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ҦZ ''#'`p@'''/' ''   /@/  VehTestYes1   "> Pp@'''/' ''  /@/  VehTestNo1   ": `@'''/' ''  /@/  VehTestYes2   "> P@'''/' ''  /@/  VehTestNo2   ": `@'-''/' ''  /@/  VehTestYes3   "> P@'.''/' ''  /@/  VehTestNo3   ": !`"@'@''/' ''  /@/  VehTestYes4   "> !P"@'A''/' ''  /@/  VehTestNo4   ":  @ p@ Title # @ p @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n0@ Title $0 @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n P@ Title % P @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n @@ Title & @ @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n 0A''    0 Model:     P0 '0A''    0 Model:     0A'/'    0 Model:     0#A'B'    0 Model:     `@ Title '` @  33 Check13 h6 h6 V h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title ( @  33 Check26 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title ) @  33 Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"p#@ Title *"p# @  33  Check52 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0  If vehicle is tested please give the SE 20/00 document reference. Else give the column number of the representative test vehicle.  HH H h6 ,Arial (%If vehicle is tested please give the (#SE 20/00 document reference. Else (give the column number of the (representative test vehicle.@` Yes   Ҡf ` No   f   p` Yes   Ҡf  `@@ No   f  Pp Yes   Ҡf p No   f  0p! Yes   Ҡf p! No   f  P@# In the cells Track, Wheelbase, Mass, Speed, Tyre Designation & Tyre Nominal Size, type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left. If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.  2 ^E  2E^  2 ^E,Arial (D{In the cells Track, Wheelbase, Mass, Speed, Tyre Designation & Tyre Nominal Size, type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in (Pthe cell to the left. If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.'`'p @A' ' 3 Hide_TyreNom2  '@'` @?' 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NZ pp'pp'pp#'P@'S''/' ''  /@/  VehTestYes1   Z> @@'T''/' ''  /@/  VehTestNo1   ڳZ: P@'f''/' '' /@/  VehTestYes2   Z> @@'g''/' '' /@/  VehTestNo2   ڳZ: P@'y''/' '' /@/  VehTestYes3   Z> @@'z''/' '' /@/  VehTestNo3   ڳZ: !P"@'''/' '' /@/  VehTestYes4   Z> !@"@'''/' '' /@/  VehTestNo4   ڳZ:  P @N Title S P  @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@@K Title T@ @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n0`@L Title U0` @  33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n  P@M Title V  P @   33  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np A'U'    0 Model:   ?  p` 'p A'h'    0 Model:   ?  p A'{'    0 Model:   ?  p #A''    0 Model:   ?  p@S Title Wp @%  33 Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@P Title X @&  33 Check26 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@Q Title Y @'  33 Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"#@R Title Z"# @(  33 Check52 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  If vehicle is tested please give the SE 20/00 document reference. Else give the column number of the representative test vehicle.  HH` H` h6 `,Arial (p%If vehicle is tested please give the (z#SE 20/00 document reference. Else (give the column number of the (representative test vehicle.PP Yes   ~ P No   ~   `p Yes   ~ p p0P No   ~  `` Yes   ~ ` No   ~  @`! Yes   ~ `! No   ~  P @' '  Hide_TyreNom6  0p @' '  Hide_TyreNom7  @# # @' '  Hide_TyreNom8  ` '0  %*Tyre nominal size (width) [Cl 20.3.2]    33 @'`''`' '' Summar_TyreNom1  @ Title [ @-   Warning1 h6 h6 V h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@'s''`' '' Summar_TyreNom2  @ Title \ @/   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@'''`' '' Summar_TyreNom3  @ Title ] @1   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n#@'''`' '' Summar_TyreNom4  "#@ Title ^"# @3   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n*0* @' ' Hide_TyreDesA10  **p @' ' Hide_TyreDesA11  * # *# @' ' Hide_TyreDesA12  '@' @' ' Hide_MaxSpeed10  '0P' @' ' Hide_MaxSpeed11  '`' @' ' Hide_MaxSpeed12  &0&p @' ' Hide_MassRear10  &P& @' ' Hide_MassRear11  &P& @' ' Hide_MassRear12  $`%@ @' ' Hide_MassFront10  $`%P @' ' Hide_MassFront12  $`%0 @' ' Hide_MassFront11  #@$  @' ' Hide_Wheelbase10  #`$@ @' ' Hide_Wheelbase12  #`$@ @' ' Hide_Wheelbase11  !p@! @' '  Hide_TrackF10  !p`! @   Hide_TrackF12  !P" @   Hide_TrackF11  ! ""P @'0 ' Hide_Vecl12Selected  !" @'0 ' Hide_Vecl11Selected  !" @'0 ' Hide_Vecl10Selected  #`P$ '$P% '%P& '$P&'&P(@ '(@P) ')P* ',P. '.P0 'Pp 'p` $Vehicle Number (for use on SE 20/00)    h6 ,Arial (Vehicle Number ((for use on SE 20/00)!"  Track (mm)  4 #$0 Wheelbase (mm)  M %@&P Mass on axle (kg)  O $p% Front   %p& Rear   &(P "Maximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 (km/h)  c c  c,Arial (uMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 ((km/h)(P) )Rim designation (width/profile/diameter)  { { c {,Arial (Rim designation ((width/profile/diameter)**0 Tyre designation   L - -@ Construction type  M /0P Tubed/Tubeless  H  p'! "@@'''`' '' Summar_TrackF9  #` $@'''`' '' Summar_Wheelbase1  $ %@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassFront1  % &@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassRear1  & (@@'''`' '' Summar_MaxVeclSpeed1  ) *@'''`' '' Summar_TyreDesA1  , .',0P- p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucBiasA1  ,P-p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucRadialA1  -P.p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucDiagPlyA1  ,` 0-   Bias belted  1 - 0-P Radial   - 0.  Diagonal Ply  7 . 0'/P/p@'''' '' !Summar_TubedA1  /P0p@'''' '' !Summar_TubelessA1  /0 0/@ Tubed   / 00 Tubeless  ) !0 "0 @ Title _!0 "0  @T   Check1 h6 h6 { h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#p $p @ Title `#p $p  @U   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$ % @ Title a$ %  @V   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k% & @ Title b% &  @W   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k& ' @ Title c& '  @X   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(@ )'(P )`@' ' Summar_RimDesWidthA1  (PP)`@' ' Summar_RimDesProfA1  (PP)@' ' Summar_RimDesDiamA1  ( )p /   ( )p /   (P )P @ Title d(P )P  @\   Check1 h6 h6 V h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,-@ Title e,- @]   Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( n)*@ Title f)* @^   Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n/0@ Title g/0 @_   Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( n'! "@@'''`' '' Summar_TrackF10  #`$@'''`' '' Summar_Wheelbase1  $%@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassFront1  %&@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassRear1  &(@@'''`' '' Summar_MaxVeclSpeed2  )*@'''`' '' Summar_TyreDesA1  ,.',0P- p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucBiasA1  ,P-p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucRadialA1  -P.p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucDiagPlyA1  ,`0-   Bias belted  1 - 0-P Radial   -0.  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"@@'''`' '' Summar_TrackF11  #`$@'''`' '' Summar_Wheelbase1  $%@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassFront1  %&@'''`' '' Summar_AxleMassRear1  &(@@'''`' '' Summar_MaxVeclSpeed3  )*@'''`' '' Summar_TyreDesA1  ,.',0P- p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucBiasA1  ,P-p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucRadialA1  -P.p@'''' '' Summar_ConstrucDiagPlyA1  ,`0-   Bias belted  1 - 0-P Radial   -0.  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"@#@'''`' '' (Summar_TrackF12  #`$#@'''`' '' )Summar_Wheelbase1  $%#@'''`' '' *Summar_AxleMassFront1  %&#@'''`' '' +Summar_AxleMassRear1  &(@#@'''`' '' ,Summar_MaxVeclSpeed4  )*#@'''`' '' -Summar_TyreDesA1  ,.#',0"P- #p@'''' ''  .Summar_ConstrucBiasA1  ,"P-#p@'''' ''  /Summar_ConstrucRadialA1  -"P.#p@'''' ''  0Summar_ConstrucDiagPlyA1  ,`0- !  Bias belted  1 - 0- P Radial   -0."  Diagonal Ply  7 .0#'/"P/#p@'''' '' $1Summar_TubedA1  /"P0#p@'''' '' $2Summar_TubelessA1  /00/ @ Tubed   /00! Tubeless  ) !0"0@ Title z!0"0 @  3 Check1 h6 h6 V h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#p$p@ Title {#p$p @  4 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$%@ Title |$% @  5 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k%&@ Title }%& @  6 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k&'@ Title ~&' @  7 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(@)#'(P) `@' ' 8Summar_RimDesWidthA1  (P P)"`@' ' 9Summar_RimDesProfA1  (P"P)#@' ' :Summar_RimDesDiamA1  (" )p" /   ( )p /   (P)P@ Title (P)P @  ; Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k, -"@ Title , -" @  < Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( n)"*#@ Title )"*# @  = Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n/ 0"@ Title / 0" @  > Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( nP  9   lr P 10   rl  @  11   lr  P# 12   rl  p p'pPp 'p Was vehicle tested?   lrZ pp'pp'pp#'P@'''/' '' ?/@/  VehTestYes1   Z> @@'''/' '' @/@/  VehTestNo1   ڳZ: P@'''/' '' A/@/  VehTestYes2   Z> @@'''/' '' B/@/  VehTestNo2   ڳZ: P@'''/' '' C/@/  VehTestYes3   Z> @@'''/' '' D/@/  VehTestNo3   ڳZ: !P"@'''/' '' E/@/  VehTestYes4   Z> !@"@'''/' '' F/@/  VehTestNo4   ڳZ:  P @ Title  P  @  33G  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n@@ Title @ @  33H  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n0`@ Title 0` @  33I  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n  P@ Title   P @  33J  Warning38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( np ! 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No     +P+ @' ' SHide_TyreNom10  +0+p @' ' THide_TyreNom11  +@# +# @' ' UHide_TyreNom12  *P, '+0+ %*Tyre nominal size (width) [Cl 20.3.2]    33* ,@'''`' '' VSummar_TyreNom1  *+@ Title *+ @  W Warning1 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n*,@'''`' '' XSummar_TyreNom2  *+@ Title *+ @  Y Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n*,@'''`' '' ZSummar_TyreNom3  *+@ Title *+ @  [ Warning1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n*,#@'''`' '' \Summar_TyreNom4  *"+#@ Title *"+# @  ] Warning1 h6 h6 V h6, Wingdings  (n n({ i( n33#  Sheet 2 of 2   ; ` +Identification of Test Vehicles (continued)   ˤ Pp# @'J @'   x  A! Manufacturer's Name  V p0 Licensee's Reference  ` 2`3 SF 20/00 Dec 2003   ^  ` @ ' @` ` ' p @ Front    pp 0 p Rear   ! P"@ '"@P#` '!p"@ Front   "pp#0 Rear      @c' '  Hide_TrackR2     @d   Hide_TrackR4    ` @e   Hide_TrackR3      @f' '  Hide_TrackR2  " #  @   Hide_TrackR4  " " @   Hide_TrackR3  "# @ @' '  Hide_TrackR2  "# @   Hide_TrackR12   @ `@'W''`' '' Summar_TrackR1   @ `@'j''`' '' Summar_TrackR2   @ `@'}''`' '' Summar_TrackR3   @ `#@'''`' '' Summar_TrackR4  "@ #`@'''`' '' Summar_TrackR1  "@#`@'''`' '' Summar_TrackR2  "@#`@'''`' '' Summar_TrackR3  "@#`#@'''`' '' Summar_TrackR4   P P @_ Title  P P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P P@` Title  P P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P P@a Title  P P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P P@b Title  P P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"P #P @ Title "P #P  @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"P#P@ Title "P#P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"P#P@ Title "P#P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"P#P@ Title "P#P @   Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k23p @ @     A! 