck84RearMo_Cl643_YesCheck87RearMo_Cl643_NoDataEntryAdvice_8  kg      " Do the backs of the seat/s constitute the front of the luggage compartment, or is a partitioning/retention system fitted stand.ԁ  SignatureVersionOE Data VersOE$ Blue KeysH*GraphicsOET0HeaderTOE6 FieldListTOE< Form InfoOE x LayoutPropsOE  DesPathInfoScriptsScripts2CellDisplayNametion system 7  74 0P5' Seat FacesVeclCatsChoice RegulationNocFront Facing||FRear Facing||RSide Facing||SSwivel, Front Facing ||SFSwivel, Rear Facing ||SR" MAMBMCMDMENANBNCLEPLEG3No head restraints|| Head restrainsts fitted||AgT! @ @    A! Manufacturer's Name  /T   @ @   6  A! Manufacturer's Name  /T @@  4  PTrigger  /   @`#'p@'#' ` @p  1. Document   H   @' @'   d  A! Manufacturer's Name  /T   !p@' '  (e p "P >Date (dd/mm/yyyy)        @@S Title   @ @  f Check30 h6 h6 L  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ! "@T Title  ! " @  g Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ,3. Identification/Configuration of Component    @`@ Title @` @  33h  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r@`@@ Title @`@ @  33i  MainCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e  ! *Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    P &Manufacturer's Part Numbers. (Note 2):     !@'''&' '' j%& Id_PartNo  /- PP Direction the seat faces:    o ` @'''' '' n Id_SeatDirect  3 p3$P  Sheet 1 of 2   9 `P P 7Mass of heaviest seat to be certified by this evidence:    00P@''' ' '' Id_Mass  `  kg      P!` Do the backs of the seat/s constitute the front of the luggage compartment, or is a partitioning/retention system fitted standard to the vehicle?  22# # h6 #,Arial ( %MDo the backs of the seat/s constitute the front of the luggage compartment, (%Eor is a partitioning/retention system fitted standard to the vehicle? @!@@'''' '' Id_Luggage_Yes   !@!0@'''' ''  Id_Luggage_No   `! No     !#@W Title !# @'   Check39 h6 h6 # h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp!p#@Z Title p!p# @)   Check45 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP!P#@[ Title P!P# @*   Check29 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k !! #@\ Title  !! # @+   Check46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kPP@ FNumber of positions in the vehicle that this seat design is installed:   )  0@'''' ''  Id_NumSeat  &P' Location/s used in Vehicle:   x &p @'! @'"'' ' '' d Id_Locations  &!'#@Y Title &!'# @(   Check31 h6 h6 L  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!3 ! #@X Title  ! # @'   Check34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `! PYes    @@`@ Title @@` @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (en(tg(t 0  *Vehicle Make (Optional)    0  *Vehicle Model (Optional)      @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  /T  @'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  /T  @p@U Title  @p @   Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@V Title  @ @   Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 $ @ @   7  A! Manufacturer's Name  /T `   Created in:   1 @ 0 D@u Title  G@ 0 @@  :0 0A Attached  > > h6 >,Arial (tt("a(.c(:h@   @@  ;0 A  Attached_Yes  > > > >,Arial (c("h(.e(:d @v   < Check_new_doc   P @w  = DataAlert   ` @x0  >p01    /  p#@y Title H p# @  33? 