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Furthur discussion items must be raised manually.<<<GRevision 2.2195/65R15%<195/65R15195/65R15195/65R15Astyl  FONTArial1Astyl  FONTArial1Astyl  FONTArial1Astyl  FONTArial5%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%177<<<<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%180<<<<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%177<<<<MA՟JJS`185 *Q0GVm>%%%%%%xxxxxx j;lkjklTrueTrueTrueTrueTrueTruekI0Hidden cells of note on this form are:- Hide_VeclXSelected:- tells if the bells in column X should turn on or not. See entries on individual cells. Hide_AxleMassLowerLimit, Hide_AxelMassUpperLimit:- does a simple If .. elseif ... else .. end to check for the axle mass limits, depending on category.Vm>Vm>Vm>0G0G0G*Q*Q*Q @ @Revision 2.2GGGxj;lkjkl<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Grand Prix<<<<<<<<<195/65R15195/65R15195/65R15%%%@styl  FONTArial@styl  FONTArial@styl  FONTArialAstyl  FONTArial1%%%%%%%<<<<<%%%%<<<<<%%%%<<<<<%%%%%%xxxxxx՟JJS`Grand Prixa16071081025001450Vm>Vm>Vm>0G0G0G*Q*Q*Q h h h*Q0G*Q0G h hVm>Grand PrixaGrand Prix195/65R15195/65R15Vm>   mb   R ^     * 6 B N Z f r ~ File N  O  W  S    M  $   /& 0 2 > P J QNew Document...Open...CloseSave Save As...Send... Import... Export... Attach... Extract... 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See entries on individual cells. Hide_AxleMassLowerLimit, Hide_AxelMassUpperLimit:- does a simple If .. elseif ... else .. end to check for the axle mass limits, depending on category.0NL;\h;\N ;\  x;\  ;\0    (;\ )>;\*0-;\0xf4O0d30E0ZO0~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3Bh0 O0-~(02d3Vh0 O0-~(0bd3nh0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0vd3h0 O0-~(0d3 h0 O0-~(0d3#h0 O0-~(06d3[h0 O0-~(0Nd3qh0f4ZO0d30ZE0 O0~(0~d3h0COMMENT: Having this level of indirection between the bells in column 2 and the checkboxes for variant makes sense because ---- we can do some horrible hacks later on (like setting this to True, permanently) if we want to change the reason that the bells turn on."<B0,;\h`;\;\$;\ ;\  ;\  ;\0     ;\ ;\)>;\*;\-p;\0xf4VO0d30E0FO0~(0bd3h0 O0-~(0d3Bh0 O0-~(0d3Vh0 O0-~(0d3nh0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0 d3h0 O0-~(0"d3h0 O0-~(0jd3h0 O0-~(0d3 h0 O0-~(0d3#h0 O0-~(0d3[h0 O0-~(0d3qh0f4ZVO0d30ZE0 O0~(06d3h0COMMENT: Having this level of indirection between the bells in column 2 and the checkboxes for variant makes sense because ---- we can do some horrible hacks later on (like setting this to True, permanently) if we want to change the reason that the bells turn on.":B0,;\h`;\;\$;\ ;\  ;\  ;\0    ;\ ;\)>8;\*;\-;\0xf4~[O0d30E0O0~(0[d3h0 O0-~(0[d3Bh0 O0-~(0[d3Vh0 O0-~(0[d3nh0 O0-~(0[d3h0 O0-~(02[d3h0 O0-~(0V[d3h0 O0-~(0 [d3h0 O0-~(0[d3 h0 O0-~(0[d3$h0 O0-~(0[d3\h0 O0-~(0[d3rh0f4Z~[O0d30ZE0 O0~(0[d3h0COMMENT: Having this level of indirection between the bells in column 2 and the checkboxes for variant makes sense because ---- we can do some horrible hacks later on (like setting this to True, permanently) if we want to change the reason that the bells turn on."8BC,C4;\C;\  ;\;\  LEPD~(ERd3h/E LEGD~(ERd3%h/E X4 g_H4 MAD~(E"Rd3Th/E MBD~(E.Rd3Yh/E MCD~(E:Rd3^h/E X4 g_H4 MD1D~(ERd3h/E )'X4 g_H4 X4 g_H47C,ChC;\ C;\  h;\;\ T;\;\  LEPD~(EVd3h/E LEGD~(E*Vd3%h/E ;y&.D MAD~(ENVd3Uh/E MBD~(EfVd3Zh/E kIy&.D MCD~(EVd3h/E w5y&.D MD1D~(EVd3h/E ^y&.D T y&.D7d ,;\T;\;\      ;\D  ;\  ;\0;\;\;\;\;\4;\;\p !";\#;\$$t;\%;\`&';\(`;\);\*$;\+D, -!;\P."H;\/#;\0$ ;\1%;\2&;\3';\4(;\5);\@6789:;<=>*;\?+;\@,;\A-;\B.;\C/;\DD0T;\E1;\F2;\G3;\H4;\I5;\J6;\K7;\4L8d;\M9;\pN:(;\O;;\P<;\Q=;\R>;\S?;\$T@t;\UA;\`VB8;\WC;\XD$YEZF ;\[G;\ \H;\]I;\ P^JD;\_K;\ `L;\aM;\ bN;\cO;\ dP;\eQ;\ @fRT;\gS;\ |hT;\iU jV ;\kW;\ lX;\ll>;\rX "A~(">Xd3hg" "A~("nXd37hg" "A~("Xd3Qhg" "A~("Xd3khg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~(""Xd3hg" "A~(":Xd3hg" "A~("RXd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3"hg" "A~("Xd3=hg" "A~("Xd3Xhg" "A~("Xd3thg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("*Xd3hg" "A~("BXd3hg" "A~("fXd3hg" "A~("~Xd3hg" "A~("Xd34hg" "A~("^Xd3khg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("6Xd3hg" "A~("rXd3hg" "A~("Xd3 hg" "A~("Xd3$hg" "A~("Xd3>hg" "A~("zXd3Xhg" "A~("Xd3rhg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("FXd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3 hg" "A~("Xd3 hg" "A~(".Xd34hg" "A~("Xd3Hhg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("Xd3hg" "A~("bXd3(hg" "A~("ZXd3>hg" "A~("RId3Thg" "A~("vId3jhg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("6Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id33hg" "A~("Id3Hhg" "A~("JId3`hg" "A~("Id3xhg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~(".Id3hg" "A~("jId3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("VId3hg" "A~(" Id30hg" "A~("Id3Ahg" "A~("Id3Shg" "A~("Id3ehg" "A~("Id3whg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("NId3hg" "A~("FId3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~("Id3hg" "A~(" Id3 hg" "A~("^Id3 hg" "A~("~Id3, hg" "A~("Id3? hg" "A~("Id3R hg" "A~("Id3i hg" "A~("Id3 hg"loKLMN   68:<VXZ\7@BDF ?ACE @a Z;\y  O0~(0WEd3h0f4WEO0d30E0O0~(0?WEd3?yh0f4WEO0d30E0?***Please be aware that there are two pages in this document***o@" { ,T;\\;\ |  3~(F`d3h/)f4"`3d3E/)3~(1^`d31h/)f4"`3d3E/)1The date cannot be greater than the current date.p@ BT ;\ ;\ T;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\;\D;\ x.~(//d3.h. x.q~(//d3uh. .q~(//d3h.,y    ^_`abfuvwxy}   $34567;OPQR879;=ghi~%&'<=>GHIJWY[] BT ;\ p;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~CP;\;\D(;\ %ІS1ІІ %>Sz>> LSLL,y    ^_`abfuvwxy}   $34567;OPQR879;=ghi~%&'<=>GHIJWY[] ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\hD;\X;\;\ jAS@IjAjA %AS@TAA fL d AS@AA .BS@.B.Byo ;\ <;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\ BSAD B B %/tO0ed30>E0O0g~(0|Wtd3|Sh0f4D/tO0ed30DE0f4L/tO0d30LE04Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested$%&lJLKm@3@ `;\0;\;\         A;\X;\l;\;\ ;\ ;\@;\- ;\3  "~("bMd3hg"f4>M"ed3"Eg"X"g~("6Md36hg"  kg to ~("Md3hg" kg. 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Please check.Wd3 hg" . ?-6Lf4TW"ed3"TEg""g~("}FWd3}hg"f4ZW"ed3"ZEg"f4bW"d3"bEg"5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested 9:*+,`DEFa@U:D@ ;\       A;\ ;\       A;\ D;\% R+4 ;\:  O0~(0gsd3h0 ,"Z+SL ׄ,"Z+SLf4mO0ed30E0~O0g~(0Dmd3Dh0 0,"Z+SLf4bmO0ed30bE0O0g~(0md3h0f4hmO0ed30hE0f4pmO0d30pE0DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]-./cABCb@       A;\ ;\ 3;\@;\f4(nO0ed30(E0O0g~(0Znd3h0f4.nO0ed30.E0f44nO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A;\ $;\ ;\;\<;\f4(BrO0ed30(E0O0g~(0od3/h0f4.BrO0ed30.E0f44BrO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A ;\ ;\;\f4(sO0ed30(E0>,O0g~(0^sd3<h0f4.sO0ed30.E0f44sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       AQ7  ;\;\ ;\f4(27sO0ed30(E0,O0g~(07sd3h0f4.27sO0ed30.E0f4427sO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ X;\ ;\;\0;\f4(._FO0ed30(E0)O0g~(0_Fd3h0f4.._FO0ed30.E0f44._FO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@7&  ;\ 0;\ `      A,;\;\ ;\;\!O(-0;\ 7R aSdaMaa %aSdaZaa fL ` fL ` xaSdaaa x`Sda`` `Sda(`` `Sda8``6y!"#eMONd`, ;\ l;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\D;\X  ;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R :aSv`P:a:a %VaSv`]VaVa Yh/fL  T fL  xaSv`aa x`Sv``` "`Sv`"`"` `Sv``` y$%&lJLKm\/ ;\ ;\ @;\  $;\       A;\D;\X;\;\ ;\;\ ӯ%;\(;\/( `S|bT`` %`S|ba`` %aS|baa fL ! xaS|baa aS|b aa aS|baa$y9:'()^GIH_\/ ;\ ;\ @;\  $;\       A;\D;\X;\ ;\8;\;\ $;\%;\($/( `SbS`` %aSb`aa %6bSb6b6b fL X! xaSbaa (bSb(b(b |bSb |b|b$y9:*+,`DEFa>>l ;\ ;\ 8;\         A;\D;\X ;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\4(;\/;\H4 ;\\7;\>|  nbSbSnbnb %|bSb`|b|b fL } ׄfL } x6bSb6b6b 0fL } x0`Sb0`0` bSbbb xcSbxcxc y-./cABCb-;\ ;\       A;\0;\D ;\  D;\;\ 0;\' ;\-  O0~(0kd3h0 e,+SLf4OlO0ed30E0O0g~(0=jd3=h0 ,+SLf4OlO0ed30E0O0g~(0WOfd3W>h0f4FOlO0ed30FE0ΌO0g~(0|Ofd3|)h0f4LOlO0ed30LE0f4VOlO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@- ;\0;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ p;\' ;\-  O0~(0nd3h0 )',N+SLf4nnO0ed30E0vO0g~(0@^nd3@h0 ,N+SLf4nnO0ed30E0O0g~(0Znd3ZAh0f4FnnO0ed30FE0O0g~(0nd3%h0f4LnnO0ed30LE0f4VnnO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp  ;\ P;\;\K"       A;\X.H ;\ X;\     l;\ D;\  A;\;\ |;\;\T;\;\ @;\%;\$*,;\?;\8D;\I;\LN`Q;\X 6S`S66 %6S``66 efL (E" x6S`66 fL (E" %07S`0707 x"7S`"7"7 L7S`;L7L7 %Z7S`HZ7Z7 v7S`jv7v7 %7S`w77 )'fL (E" x85S`8585 fL (E" %6S`66 x5S`!55 p5S`/p5p5 6S`?66:y cz !8  e| #:UR ;\ ,;\ ;\>;\ ;\|        AP;\ ;\D <;\ ;\  A;\  t;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\-;\$C|;\Kh;\N;\LU %3S233 xl3S2l3l3 xB3S2B3B3 x2S222 P3S2)P3P3 z3S29z3z3(PyYp.Zq/[r0l ;\ l;\ $;\;\|  >7S6O>7>7 %L7S6\L7L7 p5S6jp5p5 6S6z66y>l ;\ T;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D ;\l  A;\ ;\  ;\4;\-;\H4;\\7;\> %Ss xS xS S S8y\s1]t28 ;\ x;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\h;\< cSfGcc %cSfRcc cSf\ccy7r6 ;\@ 4;\;\h ;\ h;\ ;\ T;\          A;\;\ ;\   ;\J&\;\6$  O0~(0Wkd3 h0 O0~(0^okd38h0 <O0~(0okd3Qh0f4WkO0d30E0pO0~(04jwsd34h0 O0~(0qd3h0 ,&^+SL ,&^+SLf42WkO0d302E0pO0~(0,qd3,0h0f4^WkO0d30^E0pO0~(0tqd3th0f4dWkO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested!"#eMONd@6 ;\@ d;\h ;\@;\  ;\          A;\;\ ;\   |;\;\ &h;\6$  O0~(0Okd3$h0 O0~(0Okd3@h0 <O0~(0:Okd3]h0f4O0d30E0qO0~(04vOkd34h0 O0~(0Okd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42O0d302E0sO0~(04nOkd34Ph0f4^O0d30^E0nO0~(0|:Wkd3|h0f4dO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested$%&lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ 8;\$;\ ;\         A;\;\ (;\ ;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("wJd3(hg" "~(".wJd3Hhg" <"~("Jd3ihg"f4WJ"d3"Eg""~("4Jd34hg" "~("OLd3hg"f42WJ"d3"2Eg""~("6?Nd36hg"  kg to ~("Nd3hg" kg. Please check.Nd3hg" .V?-6Lf4tWJ"d3"tEg"L"~("}=d3}hg"f4zWJ"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"'9:()^GIH_@$A 67@ ;\h ;\ 8;\ ;\ $;\  ;\          A;\;\  ;\  ;\4  ;\p(;\1;\AN "~("&Xd3'hg" "~(">Xd3Fhg" <"~("VXd3fhg"f4X"d3"Eg""~("4bXd34hg" "~("zXd3hg"f42X"d3"2Eg""~("5Xd35yhg"  kg to ~("Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" . ?-6Lf4tX"d3"tEg""~("}Xd3}~hg"f4zX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"*9:+,`DEFa@H ;\@ II t]1 I;\ ;\ ;\          A;\         A;\\ yL%  ;\+;\8;\HN O0~(0>_Fd3'h0 O0~(0_Fd3Fh0 <O0~(0_Fd3fh0f4FO0d30E0wO0~(047Ed34h0 O0~(0WDd3h0 ,&+SL ׄ,&+SLf42FO0d302E0xO0~(0DfCd3Dih0 0,&+SLf4FO0d30E0xO0~(0Bd3Dh0f4FO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]-./cABCb@       A ;\ ;\;\8;\f4(oO0ed30(E0|vO0g~(0fod3h0f4.oO0ed30.E0f44oO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(nO0ed30(E0wO0g~(0nd3/h0f4.nO0ed30.E0f44nO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A;\ @;\ ;\;\f4(rO0ed30(E0zO0g~(0>rd3<h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       A ;\ ;\`;\f4(rO0ed30(E0bO0g~(0rd3h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(rO0ed30(E0}O0g~(0rd3h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@I ;\ $;\ ;\T ;\hd;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\0 (;\ ;\D       A;\p ;\  ;\!l;\,;\1X;\? 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Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@-;\P;\       A;\0;\D ;\  D;\;\ 0;\' ;\-  O0~(0md3h0 )',b+SLf4mO0ed30E0T4O0g~(0@Ond3@h0 ,b+SLf4mO0ed30E0b4O0g~(0Zmd3ZAh0f4FmO0ed30FE0p4O0g~(0md3%h0f4LmO0ed30LE0f4VmO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp ;\ $;\ ;\ D;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   ;\  ;\ ;\  A;\;\  ;\;\;\;\ ;\%;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q;\X S.Z %S.g efL   xdS.dd fL   %S. x$S. $$ @S.B@@ %NS.ONN jS.qjj %xS.~xx )'fL   xS. fL   %ڮS.ڮڮ xS.( S.6   S.F:y cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ h;\ ;\>8;\ | ;\       A ;\ ;\D ;\ ;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A ;\ ;\  ;\;\$;\-;\$C;\K;\N;\LU %dSdd xS  xS x|S"|| S0 S@(PyYp.Zq/[r0l ;\ $;\ p;\ ;\|l  SDV %SDc SDq $SD$$y>l ;\ ;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D l  A;\ ;\  ;\4H;\-;\H4;\\7 ;\> %DSzDD xS xS 6S66 `S``8y\s1]t2B @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ,    4;\%;\2;\B$  ?_~pD?!?_? ڭ^~pD?:ڭ^ڭ <^^~pD?T^^^~8H?_h~zD gd6t[h~pD?44t[t[ VX~pD?VXVX l?_~~,0 l?_~~,0~8H2?_h~zD7Xh~pD?,5,XX~8Hv?_h~zD;7Zh~pD?tOtZZ~8H|?_h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6"!#eMONd@6 @ X;\h ;\  ;\;\ X           A;\;\ P;\   ;\O& DYO6$  O0~(0/td3$h0 O0~(0*wd3@h0 <O0~(0jd3]h0f4_kO0d30E03O0~(04xd34h0 O0~(0Bxd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42_kO0d302E0 5O0~(04_Fd34Ph0f4^_kO0d30^E05O0~(0|_Fd3|h0f4d_kO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested%$&lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ 8;\ <;\(;\          A;\;\ T;\ @;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("Id3(hg" "~("Id3Hhg" <"~("Id3ihg"f4I"d3"Eg"{"~("4Id34hg" "~("Id3hg"f42I"d3"2Eg"{"~("6FId36hg"  kg to ~("^Id3hg" kg. Please check.Id3hg" . &?-6Lf4tI"d3"tEg"{"~("}BId3}hg"f4zI"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"(9:')^GIH_@$A @ ;\;\h l;\ $;\ ;\ ;\ $;\ (;\          A;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("'Xd3'hg" "~("'Xd3Fhg" <"~("'Xd3fhg"f4'X"d3"Eg"&|"~("4'Xd34hg" "~("&'Xd3hg"f42'X"d3"2Eg"4|"~("5V'Xd35yhg"  kg to ~("n'Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .?-6Lf4t'X"d3"tEg"B|"~("}v'Xd3}~hg"f4z'X"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"+9:*,`DEFa@H ;\@ ;\h ;\  ;\ <;\          A;\  ;\       A;\\;\p ;\%  ;\+;\8t;\HN O0~(0ggd3'h0 O0~(0ggd3Fh0 <O0~(0jggd3fh0f4wfO0d30E0|O0~(04ggd34h0 O0~(0fhd3h0 ,6+SL ׄ,6+SLf42wfO0d302E0|O0~(0Dd3Dih0 0,6+SLf4wfO0d30E0|O0~(0fd3Dh0f4wfO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1].-/cABCb@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(qO0ed30(E0>}O0g~(0qd3h0f4.qO0ed30.E0f44qO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(GpO0ed30(E0}O0g~(0Gpd3/h0f4.GpO0ed30.E0f44GpO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(rO0ed30(E0}O0g~(0^rd3<h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(~grO0ed30(E00zO0g~(0grd3h0f4.~grO0ed30.E0f44~grO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(grO0ed30(E0zO0g~(07sd3h0f4.grO0ed30.E0f44grO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@I ;\ $;\ ,;\;\T h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p ;\  !;\,;\1;\? 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Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@-;\0;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0*md3h0 )',+SLf4nO0ed30E0ZwO0g~(0@:md3@h0 ,+SLf4nO0ed30E0hwO0g~(0ZOkd3ZAh0f4FnO0ed30FE0vwO0g~(0Okd3%h0f4LnO0ed30LE0f4VnO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp ;\ \;\ ;\ P;\x;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   |;\  T;\ ,;\  A;\;\ <;\;\;\R %;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q|;\X `|S |Z`|`| %n|S |gn|n| efL  x|S ||| fL  %|S ||| x>zS | >z>z ZzS |BZzZz %hzS |Ohzhz zS |qzz %zS |~zz )'fL  xzS |zz fL  %zS |zz x{S |({{ {S |6{{ {S |F{{:y cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ ;\ $;\>;\  ;\       A;\ ;\D ;\ D;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$C;\K;\N;\LU %.S.. x$S $$ xS xS" S0 S@(PyYp.Zq/[r0l ;\ $;\ p;\ ;\|;\  ;\ `SV`` %nScnn |Sq|| Sy>l ;\ h;\  ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D ;\l  A(;\ ;\  ;\;\4;\-;\H4;\\7;\> %zS0zzzz x|S0z|| xN}S0zN}N} yS0zyy yS0zyy8y\s1]t2B @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4  ;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  4_~pD|4!4_4 ~pD|4: <~pD|4T~8H|4_h~zD gdzv”h~pD|444”” ޔ~pD|4ޔޔ @~lXA> @~lXA>~8H2|4_h~zDvh~pD|4,5,~8Hv|4_h~zD;vh~pD|4tOt~8H||4_h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6#!"eMONd@6 ;\@ ;\h h;\  ;\|Xw ;\ (;\          A;\;\ ;\   ;\O& DYO6$  O0~(0"md3$h0 O0~(0:md3@h0 <O0~(0Rmd3]h0f4mO0d30E0uO0~(04^md34h0 O0~(0vmd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42mO0d302E0 vO0~(04Bmd34Ph0f4^mO0d30^E0<O0~(0|md3|h0f4dmO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested&$%lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ 8;\$;\ ;\         A;\;\ ;\  ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("Md3(hg" "~(".Md3Hhg" <"~("FMd3ihg"f4M"d3"Eg""~("4RMd34hg" "~("jMd3hg"f42M"d3"2Eg""~("6Md36hg"  kg to ~("Md3hg" kg. Please check.Md3hg" .N?-6Lf4tM"d3"tEg""~("}Md3}hg"f4zM"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested")9:'(^GIH_@$A @ d;\;\h <;\ 4r|;\ ;\ h;\ `;\ L;\8;\          A;\;\ <;\ (;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("7Xd3'hg" "~("7Xd3Fhg" <"~("7Xd3fhg"f4b7X"d3"Eg""~("47Xd34hg" "~("7Xd3hg"f42b7X"d3"2Eg""~("5.7Xd35yhg"  kg to ~("F7Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .z ?-6Lf4tb7X"d3"tEg""~("}*7Xd3}~hg"f4zb7X"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested",9:*+`DEFa@H @ $;\h x;\ d;\;\ ;\ t;\          A;\ ;\ H;\       A;\\;\p ;\%  X;\+;\8D;\HN O0~(0d3'h0 O0~(0d3Fh0 <O0~(0.Td3fh0f4jggO0d30E0pO0~(04Td34h0 O0~(0Td3h0 ,2+SL ׄ,2+SLf42jggO0d302E0~O0~(0D7Ud3Dih0 0,2+SLf4jggO0d30E0O0~(0Ud3Dh0f4jggO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]/-.cABCb@       A ;\ ;\ ;\f4(rO0ed30(E0 O0g~(0rd3h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A11 8;\ ;\;\0;\f4(qO0ed30(E0lO0g~(0qd3/h0f4.qO0ed30.E0f44qO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A ;\ ;\;\ ;\f4(_rO0ed30(E0O0g~(0z_rd3<h0f4._rO0ed30.E0f44_rO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(27sO0ed30(E0O0g~(07sd3h0f4.27sO0ed30.E0f4427sO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ ;\ Jg;\f4(~yO0ed30(E0̸O0g~(0zyd3h0f4.~yO0ed30.E0f44~yO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0        A;\\;\p @;\  ;\!;\,;\1;\? ;\B;\I$  S_ `Sx`` <S xGSGG lCSlClC %BSBB BCSBCBC fL Hl fL Hl x>S>> x=S== 8S88 S8y#!"eMONd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         A;\x;\ ;\   P;\;\4!<;\&;\H4 ;\\7;\>$  n|S{bn|n| |S{~|| <|S{|| x|S{|| @}S{@}@} %yS{yy zS{zz Yh/fL q T fL q xzS{-zz x`|S{G`|`| ||S{U|||| |S{e||"y&$%lJLKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ ;\D        A;\;\;\  ;\  ;\  ;\HH;\$;\\)4;\7  ;\:;\A  STf ST <`ST`` xCSTCC GSTGG %BCSTBCBC BSTBB %lCST^lClC fL v x>ST>> =ST== 8ST88&y)9:'(^GIH_A ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ ;\D        A;\;\  ;\  L;\  ;\H;\$i)<7 ;\:;\A  SjVe `SjV`` <SjV xCSjVCC GSjVGG %BSjVBB lCSjVlClC %BCSjVXBCBC fL { x>SjV{>> =SjV== 8SjV88&y,9:*+`DEFaP  ;\ t;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 0 X;\ D         A ;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\%  @;\(;\3,;\8;\F;\I;\PN Se dSdd <S xS S %S nSnn fL  ׄfL  xS9 0fL  xS0 S> XSNXX"y/-.cABCb- ;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0VYd3h0 e,+SLf4GgO0ed30E0xO0g~(0=zYd3=h0 ,+SLf4GgO0ed30E0O0g~(0WZd3W>h0f4FGgO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|W[d3|)h0f4LGgO0ed30LE0f4VGgO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@- ;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0nyd3h0 )',"Z+SLf4ZyO0ed30E0ڵO0g~(0@yd3@h0 ,"Z+SLf4ZyO0ed30E0赟O0g~(0Zyd3ZAh0f4FZyO0ed30FE0O0g~(0.yd3%h0f4LZyO0ed30LE0f4VZyO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp ;\ \;\ ;\ P;\x;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   ;\  l;\ D;\  A;\;\ `;\;\8;\;\ $;\%;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q;\X SrZ %Srg efL  xNSrNN fL  %>Sr>> xSr  SrB %hSrOhh Srq %Sr~ )'fL  xSr fL  %dSrdd xSr( Sr6 vSrFvv:y cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\  ;\       Al D $;\ ;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$Cx;\Kd;\N;\LU %记S记 xjS jj x@S@@ x$S"$$ \S0\\ xS@xx(PyYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ |Sr{V|| %N}Sr{cN}N} ySr{qyy zSr{zzy>l ;\ 8;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ D ;\l  A;\ ;\  ;\;\4;\-;\H4\7T;\> %S=z xS= xS= lS=ll S=8y\s1]t2 ;\ ,;\ ;\     Ch;\;\@;\ .~(//>Nd3.h. .q~(//.Nd3h. .q~(//:Nd3h. y   < D;\ $~(&Gd3h/% One or more fields too long.% $~(&VGd3Hh/%* ;\ h;\ ;\DL| ÀfL X  S6L   !S6V!!y* ;\ h;\ ;\D;\|;\ ÀfL P |@S& g6~(O8E6Vg6e~(O8+E6rg6~(O8F6& g6~(O8J/Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L '2g1&Lf4&/Yg6cd3O8E6g6e~(O8S/Yd3Sh6f4:&/Yg6cd3O8:E6f4>&/Yg6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+/Yd3+ h6 B@'2g1&L 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Revison 2.3 or earlierjljlyza Z;\T  vh~pD4vvv~8H4vP~zD%"ˆ[P~pD4v?r?[[~8H4vP~zD?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***{(@ ;\       A;\ ;\|;\;\l" T;\(|  ү^~pDįү^ү ^~~0 ^~~0~8Hį^8~zD YVx'8~pDį,,''~8H>į^8~zD(8~pDįtt((~8HDį^8~zD")&~8HLį^h~zD&B?,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@' ;\ ;\ l;\"> ;\       A;\;\0 (;\;\X;\;\ ;\' fL @" fL @" x bSai b b xcSa^cc `Sal`` "`Sa|"`"` yr6 ;\@ ;\h ;\ ;\;\  ,;\          A;\;\ ;\   d;\;\ &P;\6$  T_~pD!T_T y_~pD:y_y <x_~pDTx_x~8H_h~zD gdy_h~pD44y_y z_~pDz_z _~~0 _~~0~8H2_h~zD$y_h~pD,5,y_y~8H^_h~zD/,)2.n_h~pDtt.n_.n~8Hd_h~zD24Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@d9: ;\  ;\ ;\T ;\hL;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\        A,;\;\ ;\  $;\;\ !;\/ ;\2;\49  B;SPF_B;B; ^;SPFx^;^; <z;SPFz;z; x;SPF;; ;SPF;; fL   fL   x"<SPF"<"< x,=SPF,=,= :=SPF:=:= H=SPFH=H="yr6 @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\  <;\          A;\;\ ;\   \;\;\ &H;\6$  k~pD!k k~pD:k <k~pDTk~8Hkh~zD gdT_h~pD44T_T z_~pDz_z k~~10 k~~10~8H2kh~zDx_h~pD,5,x_x~8H^kh~zD/,) y_h~pDtty_y~8Hdkh~zD24Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@d9: ;\  ;\ ;\T ;\hL;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\        A$;\;\ ;\  ;\;\ !;\/ ;\2;\49  tSx_tt Sxx <dSxdd xrSxrr Sx fL   fL   x`Sx`` xSx Sx ⬰Sx⬰"yr6 ;\@ D;\;\h ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\ ;\   ;\;\ &|;\6$  k~pD&!k k~pD&:k <k~pD&Tk~8H&kh~zD gdz_h~pD&44z_z y_~pD&y_y k~~J0 k~~J0~8H2&kh~zD;\*;\-D;\0xf4yO0d30E0y"O0~(0yd3h0 O0-~(0yd3Bh0 O0-~(0Fyd3Vh0 O0-~(0yd3nh0 O0-~(0zyd3h0 O0-~(0yd3h0 O0-~(0yd3h0 O0-~(0yd3h0 O0-~(0yd3 h0 O0-~(0Fd3#h0 O0-~(0>Fd3[h0 O0-~(0Fd3qh0f4ZyO0d30ZE0 O0~(0b_Fd3h0COMMENT: Having this level of indirection between the bells in column 2 and the checkboxes for variant makes sense because ---- we can do some horrible hacks later on (like setting this to True, permanently) if we want to change the reason that the bells turn on."K?