0 LengthMessage /V ` ! R>Summary of Evidence Report - Seats and Seat Anchorages Australian Design Rule 3/036  7  @ @'z''@' '' CANoteHere  S S > S,Arial (^NoteHe(jre   Note Present   :  `  H*Licensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1):  '  2``3  gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.    ` $P "SE 3/03 December 2010 Revision 2.9    @#'p  2. Form Use   E ` LPlease indicate how this form is being used. It is being used in support of    G ! h>An application for a vehicle approval test results (Complete sections 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10 as applicable).  4  f  pP@' ''@' ''  FAFormUs_VehAppv_Test  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(]pv_Test` @{P  IPQ@Check56 D_ D_ S D_, Wingdings  (Ah(Ne([c@$ qfAn application for a vehicle approval, submitting an ECE approval (Complete section 3, 4, 5 and 6 if applicable).  C  T  W  o  P@' ''@' ''  JAFormUs_VehAppv_ECE  S S L  S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(`pv_EC(kE 0 " Vehicle Category   M  !pA@' W'  KX"@  Vehicle Model  /?  !#  @|P  LPQ@Check86 D_ D_ S D_, Wingdings  (He(Uc(bkP ENumber of positions with CRAs below 100mm below the top of seat back.   G 0@'''+' ''  Id_NumCRA  @ % [Cl. 5.2.]  33!#@] Title !# @-  33 Check2 h6 h6 D_ h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kPP =Can the seat be used in both front and rear facing positions?     P@'''' '' Q Id_Swivel_Yes   @'''' '' R Id_Swivel_No   No     !#@} Title J!# @  S Check46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0Yes    0!@' @'   T  A! Manufacturer's Name  /T !#@~ Title K!# @  U Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P 6Document reference for seat facing opposite direction:    ( @+0#'(0* '(p*`')@) E    ()@##  t!# Test Facility No.  /> )0 )  ECE Approval   @ ()@@_ Title  ()@ @  u Check47 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(@)@%#  (s!# Test Facility No.  /> (p)P 4. ECE Approval   ] (P )P# @^  33PDataEntryAdvice   /` +@2 #'-p .!@'(,)'  v*,* Test Facility No.  /I /1@@')$.' $$ Pw-p.  Test Facility Name  /T / 1!@'*$(p' $$ Px'(q"    / -p.@'&', ' '' y+@,! Test Report No.  /G -p .@''+'  (z*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     L  ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) , - *Test Report Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    -!."@d Title  -!." @  { Check5 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k-p.p@b Title  -p.p @  33| Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k/!0#@f Title  /!0# @  33} Check33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k+, 5. Test Report Details   | , - Test Facility No.   I ,- Test Report No.   G /0@e Title  /0 @  33~ Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k-. @c Title -.  @  33 Check49 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k+,#@ @a  33PDataEntryAdvice_2   /n ./0Test Facility Address   ] ./`Test Facility Name   T !P"` PDo the rear face/s of the seat/s and head restraints require testing to Annex 6?   ] !@"@'''' '' _Id_SeatBack_Yes  !"!0@'''' '' `Id_SeatBack_No  !" No     !!"#@ Title N!!"# @  a Check46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"PYes    "p#0 %[App. A, Cl.5.1.3.]  33#@P$` <Is the seat going to be used in the front outboard position?    #P$ @'''' '' Id_SeatPosFront_Yes  #$ !