@VB0,;\h`;\;\;\ ;\  X;\  ;\0    P;\ ;\)>*;\-;\0xf4O0d30E0.z"O0~(0d3h0 O0-~(0*d3Bh0 O0-~(0Bd3Vh0 O0-~(0fd3nh0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(0d3h0 O0-~(02d3 h0 O0-~(0Jd3#h0 O0-~(0d3[h0 O0-~(0d3qh0f4ZO0d30ZE0 O0~(0Fd3h0COMMENT: Having this level of indirection between the bells in column 2 and the checkboxes for variant makes sense because ---- we can do some horrible hacks later on (like setting this to True, permanently) if we want to change the reason that the bells turn on."STUVcde]\XZ[YB< , <O0~(0'td3h0V< L;\, <O0~(02xd3h05< ;\, <O0~(0fOfd3h0@< , <O0~(0td3h0X2F p;\@, <O0~(0Wtd3h0NF l;\@, <O0~(0^xd3h0CF ;\@, <O0~(0_Jd3h0W/F l;\@, <O0~(0id3h0U)F h;\@, <O0~(0Bxd3h0V,F (;\@, <O0~(0xd3h0HF <;\@, <O0~(0id3h0F< ,;\, <O0~(0jd3h0of< , <O0~(0Jg[d3h0>< , <O0~(0~g[d3h0?F  `@, <O0~(0jjd3h0ncF )o)o, <O0~(0W[d3h0AF  L)o)o, <O0~(0W[d3h0BF ;\;\@, <O0~(0xd3h0m`F )o)o, <O0~(0W[d3h0DF ;\)o, <O0~(0.W[d3h0EF ;\;\;\@, <O0~(0xd3h0l^F )o)ol, <O0~(0?[d3h0IF ;\)o)ol, <O0~(0?[d3h0GF ;\;\@, <O0~(0Nkd3h0klF ;\)o4, <O0~(0?[d3h0LF ;\)o, <O0~(0^?[d3h0JF ;\`@, <O0~(0sd3h0jeF ;\@, <O0~(0?[d3h0OF ;\@, <O0~(0?[d3h0M0, Oh;\;\T;\ ;\  k? 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Please check.d3h4 _.>vo/Lf4T,d3/TE4`,~(/}Vd3}h4f4Z,d3/ZE4f4b,d3/bE46Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"U^9:'()GIH_@3Z ;\D;\;\p;\         A;\X;\l;\;\ ;\ ;\h;\- 3  ,~(/ϭd3h4f4fϭ,d3/E4,~(/5ϭd35h4  kg to ~(/>ϭd3h4 kg. Please check.d3h4 _.zZo/Lf4Tfϭ,d3/TE4¶,~(/}ϭd3}h4f4Zfϭ,d3/ZE4f4bfϭ,d3/bE45Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"V`9:*+,DEFa@Y:D@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\% x;\+;\ 4 P;\:  ,~(/xd3h4 _.No/L ׄ_.No/Lf4x,d3/E4X,~(/D2xd3Dh4 0_.No/Lf4bx,d3/bE4ֵ,~(/Vxd3h4f4hx,d3/hE4f4px,d3/pE4DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]Wc-./ABCb@       A;\ 8;\ ;\;\;\f4(nO0ed30(E0ԲO0g~(0rnd3h0f4.nO0ed30.E0f44nO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A;\ ;\ i;\`;\f4(nqO0ed30(E0(O0g~(0qd3/h0f4.nqO0ed30.E0f44nqO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A;\ ;\ i,;\f4(_rO0ed30(E0|O0g~(0_rd3<h0f4._rO0ed30.E0f44_rO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(rO0ed30(E02O0g~(0Zrd3h0f4.rO0ed30.E0f44rO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(yO0ed30(E0O0g~(0>yd3h0f4.yO0ed30.E0f44yO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@7& ;\ ;\ @;\       A;\p;\ ;\H;\!;\(4;\- ;\0;\ 7R SbT %Sba fL  fL  x&Sb&& xSb Sb+ *Sb;**8yjSe!"#MONdd, ;\ ;\ ;\         A;\D;\X 4;\;\ ;\;\";\%;\,R "StjW"" %BStjdBB Yh/fL  T fL  xlCStjlClC xBCStjBCBC >Stj>> =Stj=="yjTl$%&JLKm`/ ;\ ;\ 8 `;\ ,;\       A;\D;\X\;\H;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\%(;\/( S[ %Sh %S fL  xS .S.. XSXX&yjU^9:'()GIH_`/ ;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\       A;\D;\X;\d 8;\;\ $;\%;\(/( kStjZkk %"Stjg"" %lCStjlClC fL ^ xBStjBB BCStjBCBC >Stj>>&yjV`9:*+,DEFaB>l ;\ ;\ $;\         A;\D;\X ;\       A;\;\  4;\%;\4( ;\/;\H4 ;\\7;\>|  tjSiZtjtj %"Sig"" fL   ׄfL   xlCSilClC 0fL   xBCSiBCBC BSiBB >Si>>"yjWc-./ABCb-;\;\       A;\0;\D T;\  ;\;\ c7' ;\-  O0~(0ld3h0 e,+SLf4lO0ed30E0hO0g~(0=ld3=h0 ,+SLf4lO0ed30E0hO0g~(0Wld3W>h0f4FlO0ed30FE0hO0g~(0|ld3|)h0f4LlO0ed30LE0f4VlO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedc z !8@-;\$;\       A;\0;\D 0;\  0;\;\ ;\' %-  O0~(0jWqd3h0 )',r+SLf4WqO0ed30E0ViO0g~(0@Wqd3@h0 ,r+SLf4WqO0ed30E0diO0g~(0ZWqd3ZAh0f4FWqO0ed30FE0riO0g~(0RWqd3%h0f4LWqO0ed30LE0f4VWqO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testede | #:@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   ;\  x;\ P;\  A;\;\ ;\;\`;\;\ L;\%;\$*8;\?;\8D$;\I;\LNQlX ZSZZZ %hSghh efL h1 xS fL h1 %S xS  SB %dSOdd Sq % S~   )'fL h1 xS fL h1 %S xrS(rr S6 DSFDD:yjc z !8de | #:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ 6 ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ 8;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A(;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$C;\K;\N;\LU %"Sv8"" x!Sv8 !! xlCSv8lClC xBCSv8"BCBC >Sv80>> =Sv8@==(PyjY[Zp.q/r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ H{SzVH{H{ %r{Szcr{r{ {Szq{{ {Sz{{yjX>l ;\ <;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D ;\l  A<;\ ;\  (;\|@@-;\H4;\\7,;\> %FSzFF xS x&S&& lSll 2S228yj\]s1t2B @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   (;\%;\2;\B$  ~pD! k~pD:k <k~pDTk~8Hh~zD gdddkh~pD44dkd k~pDk ~~|R0 ~~|R0~8H2h~zDdrkh~pD,5,rkr~8Hvh~zD;dkh~pDtOtk~8H|h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6jM!"#eONd@6 @ l;\;\h D;\ X;\(;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\ 8;\   ;\ &(;\6$  O0~(0md3$h0 O0~(0.md3@h0 <O0~(0md3]h0f4'WO0d30E0>eO0~(04gsd34h0 O0~(0ld3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42'WO0d302E0LeO0~(04ld34Ph0f4^'WO0d30^E0ZeO0~(0|ld3|h0f4d'WO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedkJ$%&lLKm@%A ;\@ ;\;\h ;\  ;\ ;\ H ;\ (@;\ x;\         A;\;\  ;\  ;\ ;\4  ;\p ;\1;\AN "~("v)d3(hg" "~(")d3Hhg" <"~(")d3ihg"f4'9"d3"Eg"e"~("4)d34hg" "~(")d3hg"f42'9"d3"2Eg"e"~("6'*d36hg"  kg to ~("'*d3hg" kg. Please check.*d3hg" .&^?-6Lf4t'9"d3"tEg"e"~("}'*d3}hg"f4z'9"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"lG9:'()^IH_@$A @ `;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4  ;\pP;\1;\AN "~("WXd3'hg" "~("WXd3Fhg" <"~("WXd3fhg"f4WX"d3"Eg":f"~("4 WXd34hg" "~(""WXd3hg"f42WX"d3"2Eg"Hf"~("5RWXd35yhg"  kg to ~("jWXd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .V?-6Lf4tWX"d3"tEg"Vf"~("}NWXd3}~hg"f4zWX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"mD9:*+,`EFa@H @ L;\h ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\          Al ;\ h;\  ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 p;\ ;\D         A;\;\ ;\   ;\;\4!l;\&;\H4 ;\\7D;\>$  JSbJJ S~ <*S** x8S88 ~S~~ %S S Yh/fL L[ T fL L[ xS- xpSGpp &SU&& Se"yRkJ$%&lLKmA ;\ T;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ ;\D        AD;\0;\;\  ;\    ;\H;\$;\\);\7 ;\:;\A  RɚSfRɚR S <"S"" xlCSlClC >S>> %=S== S %S^ fL Ȕ xS lSll S&yRlG9:'()^IH_A ;\ 4;\ ;\T ;\ht;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 l;\ ;\D        A;\;\;\  ;\  ;\  ;\H\;\$;\\)H;\7 4;\:;\A  RɚSveRɚR "Sv"" <Sv xlCSvlClC >Sv>> %=Sv== Sv %SvX fL  xSv{ lSvll Sv&yRmD9:*+,`EFaP  ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\hT;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ \         AL;\ 8;\ ;\        AX;\D;\ ;\%  ;\(;\3D8hF;\I t;\PN *Se** bSbb <S xS &S&& %4S44 zSzz fL  ׄfL  xS9 0fL  xS0 S> 8SN88"yRnA-./cBCb-;\(;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ p;\' ;\-  O0~(0md3h0 e,&6+SLf4BmO0ed30E0jkO0g~(0=>md3=h0 ,&6+SLf4BmO0ed30E0xkO0g~(0Wfmd3W>h0f4FBmO0ed30FE0kO0g~(0|bmd3|)h0f4LBmO0ed30LE0f4VBmO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedz c !8@-X;\       A;\0;\D ;\  `;\;\ L;\' ;\-  O0~(0fqd3h0 )',6+SLf4qO0ed30E0 lO0g~(0@qd3@h0 ,6+SLf4qO0ed30E0.lO0g~(0Zqd3ZAh0f4FqO0ed30FE0SR>> fL 8 %=SR== xSR  SRB %SRO lSRqll %SR~ )'fL 8 xSR fL 8 %SR x"SR("" 0SR600 >SRF>>:yRz c !8{| e #:M ;\ 8;\ ;\>;\  ;\       A;\ ;\D ;\ ;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H A;\ ;\ |;\ ;\T;\%;\;@;\C,;\F;\M %"Sq"" xfSq ff xlCSqlClC x>SqW>> =Sqe== Squ @yRprqY.Z/[l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ "SvpV"" %lCSvpclClC >Svpq>> =Svp==yRo>l ;\ p;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0   ;\l  A`;\ ;\  L;\;\4$;\-;\H4;\\7 ;\> %2Sz22 xFSFF x S   fSff S8yRst\1]2B @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   ;\%;\2x;\B$  ft~pDXt!ftft ~pDXt: <~pDXtT~8HXth~zD gdfh~pDXt44 ~pDXt b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6O!"#eMNd@6 ;\@ ;\;\h X;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\ ;\   ;\;\ &;\6$  O0~(0Nmd3$h0 O0~(0md3@h0 <O0~(0md3]h0f4mO0d30E0 gO0~(04md34h0 O0~(0md3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42mO0d302E0gO0~(04md34Ph0f4^mO0d30^E0(gO0~(0|&md3|h0f4dmO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedL$%&lJKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ L;\0;\ ;\ ;\ `;\ L;\8;\ $;\         A;\;\ \;\ H;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("BMd3(hg" "~("ZMd3Hhg" <"~("~Md3ihg"f4M"d3"Eg"|g"~("4Md34hg" "~("JMd3hg"f42M"d3"2Eg"g"~("6Md36hg"  kg to ~("NMd3hg" kg. Please check.Md3hg" .V?-6Lf4tM"d3"tEg"g"~("}Md3}hg"f4zM"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"I9:'()^GH_@$A @ X;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ h;\          A;\;\ ;\  ;\4  ;\pt;\1;\AN "~("gXd3'hg" "~("gXd3Fhg" <"~("gXd3fhg"f4jgX"d3"Eg"g"~("4gXd34hg" "~("gXd3hg"f42jgX"d3"2Eg"g"~("5NgXd35yhg"  kg to ~("fgXd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .V?-6Lf4tjgX"d3"tEg"h"~("}JgXd3}~hg"f4zjgX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"E9:*+,`DFa@80 @ ;\h ;\ ;\8;\ ;\ $;\   A;\X ;\l  ;\ A;\;\  4;\  ;\ ((;\8N O0~(0hd3'h0 O0~(0Fhd3Fh0 <O0~(0hd3fh0f4hO0d30E0\hO0~(04hd34h0 O0~(0hd3h0 5t44 ׄ5t44f42hO0d302E0jhO0~(0Dhd3Dih0 05t44f4bhO0d30bE0xhO0~(0zhd3Nh0f4hhO0d30hE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]BWAC       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(2sO0ed30(E0eO0g~(0Bsd3h0f4.2sO0ed30.E0f442sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A3  ;\34f4(orO0ed30(E0HO0g~(0ord3/h0f4.orO0ed30.E0f44orO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@9A;\T 0;\ h ;\ ;\f4"hO0d30E0O0~(0hd3qh0f4"hO0d30E0f4$"hO0d30$E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested [r       A;\ ;\ ;\;\8;\f4(zO0ed30(E0RO0g~(0vzd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ <;\ ;\;\;\f4( 7sO0ed30(E0&O0g~(0j7sd3h0f4. 7sO0ed30.E0f44 7sO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@I ;\ T;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\  ;\;\ 0 < ;\D       A;\\;\p ;\  !;\,;\1;\? B;\I$  S_ Sx <S xS S   %<S<< XSXX fL HT fL HT xS xbSbb ~S~~ S8yQO!"#eMNd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 l;\ ;\D         A;\;\ ;\   |;\;\4!h;\&;\H4 ;\\7@;\>$  b S>bb b  "S>~"" <lCS>lClC x>S>>> =S>== %S> S> Yh/fL Y T fL Y xlS>-ll xS>G S>U S>e"yQL$%&lJKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\ ;\D        A,;\;\;\    ;\  ;\H;\$;\\);\7 ;\:;\A  "S:f"" b S:b b  <lCS:lClC xS: S: %lS:ll S: %S:^ fL ^ x4S:44 3S:33 d~S:d~d~&yQI9:'()^GH_A ;\ 4;\ ;\T ;\ht;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 l;\ ;\D        A;\;\;\  ;\  ;\  ;\H(;\$;\\);\7 :;\A  lCSelClC >S>> <=S== xS S %lSll 3S33 %:~SX:~:~ fL c x~{S{~{~{ S 0!S0!0&yQE9:*+,`DFaP  ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\hT;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ T,         AL;\ 8;\ ;\        A;\ ;\ ;\%  ;\(;\3;\8;\F;\I;\PN @}S$}e@}@} zS$}zz <yS$}yy x|S$}|| S$} %S$} S$} fL i ׄfL i xS$}9 0fL i xrS$}0rr S$}>   S$}N"yQA-./cBCb-P;\       A;\0;\D ;\  t;\;\ `;\' ;\-  O0~(02Zd3h0 e,+SLf4RZO0ed30E0O0g~(0=^[d3=h0 ,+SLf4RZO0ed30E0O0g~(0Wnd3W>h0f4FRZO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|nd3|)h0f4LRZO0ed30LE0f4VRZO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@-;\,;\       A;\0;\D \;\   ;\;\  ;\' ;\-  O0~(0Wqd3h0 )',z+SLf4ZWqO0ed30E0҇O0g~(0@Wqd3@h0 ,z+SLf4ZWqO0ed30E0O0g~(0ZWqd3ZAh0f4FZWqO0ed30FE0O0g~(0Wqd3%h0f4LZWqO0ed30LE0f4VZWqO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp ;\ \;\ ;\ P;\x;\       A;\X;\l ;\ d;\   <;\  ;\ ;\  A;\;\ D;\;\;\ ;\%;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q\;\X xSwZxx % xSwg x x efL  xJxSwJxJx fL  %txSwtxtx xuSw uu vSwB v v %vSwOvv 6vSwq6v6v %DvSw~DvDv )'fL  xnvSwnvnv fL  %vSwvv xxwSw(xwxw wSw6ww wSwFww:yQ cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\  ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  $;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$C;\Kp;\N;\LU %b Shb b  xFSh FF xlCShlClC x>Sh">> =Sh0== Sh@(PyQYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ b SgVb b  %lCSgclClC >Sgq>> =Sg==yQ>l ;\ p;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D ;\l  Al;\ ;\  X;\;\4;\-;\H4;\\7X;\> %JxSwzJxJx xvSwvv xxSwxx ,uSw,u,u VuSwVuVu8yQ\s1]t2B @ ;\h ;\ 4;\  ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\    ;\%;\2 ;\B$  ~~pD~!~~ ~pD~: <~pD~T~8H~h~zD gd5h~pD~44 k~pD~k ~~~Xt0 ~~~Xt0~8H2~h~zD6kh~pD~,5,k~8Hv~h~zD;6pa_h~pD~tOtpa_pa~8H|~h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6N!"#eMOd@6 @ ;\h ;\  ;\ ;\ |;\          A;\;\ ;\   ;\;\ &;\6$  O0~(0md3$h0 O0~(0md3@h0 <O0~(0Bmd3]h0f4mO0d30E0b6O0~(04Nmd34h0 O0~(0~md3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42mO0d302E0p6O0~(04md34Ph0f4^mO0d30^E0~6O0~(0|md3|h0f4dmO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedK$%&lJLm@%A @ 0;\h |;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\         A;\;\ 4;\  ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("vId3(hg" "~("Id3Hhg" <"~("Id3ihg"f4RI"d3"Eg"6"~("4Id34hg" "~("Id3hg"f42RI"d3"2Eg"6"~("6Id36hg"  kg to ~("*Id3hg" kg. Please check.Id3hg" .?-6Lf4tRI"d3"tEg"6"~("}JId3}hg"f4zRI"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"H9:'()^GI_@$A @ ;\h ;\ @;\,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ P         A;\;\ ;\ ;\ 4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("oXd3'hg" "~("oXd3Fhg" <"~("oXd3fhg"f4oX"d3"Eg"B7"~("4oXd34hg" "~("oXd3hg"f42oX"d3"2Eg"P7"~("5ZoXd35yhg"  kg to ~("oXd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .6n?-6Lf4toX"d3"tEg"^7"~("}oXd3}~hg"f4zoX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"F9:*+,`DEa@H @ L;\h P4 ;\,;\ ;\ ;\          A;\ ;\ |;\       A;\\ |%  ,;\+;\8;\HN O0~(0gd3'h0 O0~(0gd3Fh0 <O0~(0Jgd3fh0f4gO0d30E07O0~(04gd34h0 O0~(0Yd3h0 ,Bz+SL ׄ,Bz+SLf42gO0d302E07O0~(0DVYd3Dih0 0,Bz+SLf4gO0d30E07O0~(0Zd3Dh0f4gO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]C-./cABb@       A;\ 8;\ ;\;\;\f4(ZrO0ed30(E0L8O0g~(0"rd3h0f4.ZrO0ed30.E0f44ZrO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedYp.@       A;\ $;\ ;\f4("orO0ed30(E0.5O0g~(0ord3/h0f4."orO0ed30.E0f44"orO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedZq/@       A;\ $;\ ;\;\f4(ryO0ed30(E03O0g~(0yd3<h0f4.ryO0ed30.E0f44ryO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested[r0@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\f4(?zO0ed30(E0^4O0g~(0?zd3h0f4.?zO0ed30.E0f44?zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\l;\f4(zO0ed30(E04O0g~(0zd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested]t2@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   0 x;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p 8;\  ;\!;\,;\1;\? ;\B;\I$  8 SN_8 8  lCSNxlClC <>SN>> x=SN== SN %SN lSNll fL 8 fL 8 xSN xSN SN SN8yPN!"#eMOd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         ADp;\ ;\   H;\;\4!4;\&;\H4 ;\\7 ;\>$  8Sb88 pS~pp <S xS ^S^^ %lSll 2S22 Yh/fL  T fL  x S-   xSG .SU.. 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Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested cz !8@-4;\,;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0rd3h0 )',V+SLf4BrO0ed30E0*NO0g~(0@rd3@h0 ,V+SLf4BrO0ed30E08NO0g~(0Zrd3ZAh0f4FBrO0ed30FE0FNO0g~(0.rd3%h0f4LBrO0ed30LE0f4VBrO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested e| #:@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   p;\  H;\  ;\  A;\;\ D;\P;\;\ <;\%;\$*(;\?;\8D;\I܀N;\`Q(;\X <SZ<< %JSgJJ efL  xS fL  %bSbb x S    SB %SO pSqpp %~S~~~ )'fL  xS fL  %4S44 xS( S6 SF:yP cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\  ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  <;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  At;\ ;\ `;\;\8;\-;\$C$;\K;\NݢU %d=S=d=d= xr=S= r=r= x<S=<< xB;S="B;B; 9S=099 "9S=@"9"9(PyPYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ vSRvVvv %vSRvcvv wSRvqww wSRvwwyP>l ;\ 8;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 `;\ D ;\l  A ;\ ;\  ;\;\4 ;\-;\H4;\\7t;\> %4SJz44 x8SJ88 xSJ SJ SJ8yP\s1]t2L , False~(0^fd3h0L ,f4fO0d30E0L , False~(0fd3h0L , False~(0fd3h0L , False~(0~fd3h0L , False~(0 fd3h0L , False~(0fd3h0L , False~(0fd3h00 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\   8;\;\ ;\V %n>S<en>n> >S<o>>yj0 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\   8;\;\ 4;\V %lCS"elClC BCS"oBCBCyR0 ;\ ;\ @;\;\ ;\h q | ;\;\ ;\V %lCS"elClC >S"o>>yQ0 ;\ ;\ ;\;\ h <;\ | ;\;\ ;\V 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characters, please check.2 ?ACEKLMN@|;\T d;\       A;\;\X;\l ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ 4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\8;\ ;\`  ;\ P;\ ;\(;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\d`;\ ;\  ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\,`;\ ;\T ;\| $;\ ;\,;\  o %;\p;\r t !D$;\";\#$%;\ ;\l;\&;\>& g6~(O8/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L '2g1&Lf4~/:g6cd3O8E6g6e~(O8S2/:d3Sh6f4:~/:g6cd3O8:E6f4>~/:g6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+:/:d3+ h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3yh6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8b/:d3 h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3Qh6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8"/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8J/:d3)h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3qh6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8/:d3Oh6 '2g1&Lf40~/:g6d3O80E6g6~(O8V/:d3Vh6 -'2g1&Lf4>~/:g6d3O8>E6g6~(O8FR/:d3Fah6f4D~/:g6d3O8DE6f4N~/:g6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2 ?ACEKLMN@| $;\T ;\       A;\l;\X Uo  ;\ ;\ ;\  <;\ ;\ S z ;\    ;\ ;\4 ;\\ l;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h;\ ;\ ;\$ ,;\ ;\8;\ ;\`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ d;\ ;\<;\ ;\(  P ;\ ;\d;\ ;\  ;\ x;\ ;\P;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\,;\ ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\;\  o %t;\p`;\r ;\t !D$;\";\#$%;\ ;\l;\&;\>& g6~(O89d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L '2Ng1&Lf49g6cd3O8E6 g6e~(O8SR9d3Sh6f4:9g6cd3O8:E6f4>9g6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+69d3+ h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3yh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O829d3 h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8z9d3Qh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8^9d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3)h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8r9d3qh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8b9d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O89d3Oh6 '2Ng1&Lf409g6d3O80E6(g6~(O8V9d3Vh6 -'2Ng1&Lf4>9g6d3O8>E66g6~(O8F9d3Fah6f4D9g6d3O8DE6f4N9g6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2 ?ACEKLMN@|D;\T ;\       A;\;\;\X ;\l ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ d;\ ;\   <;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\t;\ ;\ ;\$ 8;\ ;\8;\   ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\dl;\ ;\  ;\ 0;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\,;\ ;\T ;\| h;\ ;\@;\  o %,;\p;\r ;\t !D;\";\#$%;\ ;\lx;\&;\>& g6~(O8NBd3h6 B@'2 : g1&L '2 : g1&Lf4Bg6cd3O8E6g6e~(O8SBd3Sh6f4:Bg6cd3O8:E6f4>Bg6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+&Bd3+ h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8Bd3yh6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8VBd3h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8Bd3 h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8Bd3Qh6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8bBd3h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8F4d3h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O84d3)h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O84d3qh6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8Z4d3h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8n4d3h6 B@'2 : g1&L g61~(O8j4d3Oh6 '2 : g1&Lf40Bg6d3O80E6g6~(O8VF;d3Vh6 -'2 : g1&Lf4>Bg6d3O8>E6g6~(O8F;d3Fah6f4DBg6d3O8DE6f4NBg6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2 ?ACEKLMN@ | ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ p;\  ;\  ;\ t;\ L;\ ;\H 8;\  ;\p ;\ T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ (;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\  ;\ ;\t ;\;\ `;\  8;\ ;\ $;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\< ;\;\d ;\  p;\ ;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ D ;\, 4;\ ;\ ۿL D  4;\ ;\  ;\;\  o %;\p;\r ;\t !;\Dw;\";\l x;\" SS %S^ S B@fL  fL  xJSJJ S xS B@fL  pS)pp B@fL  Sq B@fL  S B@fL  BSBB B@fL  SI B@fL  NSNN B@fL  S B@fL  S!   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Please check.d3h4 _.No/Lf4T,d3/TE4,~(/}d3}h4f4Z,d3/ZE4f4b,d3/bE46Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"_9:@K'()^GIH@3;\@ ;\;\         A;\X;\l<;\(;\ ;\ ;\;\- ;\3  ,~(/oYd3h4f4zoY,d3/E4,~(/5/d35h4  kg to ~(/Yd3h4 kg. Please check.Yd3h4 _.b o/Lf4TzoY,d3/TE4,~(/}~Yd3}h4f4ZzoY,d3/ZE4f4bzoY,d3/bE45Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"a9:@K*+,`DEF@Y:D@ ;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\% l;\+;\ 4 D;\:  ,~(/>_d3h4 _.o/L ׄ_.o/Lf4_,d3/E4,~(/D_d3Dh4 0_.o/Lf4b_,d3/bE4,~(/_d3h4f4h_,d3/hE4f4p_,d3/pE4DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]b@K-./cABC@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\f4(&gO0ed30(E0pO0g~(0gd3h0f4.&gO0ed30.E0f44&gO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@KYp.@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(orO0ed30(E0ćO0g~(0bord3/h0f4.orO0ed30.E0f44orO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@KZq/@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(fyO0ed30(E0O0g~(0yd3<h0f4.fyO0ed30.E0f44fyO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@K[r0@       A;\ \;\ ;\;\f4(fyO0ed30(E0܈O0g~(06od3h0f4.fyO0ed30.E0f44fyO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested@K\s1@       A 4;\ ;\;\5of4(zO0ed30(E00O0g~(0zd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested@K]t2@7& ;\ l;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\d;\!;\(P;\-0;\ 7R :S`T:: %pS`app fL  fL  xS` x6S`66 hS`+hh yS`;yy8ykd@K!"#eMONd, ;\ ;\ ;\         A;\D;\X 0;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R vSWvv %vSdvv Yh/fL ԕ T fL ԕ xwSww xuSuu uSuu uSuu"ykm@K$%&lJLK`/ ;\ ;\ T;\ ;\ ;\       A;\D;\X;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\%(;\/( xS$[xx %S$h %LS$LL fL  x6S$66 DS$DD RS$RR&yk_9:@K'()^GIH`/ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A;\D;\XP;\<;\ ;\;\ ӗ%(;\/( mSmZmm %`Smg`` %:Sm:: fL  xpSmpp Sm hSmhh&yka9:@K*+,`DEFB>l ;\ ;\ $;\         A;\D;\X ;\       A ;\  ;\%;\4(;\/;\H4 ;\\7;\>|  wSwZww %(vSwg(v(v fL D ׄfL D xvSwvv 0fL D xvSwvv <Sw<< 4Sw44"ykb@K-./cABC-;\x;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ x;\' ;\-  O0~(0BYd3h0 e,+SLf46YO0ed30E0O0g~(0=_qd3=h0 ,+SLf46YO0ed30E0O0g~(0W_qd3W>h0f4F6YO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|_qd3|)h0f4L6YO0ed30LE0f4V6YO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@K cz !8@-`;\,;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0rd3h0 )',V +SLf4rO0ed30E0O0g~(0@rd3@h0 ,V +SLf4rO0ed30E0O0g~(0Zrd3ZAh0f4FrO0ed30FE0҄O0g~(0rd3%h0f4LrO0ed30LE0f4VrO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested@K e| #:@Xp ;\ \;\ ;\ P;\x;\       A;\X;\l <;\ ;\     ;\ ;\  A;\;\  ;\;\;\ ;\%;\$*l;\?;\8DX;\I;\LN;\`Q0;\X wSRvZww %wSRvgww efL \3 xXxSRvXxXx fL \3 %xSRvxx xVuSRv VuVu uSRvBuu %uSRvOuu `vSRvq`v`v %vSRv~vv )'fL \3 xwSRvww fL \3 %xSRvxx xruSRv(ruru uSRv6uu vSRvFvv:yk@K cz !8 e| #:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ 7 ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  $;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$C;\K;\N;\LU %txSvtxtx xwSv ww xwSvww x.xSv".x.x uSv0uu uSv@uu(Pyk@KYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ S0*V %pS0*cpp hS0*qhh 6S0*66yk>l ;\ t;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 ;\ ;\D ;\l  Al;\ ;\  X;\;\4;\-;\H4;\\7`;\> %dSvzdd xSv xSv Sv Sv8yk@K\s1]t2B @ \;\h ;\ ;\;\  <;\        A;\ ;\4 ,;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  :O~pD,O":O:O V~pD,O<VV <r~pD,OWrr~8H,Oh~zD jg5h~pD,O44 ~pD,O O~~ɘ0 O~~ɘ0~8H2,Oh~zD5h~pD,O,:,~8Hv,Oh~zD;5h~pD,OtVt~8H|,Oh~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6B!"