@@'''' '' Id_SeatPosFront_No  #@$  No     #!$#@ Title a#!$# @   Check46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#0#PYes    $pP%00 )Is the seat fitted with head restraints?     $P%P@'''' '' b HeadRest_Yes  $p0%0 No     $@%0p@ Title O$@%0p @  c Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5$p %0 Yes    $%P@'''' '' d HeadRest_No  P )Number of seating positions on this seat:    0@'''+' ''  Id_NumbPos  !#@ Title d!# @  33 Check2 h6 h6 L  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k*Pp+@  @  33P CRATestAlert   /D %0 &p@' ''' ''  RearMoSeatSupp_Yes  %&P ` No     %`!&P#@@ Title h%`!&P#@ @   Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5%&P Yes    %0&p!`@'!''' ''  RearMoSeatSupp_No  %`&` @  Motion_BBLabel  3`3 ` tNote 2: Where an otherwise identical seat is used in multiple locations (e.g. left and right) list all part numbers.    $`%  If yes, how many?   Q $%0! @'''+' '' Id_HeadRestNum  $0!%0#@ Title j$0!%0# @  33 Check2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k(*@A@$W  X"@  Vehicle Model  /? )`) 17R    P@ j!Ple Model  ? )`) 17R    P@ j!P h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k(*@A@$W  X"@  Vehicle Model  ? )`) 17R    Gr!A`!w$  "!vv 66eefghii7:;=>?ILQSUtusvz{|}~ac)55VZ^hipqtuvwxyz{|}~efg$#######"c###")")############################################################################################################################ porpsilal porpsilar porpsila~ porpsila TDatadefg hijnstuvwx3yz{|}~      #$)4567:;<= >?ABCDFIJKLQRS TU V WXYZ [\^_`a bc de f ghi pq t u vw x y z { |} ~               K   1 1FT1234512345 Test Facility NameAddress Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Postcode1 B@///B@1Entries not RequiredEntries not RequiredEntries not Required111Revision 2.9Revision 2.91MA/h= eB@T@HDoes the structure of the vehicle body completely support the seat back?B@  H⋮3 3445 r7q7q7q7q7q7q777rԑܭܭܭܭܭݭ ݭ.ݭJݭXݭ7̰7X7f777FileN O ²W вS'޲' 첮M $ D/Œ0 hP QNew Document...Open...CloseSave Save As...Send... 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Pͫ0Y!  T@Pͫ0Y!!  One or more fields too long. 4The Document Reference field has not been completed./The Test Facility Field has not been completed.'Data file was last saved with template :. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.9. 4=7  ;\ ;\>T;\ ;\T ;\;\| V % 4FJ  n  ;\ @;\h   % 4KL;\ ;\h;\ 4;\;\R S  yZ -yZB*lTR!B*TRB*$ TRWThe number of seating positions with CRAs is expected to be within the range of 0 to 3.n@& ;\ ;\@ ;\;\ 4;\;\ ;\ 9r( S  % 4A~f[P -4A~f[P % 4n C|;\ ;\T ;\|  MA MB MC LEPBQTRT!cIf seat can be used facing both directions, test results must be submitted facing each direction.QK@ ;\ 8;\CCp;\ ;\ \;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\x;\R MA MB MC LEP SF SR %  4KnQRD!J ;\ ,;\C ;\ ;\| C;\ ;\ x;\D;\ ;\  (;\;\0 ;\#!  MA MB MC LEP SF SR  % 4A~ }P   4QKnT; ;\;\ ;\h 6 ;\;\(   B@yZ yZB6=sTRv!B6= TR3ECE country code must be within the range 1 to 99. t@] ;\ ;\  | ;\>;\;\ P;\  ;\  ;\D  l C  ;\G;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4;\!H(D;\2;\p   ;\;\ \;\G4;\C;\8  ;\;\` ;\;\t;\;\T;\X;\]  LK@4A~ P   % B@4A~ P 4A~ P x  % A x     x 4A~ P 07 x  LK@4A~ P   % B@4A~ P 4A~ P x 4A~ P 07 x 4tsbdQ ;\GTC;\ ;\| ;\ ;\;\(   yZ 07B@>|TRd!B@>$TR5ECE R17 approval number is expected to begin with 07.s@ Z ;\ X;\;\;3 V  Entries not Required4JWH B;\,T D;\  ;\   T`;\B;\ L;\ ;\  D@;\,;\;\l;\G;\ PBG|;\ x;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ T<;\B;\H (;\;\";\2;\>;\B;\HF jj AAAjj j NEWjj!j LK@:@w ####jj jj!j [:@w :@w T0j :@w T1j #####jj jj!jjj>Test facility identification number may not be the word "NEW".Test Facility Identification number may no longer be a T followed by 4 digits. You must prefix your existing four digit ID with a ' 0 '.QTest facility identification number must have a prefix of T followed by 5 digits.v@ ;\`Fw   $~($Vg)d3h_$f4&g)$d3$E_$!$~($6g)d36h_$f4&g)$d3$E_$6Test Date must be prior or equal to the Document Date.ze^C ;\ ;\ @BTT;\ D;\    TB;\  @;\  D;\D ;\X'??(G ;\G;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T;\4B;\ ;\Hh;\;\p-T;\6;\:@;\>;\C  % AAAByLR  NEW x LK@4A~P ####By2LR   [4A~P 4A~P T0 4A~P T1 #####BynLR  x 4v ;\ ;\ @ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\   % x 4ze ;\ ;\ @ ;\D;\|;\;\;\ p;\   % Ĵ4A~P  4x ;\ \;\ ;\@ \4D;\|;\8;\;\ $;\;\   % Ĵ4A~P  4wb ;\ X;\  ;\|;\ ;\   % 4y$h ;\ ;\,C;\h ;\|  0;\ ;\;\ p;\  ;\ \;\;\;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\;\X;\$R MAj MBj MCj MEj PͫXP j j Entries not Required 4KFJ ;\ T;\C;\h8;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ MA MB MC LEP % 4K_`h ;\ ;\C;\| ;\ ;\ X;\ ;\;\ ;\;\R MA MB MC MD NA LEP % 4K" ;\ P;\, ;\ T ;\C;\  ;\  x;\  ;\P;\;\|  % MA MB MC MD NA LEP x  4bdK\;\P;\ h;\ ;\R S  yZ -yZB*nTRT!B*TRB*$TRMThe number of seating positions is expected to be within the range of 0 to 3.n@& ;\ ;\ ;\ @;\;\;\ ;\BT( S  % 4A~4"P -4A~4"P % 4n ;\ D;\ @ ;\ ;\hX;\ ;\  4A~`{&! OSeats with CRAs 100mm below the top of seat will require testing to Clause 5.2.4P2,VBC,%TR!The seat back must be completely and adequately supported (to resist a 530 Nm moment) by the vehicle body structure in order for the rear moment test not to be performed.@3 ;\ <;\@p;\ ;\h H;\ ;\|(;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\0  ;\X d;\ ;\ P;\   ;\;\ ;\;\;\!p;\.;\3  4A~P %  4A~P ME %  ME % x  4Kk ;\@ Y_pp ;\h ;\;\;\;\;\ yZ MEB,TRB, TR@!B,&2TRSSeats in ME category vehicles must meet the requirements of Appendix A, Clause 5.2.K@' ;\ ;\@h X3;\ ;\;\;\( 4A~pL3! 4A~pL3 ME! ME!HDoes the structure of the vehicle body completely support the seat back?HDoes the structure of the vehicle body completely support the seat back?QDo the seats and seat anchorages meet the requirements of Appendix A, Clause 5.2?4K ;\ ;\ h ;\R Sj j f:O4O -f:O4OjX!jjjMThe number of seating positions is expected to be within the range of 0 to 3.n4 ;\ ;\@;\ ;\ ;\(;\ ;\;\;\;\R LK@PͫXP Sj j %j PͫXP -PͫXP %j j 4nbg ;\ h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\|   LK@yZ AB x{TR*! AB x(!TR8!B x.TROApproval mark is expected to begin with RA for seat fitted with head restraint.RApproval mark is expected to begin with R for seat not fitted with head restraint. bd@}  @;\ ;\,0(  B,dkTR 1-yZB,dTR6!B,d ,TR]Acceleration pulse in a forward direction must be not less than 20 g (Annex A, Clause 6.2.1).@ ;\ \;\ @ ;\h;\\;\;\ H;\ ;\4;\   % 1-4A~F@P x 4~  @;\ ;\1(  BkTR 1-yZBTR2!B -TR^Acceleration pulse in a rearward direction must be not less than 20 g (Annex A, Clause 6.2.1).