#eMONd@6 @ l;\;\h D;\ ;\(;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\ 0;\   ;\;\ &;\6$  O0~(0xd3%h0 O0~(0xd3Bh0 <O0~(0xd3`h0f4BxO0d30E05O0~(04>xd34h0 O0~(0xd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42BxO0d302E06O0~(04Ad34Uh0f4^BxO0d30^E06O0~(0|gAd3|h0f4dBxO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedBL$%&lJLKm@%A @ ,;\;\h 82  ;\ ,;\ ;\ ;\          A;\;\  |;\  h;\ ;\4  ;\pl;\1;\AN "~("Md3)hg" "~(":Md3Jhg" <"~("^Md3lhg"f4JM"d3"Eg"j6"~("4jMd34hg" "~("Md3hg"f42JM"d3"2Eg"x6"~("6Md36hg"  kg to ~("Md3hg" kg. Please check.Md3hg" .?-6Lf4tJM"d3"tEg"6"~("}~Md3}hg"f4zJM"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"9:BL'()^GIH_@$A ;\@ ;\det ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ d;\X;\ D;\         AMx;\ d;\ ;\4  ;\p;\1MAN "~("Xd3(hg" "~("Xd3Hhg" <"~("Xd3ihg"f4bX"d3"Eg"4"~("4Xd34hg" "~("Xd3hg"f42bX"d3"2Eg"5"~("5 Xd35~hg"  kg to ~(""Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .V?-6Lf4tbX"d3"tEg"x3"~("}Xd3}hg"f4zbX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"9:BL*+,`DEFa@H @ L;\h ,;\ ,;\           A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\\;\p h;\%  ,;\+;\8;\HN O0~(0od3(h0 O0~(0od3Hh0 <O0~(0od3ih0f4zoO0d30E0L0O0~(04od34h0 O0~(0"od3h0 ,+SL ׄ,+SLf42zoO0d302E0Z0O0~(0Dod3Dnh0 0,+SLf4zoO0d30E0h0O0~(0od3Mh0f4zoO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]BL-./cABCb@       A;\ t;\ ;\;\\;\f4(sO0ed30(E00O0g~(0sd3h0f4.sO0ed30.E0f44sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedBLYp.@       A;\ t;\ ;\;\t;\f4(WsO0ed30(E0:1O0g~(0Wsd32h0f4.WsO0ed30.E0f44WsO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedBLZq/@       A ;\ ;\;\;\f4(yO0ed30(E01O0g~(0yd3?h0f4.yO0ed30.E0f44yO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedBL[r0@       APG PG ;\;\;\f4(V?zO0ed30(E0D2O0g~(0?zd3h0f4.V?zO0ed30.E0f44V?zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be testedBL\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(VzO0ed30(E02O0g~(0zd3h0f4.VzO0ed30.E0f44VzO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be testedBL]t2@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p ;\  ;\!;\,;\1l;\? X;\B;\I$  pS`app rS`{rr <sS`ss xsS`ss 2sS`2s2s %@sS`@s@s \sS`\s\s fL  fL  xpS`pp xqS`qq qS`qq qS`qq8yBL!"#eMONd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         A$T;\ ;\   ;\;\4!;\&;\H4 ;\\7p;\>$  qS`rdqq >pS`r>p>p <HqS`rHqHq xVqS`rVqVq pS`rpp %qS`rqq S`r   Yh/fL  T fL  xDS`r4DD xxS`rQxx S`r_ S`ro"yBL$%&lJLKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 l;\ ;\D        A;\;\;\  ;\  ;\  ;\H;\$;\\)x;\7 d;\:;\A  `S(h`` :qS(:q:q <VqS(VqVq xdqS(dqdq qS(qq %qS(qq qS( qq %qS(eqq fL L xrS(rr sS(ss sS(ss&y9:BL'()^GIH_A ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ ;\D        A@;\,;\;\  ;\  (  ;\H;\$ )<7 h;\:;\A  vS`gvv wS`ww <txS`txtx xHuS`HuHu uS`uu %uS`uu `vS``v`v %(vS`_(v(v fL d x.xS`.x.x duS`dudu wS`ww&y9:BL*+,`DEFaP  ;\ t;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 0 X;\ D         A@;\ ,;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\%  ;\(;\3;\8;\F;\I;\PN dqSrgdqdq `rSr`r`r <sSrss xpSrpp HqSrHqHq %qSrqq pSr pp fL  ׄfL  xnrSr@nrnr 0fL  xnSr;nn SrI SrY"yBL-./cABCb-T;\,;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ p;\' ;\-  O0~(0Z_qd3h0 e,&6+SLf4*_qO0ed30E0nO0g~(0=_qd3=h0 ,&6+SLf4*_qO0ed30E0|O0g~(0W_qd3WAh0f4F*_qO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|_qd3|/h0f4L*_qO0ed30LE0f4V*_qO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested BL cz!8@-`;\;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0_qd3h0 )',+SLf4VqO0ed30E0$O0g~(0@2Gpd3@h0 ,+SLf4VqO0ed30E02O0g~(0ZGpd3ZDh0f4FVqO0ed30FE0@O0g~(0bGpd3+h0f4LVqO0ed30LE0f4VVqO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested BL e|#:@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   L;\   x;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ t;\%;\$*`;\?;\8DL;\I;\LN;\`Q$;\X @sS`\@s@s %NsS`iNsNs efL pS`T>p>p:y BL cz!8   e|#:UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ \ ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\-;\$C|;\Kh;\N;\LU %sSss xpSpp xqSqq x$sS/$s$s 2sS=2s2s @sSM@s@s(PyBLYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ uSċXuu %Sċe <Sċs<< 4Sċ44y>l ;\ t;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 `;\ ;\D ;\l  A;\ ;\  ;\;\4;\-;\H4;\\7;\> %S(v} x<S(v<< xS(v 4S(v44 S(v8yBL\s1]t2B @  ;\h ;\ ;\;\  <;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  >~pD0">> ,O~pD0<,O,O <O~pD0WOO~8H0h~zD jg::Oh~pD044:O:O ~pD0 ~~b0 ~~b0~8H20h~zDHh~pD0,:,~8Hv0h~zD;Vh~pD0tVt~8H|0h~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6D!"#eMONd@6 @ ;\h ;\ 4;\;\ ;\ xAo          A;\;\ K   D;\;\ &0;\6$  O0~(0vmd3%h0 O0~(0md3Bh0 <O0~(0md3`h0f4 mO0d30E0O0~(04md34h0 O0~(0md3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42 mO0d302E0O0~(04~md34Uh0f4^ mO0d30^E0O0~(0|md3|h0f4d mO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedDM$%&lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ \;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\         A;\;\ ,;\  ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("Id3)hg" "~("Id3Jhg" <"~("Id3lhg"f4I"d3"Eg""~("4*Id34hg" "~("ZId3hg"f42I"d3"2Eg"("~("6Id36hg"  kg to ~("Id3hg" kg. Please check.Id3hg" .N?-6Lf4tI"d3"tEg"6"~("}NId3}hg"f4zI"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"9:DM'()^GIH_@$A @ 0;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\          A;\;\ ;\  ;\4  ;\pL;\1;\AN "~(":Xd3(hg" "~("RXd3Hhg" <"~("jXd3ihg"f4X"d3"Eg""~("4Xd34hg" "~("Xd3hg"f42X"d3"2Eg""~("5Xd35~hg"  kg to ~("Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .?-6Lf4tX"d3"tEg""~("}Xd3}hg"f4zX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"9:DM*+,`DEFa@H ;\@ 4;\;\h ;\ ;\P;\ ;\ <;\          A;\ ;\ X;\       A;\\;\p ;\%  ;\+;\8o?HN O0~(0Yd3(h0 O0~(0f_Zd3Hh0 <O0~(0ZZd3ih0f4gO0d30E0ܺO0~(04Zd34h0 O0~(02Wd3h0 , +SL ׄ, +SLf42gO0d302E0O0~(0D2Kd3Dnh0 0, +SLf4gO0d30E0O0~(0od3Mh0f4gO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1]DM-./cABCb@       A;\ ;\ A;\;\f4(sO0ed30(E0vO0g~(0sd3h0f4.sO0ed30.E0f44sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedDMYp.@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\;\f4(VWsO0ed30(E0ʻO0g~(0Wsd32h0f4.VWsO0ed30.E0f44VWsO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedDMZq/@       AA  ;\;\;\f4(zyO0ed30(E0O0g~(0yd3?h0f4.zyO0ed30.E0f44zyO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be testedDM[r0@       A  ;\;\ t;\f4(B?zO0ed30(E0TO0g~(0^?zd3h0f4.B?zO0ed30.E0f44B?zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be testedDM\s1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\f4(zO0ed30(E0O0g~(0zd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be testedDM]t2@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p L;\  ;\!;\,;\1;\? ;\B;\I$  qSsaqq jSs{jj <Ss xSs LSsLL %vSsvv Ss fL  fL  xSs xSs Ss Ss8yDM!"#eMONd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         A;\;\ ;\   h;\;\4!T;\&;\H4 ;\\7,;\>$  pS(rdpp pS(rpp <qS(rqq x,qS(r,q,q dqS(rdqdq %qS(rqq rS(rrr Yh/fL  T fL  xpS(r4pp xpS(rQpp HqS(r_HqHq qS(roqq"yDM$%&lJLKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\ ;\D        A;\;\;\  ;\  X;\  ;\H0;\$;\\);\7 ;\:;\A  iShhii >8Sh>8>8 <V9ShV9V9 xSh LShLL %Sh \Sh \\ %VSheVV fL < x2Sh22 rShrr Sh&y9:DM'()^GIH_A ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\         A;\;\;\  ;\  ;\  ;\H;\$;\\);\7 ;\:;\A  iSgii V9SV9V9 <>8S>8>8 xS S %LSLL \S\\ %VS_VV fL T x2S22 PLSPLPL jʚSjʚj&y9:DM*+,`DEFaP  ;\ t;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 0 X;\ D         A;\ ;\ ;\        A$;\;\ %  H;\(;\34;\8;\F;\I ;\PN iSgii >8S>8>8 <V9SV9V9 xS LSLL %S VS VV fL   ׄfL   x\S@\\ 0fL   x2S;22 rSIrr SY"yDM-./cABCb-;\       A;\0D 4;\  ;\  ;\' R/-  O0~(0Rqd3h0 e,+SLf4qO0ed30E02O0g~(0=qd3=h0 ,+SLf4qO0ed30E0@O0g~(0Wqd3WAh0f4FqO0ed30FE0NO0g~(0|qd3|/h0f4LqO0ed30LE0f4VqO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested!DM cz 8@-;\ ;\       A;\0;\D (;\  ;\;\ ;\' ;\-  O0~(0rd3h0 )', +SLf4vrO0ed30E0O0g~(0@rd3@h0 , +SLf4vrO0ed30E0O0g~(0Z6rd3ZDh0f4FvrO0ed30FE0O0g~(0Nrd3+h0f4LvrO0ed30LE0f4VvrO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested#DM e| :@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l l;\ D;\   ;\  ;\ d;\  A;\;\ ;\;\t;\;\ `;\%;\$*L;\?;\8D8;\I;\LN;\`Q;\X vS\\vv %S\i efL | xS\ fL | %S\ xS\' S\J %S\W S\z %rS\rr )'fL | xS\ fL | %xS\xx xLS\6LL S\D S\T:y!DM cz 8"# e| :UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ " ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  4;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  Al;\ ;\ X;\;\0;\-;\$C;\K;\N;\LU %`SR`` xSR x>8SR>8>8 xV9SR/V9V9 LSR=LL SRM(PyDMYp.Zq/[r0l ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\| T;\ SDX %\SDe\\ xSDsxx SDy>l ;\ t;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 `;\ ;\D ;\l  A;\ ;\  ;\;\4;\-;\H4;\\7;\> %SQ x`SQ`` xr=SQr=r= B;SQB;B; d=SQd=d=8yDM\s1]t2B @ ;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 (;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  j`~pD\`"j`j` 0~pD\`<00 <"~pD\`W""~8H\`h~zD jg1>h~pD\`44>> ,O~pD\`,O,O @`~~P 0 @`~~P 0~8H2\`h~zD1Oh~pD\`,:,OO~8Hv\`h~zD;1h~pD\`tVt~8H|\`h~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6(F!"#eMONd@6 @ ;\h ;\ L;\ ;\ 8;\          A;\;\ 4;\   ;\ &D;\6$  O0~(02gcd3%h0 O0~(0fd3Bh0 <O0~(0ggd3`h0f4GaO0d30E0 2O0~(04hd34h0 O0~(0n7Yd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42GaO0d302E02O0~(04Yd34Uh0f4^GaO0d30^E0(2O0~(0|Zd3|h0f4dGaO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested)FN$%&lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ |;\;\  ;\ ;\ x;\d;\ P;\         A;\;\ <;\ (;\ 4  ;\p,;\1;\AN "~("?2d3)hg" "~("?2d3Jhg" <"~("?2d3lhg"f4*"d3"Eg"|2"~("4?2d34hg" "~("?2d3hg"f42*"d3"2Eg"2"~("6?2d36hg"  kg to ~("^G2d3hg" kg. Please check.2d3hg" .?-6Lf4t*"d3"tEg"2"~("}^2d3}hg"f4z*"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"*9:FN'()^GIH_@$A @ t;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ t;\ 8;\$;\ ;\         A;\;\  8;\  ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("Xd3(hg" "~("Xd3Hhg" <"~("&Xd3ihg"f4X"d3"Eg"2"~("42Xd34hg" "~("JXd3hg"f42X"d3"2Eg"2"~("5Xd35~hg"  kg to ~("Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .?-6Lf4tX"d3"tEg"3"~("}Xd3}hg"f4zX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"+9:FN*+,`DEFa@H  ;\h ;\ ;\$;\ ;\ ;\          A;\ ;\ 4;\       A;\\;\p t;\%  8;\+;\8$;\HN O0~(0god3(h0 O0~(02god3Hh0 <O0~(0"god3ih0f4goO0d30E0\3O0~(04.god34h0 O0~(0Fgod3h0 ,+SL ׄ,+SLf42goO0d302E0j3O0~(0Dgod3Dnh0 0,+SLf4goO0d30E03O0~(0god3Mh0f4goO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1],FN-./cABCb@       A;\ ;\ ;\(f4(sO0ed30(E0O0g~(0sd3h0f4.sO0ed30.E0f44sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested.FNYp@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\f4(NWsO0ed30(E0O0g~(0Wsd32h0f4.NWsO0ed30.E0f44NWsO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested/FNZq@       A;\ $;\ ;\;\l;\f4(~yO0ed30(E02O0g~(0yd3?h0f4.