@ ;\ T;\ @ ;\h;\\;\;\ H;\ ;\4;\   % 1-4A~3P x 4J   (;\;\;\0;\;\ ;\    8;\;\D ;\ ;\;\;\;\;\;\  ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4;\\;\;\ ;\%;\? ;\DaFJ  B\fTR B@yZ  1-yZ PyZ ;yZB\6TR!B\<}TR B@yZ  1-yZ PyZ ;yZ 3@yZB\v9TR!B\|TRB\ TRB\1TRWForce in the forward direction must exceed 20 times the mass of the seat (Clause 6.4.).wForce in the forward direction must exceed 20 times the mass of the seat plus 3.4 kN for each CRA (Clause 5.2. & 6.4.). $@4F ;\ ;\ @ h;\$;\;\;\;\;\ ;\;\   ;\;\D X;\ ;\;\;\ ;\;\  ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4;\;\\;\p;\ D;\6;\;0;\=;\A;\FJ   % B@4A~xVP  1-4A~xVP P4A~xVP ;4A~xVP x  B@4A~xVP  1-4A~xVP P4A~xVP ;4A~xVP 3@4A~xVP x    4$ ;\ ;\@;\| ;\ ;\  BnTRb!BTRcPlease supply the Test Report Number of the ADR 69/00 test that confirms compliance of these seats.#@z ;\ ;\ 1  h;\;\;\ ;\   % 4##^  ;\@ ;\;\;\ ;\;\   ;\ @;\;\D,;\;\X#   B fTR  1-yZ  PyZ  ;yZ B 0TR !B 6ZTRB <TRXForce in the rearward direction must exceed 20 times the mass of the seat (Clause 6.4.).$@+    | ;\ ;\;\;\ܾ ;\0 ;\;\D   d;\ ;\;\;\";\&;\+  ME    %  1-4A~LP P4A~LP ;4A~LP x  4K$$h ;\ ;\,C;\h ;\|  0;\  ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\;\XX;\$R MAj MBj MCj MEj PͫXP j j Entries not Required 4KFJb6 ;\ ;\ @>Q ;\ >Q ܍T ;\T;\;\0  %  % x  4#$& dc ZT  +~(O4Kd3hWFf4K+d3O4EWFt!+~(O4AKd3A|hWFf4K+d3O4EWFA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***5 ;\ ,;\ @C;\| ;\ ;\ ;\ MAj MBj MCj j Entries not Required4FK^ ;\  ;\ @>;\ ;\|;\ ;\ ;\  %  4WXY ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\h `;\ ;\| L;\ ;\ $;\ ;\ p;\;\  % x  4WX[\    ;\@;\h;\;\|  j! bPlease describe in the comments section the device used to protect the occupants from the luggage.4Y."  , ;\;\|@;\  ;\;\;\|  j jj j (Zx @ v8j !jjjfA minimum of 530 Nm for each seating position must be applied to the seat (Appendix A. Clause 6.2.1.).@" ;\ \;\ @   ;\dw ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\R j j %j j (PͫXP xj j j 4#^ ;\ ,;\C;\h \;\l?0;\ ;\   ;\;\;\ ;\;\X#|  MAj MBj MCj ePͫXP Entries not Required Entries not Required j Entries not Required Entries not Required 4FKbq  , ;\|;\ P(  B%^TR hyZ:B%TR!B%" TRQImpact velocity must not be below 23.6 km/h (Appendix A, Annex 6, Clause 1.4.3.)._@ ;\ ;\ @ T ;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\ l;\   % h4A~AP x 4_ ;\ccAx?;\T  ;\;\;\  ;\R  ĴyZPm! Bj!zTR -yZPm!Bj!$TR!Bj!*5TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ T;\ ;\@$;\?V8  p;\H;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(  Ĵ4A~HMP  % -4A~HMP x  4h_ ;\ ;\ ;\C4;\ ? ;\ T MAj MBj MCj j Entries not Required 4F_bK}  @;\ ;\;\;\(  BZygTR B@yZBZyTR!BZy $TR]Shortest duration of any static test load must be greater than or equal to 1 s (Clause 6.4.).$@ ;\ ;\ (;\ T 1;\X;\;\ D;\ ;\0;\   % B@4A~2LP x 4$  , ;\|;\ ;\;\(  Bl=aTR ĴyZ =Bl=TR!Bl="TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ ;\ @ T P;\;\\;\ ;\H;\   % Ĵ4A~$P % 4_hC  ;\, ;\;\|;\ ;\(  B%]TR yZN%B%TRº!B%"TR#More than one point must be tested._p@ ;\ ;\ @ T ;\D;\;\ ;\p;\ j j %j PͫXP %j j4_pY  h;\ ҫ(  B<JTR hyZ<B<TRV^B<TRQImpact velocity must not be below 23.6 km/h (Appendix A, Annex 6, Clause 1.4.3.).t@ ;\ p;\ @ T ;\D;\;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j hPͫXP xj j4bt ? d;\ h;\;\ ;\;\R  ĴyZp$ B+'jTR -yZp$B+'"TRR_B+'("TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ ;\ @ ;\?xt  l;\;\$;\ ;\;\( j ĴPͫXP j %j -PͫXP xj j 4hbvi  h;\  ;\$(  Bx $MTR ĴyZBx $TRN`Bx $ TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ p;\ @ T ;\D;\;\Ӌ ;\ j j %j ĴPͫXP %j j4bx+  hB (  B $MTR yZB $TRYB $TR#More than one point must be tested.z@ ;\ ;\ @ T ;\D;\L ;\D;\ j j %j PͫXP %j j4bzq  ;\, d;\;\|;\ ;\;\(  B8^TR hyZ8B8TRZB8" TRQImpact velocity must not be below 23.6 km/h (Appendix A, Annex 6, Clause 1.4.3.)