~yO0ed30.E0f44~yO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested0FN[r@       A;\ L;\ ;\g ;\f4(RyO0ed30(E0hO0g~(0yd3h0f4.RyO0ed30.E0f44RyO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested1FN\s@       A;\ L;\ ;\gh;\f4(zO0ed30(E0O0g~(0zd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested2FN]t@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   0 x;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p 8;\  ;\!;\,;\1;\? ;\B;\I$  Sa S{ <(S(( x6S66 RSRR %`S`` |S|| fL pg fL pg xS x.S.. <S<< JSJJ8y(FN!"#eMONd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         AP;\<;\ ;\   ;\;\4!;\&;\H4 \7;\>$  nSdnn @S@@ <qSqq x,qS,q,q HqSHqHq %qSqq qSqq Yh/fL l T fL l x rS4 r r xpSQpp pS_pp pSopp"y)FN$%&lJLKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\ ;\D        Ah;\T;\;\  ;\  ,;\  ;\HD$\)`;\7 L;\:;\A  SPh SP <SP xSP SP %SP 2SP 22 %jSPejj fL q xXSPXX fSPff tSPtt&y*9:FN'()^GIH_A ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ d        A,;\T;\;\  ;\  ,;\  ;\H$\)\;\7 H;\:A  Sg SSSS <QSQQ xS `S`` %iSii >8S>8>8 %V9S_V9V9 fL  w xrSrr S 2S22&y+9:FN*+,`DEFaP  ;\ t;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 0 8;\ D         AD;\ 0;\ ;\        A;\|;\ ;\%  T;\(;\3@;\8;\F;\I;\PN qSvpgqq ,qSvp,q,q <HqSvpHqHq xqSvpqq qSvpqq %qSvpqq qSvp qq fL | ׄfL | xrSvp@rr 0fL | x"pSvp;"p"p ZpSvpIZpZp pSvpYpp"y,FN-./cABCb-H;\h;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ^/eslE ;\' ;\-  O0~(0qd3h0 e,&6+SLf4qO0ed30E0dO0g~(0=~qd3=h0 ,&6+SLf4qO0ed30E0rO0g~(0Wqd3WAh0f4FqO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|vqd3|/h0f4LqO0ed30LE0f4VqO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested8FN cz !@-;\;\       A;\0;\D 8;\  )( ;\' ;\-  O0~(0rd3h0 )',&+SLf4"rO0ed30E0O0g~(0@6rd3@h0 ,&+SLf4"rO0ed30E0(O0g~(0Zrd3ZDh0f4F"rO0ed30FE06O0g~(0.rd3+h0f4L"rO0ed30LE0f4V"rO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested:FN e| #@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   ;\  ;\ h;\  Ah;\ d;\;\<;\;\ (;\%;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q;\X S*\ %S*i efL  xS* fL  %S* xS*' S*J %FS*WFF 6S*z66 %DS*DD )'fL  xS* fL  %\S*\\ xS*6 S*D S*T:y8FN cz !9: e| #UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ < ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  (;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  AT;\ ;\ @;\;\;\-;\$CӈTK;\N;\LU %sSqss x rSq r r xpSqpp xpSq/pp pSq=pp qSqMqq(Py.0/FNYpZq[rl ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\|;\ ;\ S\X %S\e S\s S\y->l ;\ 8;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 X;\ D ;\l  A0;\ ;\  ;\+;\-;\H4;\\7`;\> %S} xS xQSQQ SSSS S8y12FN\s]tL , False~(0Fd3h0L ,f4FO0d30E0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0jFd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0VFd3h00 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\ T 8;\;\  ;\V %vSwevv wSwowwyk?@0 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\ T 8;\;\ ;\V %V9SihV9V9 >8Sir>8>8yAB0 ;\ ;\ <;\0;\ ;\h {  D;\;\ ;\V %$sSqh$s$s sSqrssyCD0 ;\ x;\ ;\0;\ ;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\ ;\V %\SR|h\\ 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characters, please check.2K@ ?ACELMN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\X S ;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\   T;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ L;\ ;\8$;\ ;\`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\\;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\d ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ D;\ ;\, ;\ ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\ ;\  o % ;\p ;\r ;\t !D T;\" @;\#$%<;\ ;\l(;\&;\>& g6~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L '2Ng1&Lf4=g6cd3O8E6Bg6e~(O8Sn=d3Sh6f4:=g6cd3O8:E6f4>=g6cd3O8>E6Pg6e~(O8+R=d3+h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3~h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8N=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3Yh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8z=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8 =d34h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3}h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8~=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3\h6 '2Ng1&Lf40=g6d3O80E6^g6~(O8V=d3Vh6 -'2Ng1&Lf4>=g6d3O8>E6lg6~(O8F"=d3Foh6f4D=g6d3O8DE6f4N=g6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2LB ?ACEKMN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\X S L ;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\   ;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ \;\ ;\84;\ ;\`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\l;\ ;\(  ;\P 0;\ ;\d ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\,(;\ ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\;\  o %;\p|;\r ;\t !D@;\",;\#$%t;\ ;\l`;\&;\>& g6~(O8:Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L '2g1&Lf4 Yg6cd3O8E60g6e~(O8SYd3Sh6f4: Yg6cd3O8:E6f4> Yg6cd3O8>E6>g6e~(O8+Yd3+h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3~h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8nYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3Yh6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8ZYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd34h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8zYd3}h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8FYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8*Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3\h6 '2g1&Lf40 Yg6d3O80E6Lg6~(O8V&Yd3Vh6 -'2g1&Lf4> Yg6d3O8>E6Zg6~(O8FYd3Foh6f4D Yg6d3O8DE6f4N Yg6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2MD ?ACEKLN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\XS| ;\ l;\ ;\  4;\ ;\ -o  ;\   (;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p |;\ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\8;\ ;\`  ;\ x;\ ;\P;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\d<;\ ;\    ;\`;\ ;\  ;\ $;\ ;\,L ;\T ;\| <;\ ;\;\  o %p ;\r ;\t !D;\"#$% ;\ ;\l ;\&;\>& g6~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L '2Ng1&Lf4gWg6cd3O8E6rg6e~(O8SgWd3Sh6f4:gWg6cd3O8:E6f4>gWg6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+gWd3+h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8jgWd3~h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3Yh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8FgWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd34h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8d3}h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8"d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8^d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8d3\h6 '2Ng1&Lf40gWg6d3O80E6g6~(O8Vd3Vh6 -'2Ng1&Lf4>gWg6d3O8>E6g6~(O8Fd3Foh6f4DgWg6d3O8DE6f4NgWg6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2NF ?ACEKLM@ | ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ p;\  ;\  ;\ t;\ L;\ ;\H 8;\  ;\p ;\ T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ (;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\  ;\ ;\t ;\;\ `;\  8;\ ;\ $;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\< ;\;\d ;\ p;\ ;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ \ ;\, l;\ D;\ ;\h 0;\;\ , 4;\ ;\  ;\;\  o %;\p;\r ;\t !;\Dw;\";\;\l;\" ASeSAA %iSe^ii @iSe@i@i B@fL ˲ fL ˲ xhSehh 8Se88 xV9SeV9V9 B@fL ˲ >8Se)>8>8 B@fL ˲ Seq B@fL ˲ Se B@fL ˲ LSeLL B@fL ˲ pSeIpp B@fL ˲ qSeqq B@fL ˲ rSerr B@fL ˲ ؐSe!ؐؐ B@fL ˲ VSekVV B@fL ˲ \Se\\ B@fL ˲ 2Se22 fL ˲ xSe rSe rr PLSe0PLPL6ykK@ ?ACELMN | ;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\       A;\;\;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ t;\ L;\ ;\H 8;\  ;\p ;\ T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ (;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\  ;\ ;\t ;\;\ `;\  8;\ ;\ $;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\< ;\;\d ;\  p;\ ;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ \ ;\, ;\ ;\ ;\h ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ t;\;\  o %;\p;\r $;\t !?|wP"x;\;\ld;\" xSwUxx %HuSw`HuHu duSwdudu B@fL ز fL ز x`vSw`v`v VuSwVuVu xruSwruru B@fL ز .xSw1.x.x B@fL ز wSwzww B@fL ز (vSw(v(v B@fL ز wSw ww B@fL ز uSwUuu B@fL ز uSwuu B@fL ز txSwtxtx B@fL ز 4Sw044 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P;\        A;\;\ ;\;\Dl;\X;\;\l% \SLW\\ %VSLdVV xSLg 2SLu22 rSLrr"yZDM6345hiSTU6       A;\;\ 4;\;\0 O0~(0rd3h0f4.rO0ed30.E0ʜO0g~(0.rd3h0f44rO0ed304E0f4:rO0d30:E0The nominal tyre size of the untested vehicle must the same as the nominal tyre size of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested\FN6345hiSTU@%r ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\;\ $;\hP% "5SW"5"5 %Sd xCSgCC BSuBB S"y\FN6345hiSTU& oc ZT  ~(746d3hf4.6d374E>ɜ~(74A6d3A|hf4.6d374EA***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***xF 8;\@, <\`~pDN`\`\`F 8;\@, <#~pD"##F 8;\@, <"~pD """F ;\\, <"~pD """F 8;\@, < "~pD# " "F ;\@, <:Zh~pDZ:Z:ZF 8;\@, <"~pD """F ;\;\, < "~pD# " "B @ h ;\ 4 ;\         A;\ ;\4 ;\    ;\%;\2 ;\B$  "~pDԵ!"" *#~pDԵ:*#*# <#~pDԵS##~8HԵh~zD fcB "h~pDԵ44 " " #~pDԵ## H~~ٝ0 H~~ٝ0~8H2Եh~zDB."h~pDԵ,4,."."~8HvԵh~zD;B#h~pDԵtNt##~8H|Եh~zD>a^4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6!"#eMONd@B @ x;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  n~pD!nn ~pD: <~pDT~8Hh~zD gdCh~pD44 :~pD:: n~~ٝ0 n~~ٝ0~8H2h~zDCRh~pD,5,RR~8Hvh~zD;*C|h~pDtOt||~8H|h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6!"#eMONd@B @ ;\h ;\ `;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   8;\%;\2$;\B$  ~pD! n~pD:nn < ~pDT  ~8Hh~zD gdCʴh~pD44ʴʴ ~pD L~~`:0 L~~`:0~8H2h~zDCh~pD,5,~8Hvh~zD;Ch~pDtOt~8H|h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6!"#eMONd@B @ ;\;\h ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 4;\   ;\%c2B$  곝~pD !곝 ~pD : <~pD T~8H h~zD gd@nh~pD 44nn ~pD  ܳ~~40 ܳ~~40~8H2 h~zD@>h~pD ,5,>>~8Hv h~zD;@*h~pD tOt**~8H| h~zD>b_4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6!"#eMONd@4@ ;\     A;\;\ \;\ ;\%;\. `;\4|  dh~pDdd B~@~~+ B~@~~+~8H ~zD YVA ~pD,,~8HV ~zD+1.A ~pDtt~8H\ ~zD.~8HdP~zD2,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6!"#eMONdB @ h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\        A8;\4 t;\   8;\%;\2$;\B$  ~pD" ~pD<   <~pDW~8Hh~zD jgAh~pD44 곝~pD곝 N!~~40 N!~~40~8H2h~zDA h~pD,:,  ~8Hvh~zD;AN!h~pDtVtN!N!~8H|h~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6B!"#eMONd@B @ d;\;\h <;\ 1 ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\4 ;\   `;\%2 4;\B$  r~pDZ"rr ؿ~pDZ<ؿؿ <~pDZW~8HZh~zD jgBh~pDZ44 ~pDZ   ~~40 ~~40~8H2Zh~zD Bh~pDZ,:,~8HvZh~zD;.B곝h~pDZtVt곝~8H|Zh~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6D!"#eMONd@B @ ;\h ;\ ,;\  X;\        A;\ 4 ;\   ;\%;\2;\B$  ؿ~pDh"ؿؿ r~pDh<rr <~pDhW~8Hhh~zD jg@fvh~pDh44vv ~pDh h~~40 h~~40~8H2hh~zDNfh~pDh,:,~8Hvhh~zD;jf h~pDhtVt  ~8H|hh~zD>if4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.,Track must be within the range 0 to 2500 mm.tThe track of the untested vehicle must equal the track of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested6F!"#eMONd@D ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H ;\  ;\p!;\,;\: ;\=x;\D  CS`_CC tjS`xtjtj <T̚S`T̚T x"S`"" BCS`BCBC fL 4v fL 4v xBS`BB xlCS`rlClC >S`>> =S`==8yj!"