._|@ ;\ ;\ @?;\h 0;\0;\;\L \ ;\ j j %j hPͫXP xj j 4_b| ?;\T  ;\;\ ;\R  ĴyZ&$ B$zTR -yZ&$B$$TR[B$*2TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ ;\ @ ;\ ?  ;\;\;\;\ l;\;\( j ĴPͫXP j %j -PͫXP xj j 4h_b~  ;\, |;\ ;\(  B<aTR ĴyZB<TR\B<"TRaDeceleration of the headform may not exceed 80 g for more than 3 ms (Appendix A, Clause ;\ ;\ @?;\h 0;\|;\;\T;\ ;\@;\ j j %j ĴPͫXP %j j 4_bC  ;\, |;\ ;\(  BNc!`TR yZ\c!BNc!TRVBNc!"TR#More than one point must be tested._@  $ N?;\h ;\;\;\ ;\;\ j j %j PͫXP %j j 4_b%r  l;\ ;\|;\ ;\     D $;\;\X;\!l%$   B]LTR /yZ[B]TRX ,yZ[B],NTRX ;yZ[B]8TRXB]>[TRYHeight for a head restraint fitted to a front seat is 800 mm (Appendix A, Clause 5.5.2.).lHeight for a head restraint fitted to a seat other than a front seat is 750 mm (Appendix A, Clause 5.5.2.).7Height for head restraint expected to be under 1000 * ;\ ;\ @Cd;\ ;\  ;\ x;\  ;\ <;\   ;\l;\ ;\;\;\%;\*N  MA MB MC LEP  % /4A~P % ,4A~P % ;4A~P %  4gKe ;\ ;\ @C;\| p;\ ;\ ;\ MAj MBj MCj j Entries not Required4FbKc  \;\h \;\;\(  BSPR ey(BSR SBS R[The maximum allowable deflection of the head restraint is 102 mm (Appendix A, Clause 5.11.)@ ;\ p;\ @ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\   % ePͫP x 4V ;\  ;\ @C;\ 9$  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\(  MA MB MC LEP %  4gK @  ;\@| |;\;\  ;\  x;\ ;\d;\;\0P;\    BXoTR /yZBXTRVU ,yZBX.TRdUBX42TRoMinimum height for an adjustable head restraint fitted to a front seat is 800 mm (Appendix A, Clause height for a head restraint fitted to a seat other than a front seat is 750 mm (Appendix A, Clause g@6 ;\ $;\ @ ;\h;\ ;\x;\ ;\P;\;\<;\;\(;\;\0R   % ,4A~P % )'4A~P %  4g%r ;\ 2 @;\T ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\d;\ P;\ ;\  <;\ ;\0 (;\ ;\D 4;\ l%|    B@4A~0 %  B@4A~0 %O mPlease comment in the field below the clause that allows the vehicle to have a head restraint of this height. 4gef ;\ ;\ @x;\ ;\h ;\ 5 T(;\ ;\;\  % x 4 ;\ <;\ ;\@ ;\T<;\ | ;\;\ ;\;\  % x  4 ;\ ;\@H;\ ;\4;\;\(  B:gTR ÀyZ"*B:TR,RB: *TRfLength of deceleration pulse exceeding 20 g must be 30 milliseconds or greater(Annex A, Clause 6.2.1).@ ;\ ;\ @ h+Д;\;\ ;\ ;\;\   % À4A~ P x 4J:D ;\ ;\@ ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\  P;\ ;\D;\ ;\X;\;\ p;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\  s8  (;\;\45;\:  LK@PͫXP j %j j xj j -PͫXP j %j j j4gb, ;\ ;\  zPC  (;\;\  ;\ ;\;\;\`;\R j MAj MBj MCj LEPj j Entries not Required Entries not Required 4gKbArial Wingdings  %j j xj j -PͫXP j %j j j4gb, ;\ ;\  zPC  (;\;\  ;\ ;\;\;\`;\R j MAj MBj MCj LEPj j Entries not Required Entries not Required 4gKbArial Wingdings Wingdings Arial WingdingsApA A(\;L@A fffBBB___wwwfffffffffBBBfffBBB񀀀wwwffffff___fff݀ fffBBB"""BBBfffBBB"""999MMMMMMfffBBBfff___UUUUUU񀀀999BBBBBBBBBfffffffffBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfffBBBפwwwfffUUUBBBwwwfffwwwUUU___ꙙפMMM  BBB"""BBB""" BBB"""  fffBBB___ BBBffffff___fffBBBBBBfffBBBwwwBBBfffwww fff fff333݀fff