#eMONdD ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H ;\  ;\p!l;\,;\: ;\=D;\D  CSt_CC iStxii <xiStxixi xtjSttjtj v8Stv8v8 fL d{ fL d{ xh8Sth8h8 x9Str99 St RɚStRɚR8yR!"#eMONdD ;\ l;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\      A;\4 ;\H ;\  ;\p!t;\,;\: ;\=L;\D  S_ lSxll <S xS S fL ̂ fL ̂ x<S<< x>Sr>> S S8yQ!"#eMONdD ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H (;\  ;\p!;\,;\: ;\=;\D  S_ CSxCC <xiSxixi xiSii tjStjtj fL  fL  xv8Sv8v8 x9Sr99 h8Sh8h8 LSLL8yP!"#eMONdD ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H ;\  ;\p!8;\,;\: ;\=;\D  hS_hh eSxee <ASAA xiSii @iS@i@i fL , fL , xhShh xV9SrV9V9 >8S>8>8 8S888yk@K!"#eMONdD ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H @;\  ;\p!;\,;\: =4;\D  7Sa77 渡S{渡 <eSee xiSii >8S>8>8 fL \ fL \ xV9SV9V9 xS{ LSLL S8yBL!"#eMONdD ;\ ;\ @;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\      A;\4;\H ;\  ;\p!t;\,;\: ;\=L;\D  ZpS,qaZpZp 6rS,q{6r6r <$sS,q$s$s xqS,qqq rS,qrr fL  fL  xS,q xS,q{ S,q (S,q((8yDM!"#eMONdD ;\ l;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\      A;\4;\H t;\  ;\p!L;\,;\: ;\=$;\D  ҁSaҁҁ S{ < S  x S  "5S"5"5 fL  fL  xS xS{ QSQQ SSSS8yFN!"#eMONdpP ;\ ;\ x;\y{a Z;\"%  RΜDS(RΜRX(Μ,$S%"`Μ,S(?r?ΜX(Μ,$S?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***Arial Wingdings        A;\;\ 4;\   ;\ &D;\6$  O0~(02gcd3%h0 O0~(0fd3Bh0 <O0~(0ggd3`h0f4GaO0d30E0RO0~(04hd34h0 O0~(0n7Yd3h0 Yh/,Bz+SL T ,Bz+SLf42GaO0d302E0|O0~(04Yd34Uh0f4^GaO0d30^E0O0~(0|Zd3|h0f4dGaO0d30dE04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.4Wheelbase must be within the range 1500 to 10000 mm.|The wheelbase of the untested vehicle must equal the wheelbase of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested)FN$%&lJLKm@%A @ ;\h ;\ |;\;\  ;\ ;\ x;\d;\ P;\         A;\;\ <;\ (;\ 4  ;\p,;\1;\AN "~("?2d3)hg" "~("?2d3Jhg" <"~("?2d3lhg"f4*"d3"Eg"ބ"~("4?2d34hg" "~("?2d3hg"f42*"d3"2Eg"섪"~("6?2d36hg"  kg to ~("^G2d3hg" kg. Please check.2d3hg" .?-6Lf4t*"d3"tEg""~("}^2d3}hg"f4z*"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.6Mass on front axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"*9:FN'()^GIH_@$A @ t;\h ;\ ;\D;\ ;\ 0;\ t;\ 8;\$;\ ;\         A;\;\  8;\  ;\4  ;\p;\1;\AN "~("Xd3(hg" "~("Xd3Hhg" <"~("&Xd3ihg"f4X"d3"Eg"N"~("42Xd34hg" "~("JXd3hg"f42X"d3"2Eg"\"~("5Xd35~hg"  kg to ~("Xd3hg" kg. Please check.Xd3hg" .?-6Lf4tX"d3"tEg"j"~("}Xd3}hg"f4zX"d3"zEg"4Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.5Mass on rear axle would normally be within the range }The axle mass of the untested vehicle must be within 10% of the of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested"+9:FN*+,`DEFa@H  ;\h ;\ ;\$;\ ;\ ;\          A;\ ;\ 4;\       A;\\;\p t;\%  8;\+;\8$;\HN O0~(0god3(h0 O0~(02god3Hh0 <O0~(0"god3ih0f4goO0d30E0O0~(04.god34h0 O0~(0Fgod3h0 ,+SL ׄ,+SLf42goO0d302E0̅O0~(0Dgod3Dnh0 0,+SLf4goO0d30E0څO0~(0god3Mh0f4goO0d30E04Only numbers and the "<" symbol can be entered here.DMaximum Vehicle Speed 24/00 must be within the range 50 to 400 km/h.If the max speed of the tested vehicle is less than the max speed of the untested vehicle and 80% of the tested vehicle's maximum speed is less than 95 km/h then the untested vehicle must be tested [Cl 20.1.1],FN-./cABCb@       A;\ ;\ ;\(f4(sO0ed30(E0XO0g~(0sd3h0f4.sO0ed30.E0f44sO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested.FNYp@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\f4(NWsO0ed30(E0O0g~(0Wsd32h0f4.NWsO0ed30.E0f44NWsO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested/FNZq@       A;\ $;\ ;\;\l;\f4(~yO0ed30(E0O0g~(0yd3?h0f4.~yO0ed30.E0f44~yO0d304E0The tyre construction of the untested vehicle must be the same as the tyre construction of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested0FN[r@       A;\ L;\ ;\g ;\f4(RyO0ed30(E0O0g~(0yd3h0f4.RyO0ed30.E0f44RyO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubed tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubed tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested1FN\s@       A;\ L;\ ;\gh;\f4(zO0ed30(E0JO0g~(0zd3h0f4.zO0ed30.E0f44zO0d304E0If the untested vehicle has a tubeless tyre then tested vehicle must have a tubeless tyre also, or the untested vehicle must be tested2FN]t@I ;\ ;\ ;\T ;\h4;\ ;\ ;\   0 x;\ ;\D       A;\\;\p 8;\  ;\!;\,;\1;\? ;\B;\I$  Sa S{ <(S(( x6S66 RSRR %`S`` |S|| fL pg fL pg xS x.S.. <S<< JSJJ8y(FN!"#eMONd>l ;\ ;\ ,;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\   ;\0 ;\ ;\D         AP;\<;\ ;\   ;\;\4!;\&;\H4 \7;\>$  nSdnn @S@@ <qSqq x,qS,q,q HqSHqHq %qSqq qSqq Yh/fL l T fL l x rS4 r r xpSQpp pS_pp pSopp"y)FN$%&lJLKmA ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 ;\ ;\D        Ah;\T;\;\  ;\  ,;\  ;\HD$\)`;\7 L;\:;\A  SPh SP <SP xSP SP %SP 2SP 22 %jSPejj fL q xXSPXX fSPff tSPtt&y*9:FN'()^GIH_A ;\ ;\ (;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\0 ;\ d        A,;\T;\;\  ;\  ,;\  ;\H$\)\;\7 H;\:A  Sg SSSS <QSQQ xS `S`` %iSii >8S>8>8 %V9S_V9V9 fL  w xrSrr S 2S22&y+9:FN*+,`DEFaP  ;\ t;\ ;\T ;\h;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 0 8;\ D         AD;\ 0;\ ;\        A;\|;\ ;\%  T;\(;\3@;\8;\F;\I;\PN qSvpgqq ,qSvp,q,q <HqSvpHqHq xqSvpqq qSvpqq %qSvpqq qSvp qq fL | ׄfL | xrSvp@rr 0fL | x"pSvp;"p"p ZpSvpIZpZp pSvpYpp"y,FN-./cABCb-H;\h;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ^/eslE ;\' ;\-  O0~(0qd3h0 e,&6+SLf4qO0ed30E0O0g~(0=~qd3=h0 ,&6+SLf4qO0ed30E0O0g~(0Wqd3WAh0f4FqO0ed30FE0O0g~(0|vqd3|/h0f4LqO0ed30LE0f4VqO0d30VE0=Rim designation - width must be less than or equal to 500 mm.WRim designation - width would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.|The rim width of the untested vehicle must equal the rim width of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested8FN cz !@-;\;\       A;\0;\D 8;\  )( ;\' ;\-  O0~(0rd3h0 )',&+SLf4"rO0ed30E0AO0g~(0@6rd3@h0 ,&+SLf4"rO0ed30E0AO0g~(0Zrd3ZDh0f4F"rO0ed30FE0AO0g~(0.rd3+h0f4L"rO0ed30LE0f4V"rO0d30VE0@Rim designation - diameter must be less than or equal to 700 mm.ZRim designation - diameter would normally be greater than or equal to 0 mm. Please check.The rim diameter of the untested vehicle must equal the rim diameter of the tested vehicle, or the untested vehicle must be tested:FN e| #@Xp ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\;\       A;\X;\l ;\ ;\   ;\  ;\ h;\  Ah;\ d;\;\<;\;\ (;\%;\$*;\?;\8D;\I;\LN;\`Q;\X S*\ %S*i efL  xS* fL  %S* xS*' S*J %FS*WFF 6S*z66 %DS*DD )'fL  xS* fL  %\S*\\ xS*6 S*D S*T:y8FN cz !9: e| #UR ;\ ;\ L;\>;\ < ;\       AL;\ ;\D 8;\ ;\  A;\  (;\ ;\  ;\H !"#$%&'(  AT;\ ;\ @;\;\;\-;\$CӈTK;\N;\LU %sSqss x rSq r r xpSqpp xpSq/pp pSq=pp qSqMqq(Py.0/FNYpZq[rl ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\|;\ ;\ S\X %S\e S\s S\y->l ;\ 8;\ ;\>;\h x;\ ;\       A;\0 X;\ D ;\l  A0;\ ;\  ;\+;\-;\H4;\\7`;\> %S} xS xQSQQ SSSS S8y12FN\s]tL , False~(0Fd3h0L ,f4FO0d30E0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0jFd3h0L , False~(0Fd3h0L , False~(0VFd3h00 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\ T 8;\;\  ;\V %vSwevv wSwowwyk?@0 ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\h ;\ T 8;\;\ ;\V %V9SihV9V9 >8Sir>8>8yAB0 ;\ ;\ <;\0;\ ;\h {  D;\;\ ;\V %$sSqh$s$s sSqrssyCD0 ;\ x;\ ;\0;\ ;\h ;\ ;\| ;\;\ ;\V %\SR|h\\ 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characters, please check.2K@ ?ACELMN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\X S ;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\   T;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ L;\ ;\8$;\ ;\`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\\;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\d ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ D;\ ;\, ;\ ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\ ;\  o % ;\p ;\r ;\t !D T;\" @;\#$%<;\ ;\l(;\&;\>& g6~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L '2Ng1&Lf4=g6cd3O8E6g6e~(O8Sn=d3Sh6f4:=g6cd3O8:E6f4>=g6cd3O8>E6Ķg6e~(O8+R=d3+h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3~h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8N=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3Yh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8z=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8 =d34h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3}h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8~=d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8=d3\h6 '2Ng1&Lf40=g6d3O80E6Ҷg6~(O8V=d3Vh6 -'2Ng1&Lf4>=g6d3O8>E6ඡg6~(O8F"=d3Foh6f4D=g6d3O8DE6f4N=g6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2LB ?ACEKMN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\X S L ;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\   ;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ \;\ ;\84;\ ;\`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\l;\ ;\(  ;\P 0;\ ;\d ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\,(;\ ;\T ;\| ;\ ;\;\  o %;\p|;\r ;\t !D@;\",;\#$%t;\ ;\l`;\&;\>& g6~(O8:Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L '2g1&Lf4 Yg6cd3O8E64g6e~(O8SYd3Sh6f4: Yg6cd3O8:E6f4> Yg6cd3O8>E6Bg6e~(O8+Yd3+h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3~h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8nYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3Yh6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8ZYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd34h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8zYd3}h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8FYd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8*Yd3h6 B@'2g1&L g61~(O8Yd3\h6 '2g1&Lf40 Yg6d3O80E6Pg6~(O8V&Yd3Vh6 -'2g1&Lf4> Yg6d3O8>E6^g6~(O8FYd3Foh6f4D Yg6d3O8DE6f4N Yg6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2MD ?ACEKLN@|;\T l;\       A;\l;\XS| ;\ l;\ ;\  4;\ ;\ -o  ;\   (;\ ;\4 ;\\ ;\ ;\p |;\ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\8;\ ;\`  ;\ x;\ ;\P;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\(  ;\P ;\ ;\d<;\ ;\    ;\`;\ ;\  ;\ $;\ ;\,L ;\T ;\| <;\ ;\;\  o %p ;\r ;\t !D;\"#$% ;\ ;\l ;\&;\>& g6~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L '2Ng1&Lf4gWg6cd3O8E6g6e~(O8SgWd3Sh6f4:gWg6cd3O8:E6f4>gWg6cd3O8>E6g6e~(O8+gWd3+h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8jgWd3~h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3Yh6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8FgWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8gWd34h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8d3}h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8"d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8^d3h6 B@'2Ng1&L g61~(O8d3\h6 '2Ng1&Lf40gWg6d3O80E6ηg6~(O8Vd3Vh6 -'2Ng1&Lf4>gWg6d3O8>E6ܷg6~(O8Fd3Foh6f4DgWg6d3O8DE6f4NgWg6d3O8NE6SVehicle number of the representative test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.VA maximum of three tested vehicles can be reported on one SE 20/00 document reference.FDocument References usually have more than 2 characters, please check.2NF ?ACEKLM@ | ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ p;\  ;\  ;\ t;\ L;\ ;\H 8;\  ;\p ;\ T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ (;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\  ;\ ;\t ;\;\ `;\  8;\ ;\ $;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\< ;\;\d ;\ p;\ ;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ \ ;\, l;\ D;\ ;\h 0;\;\ , 4;\ ;\  ;\;\  o %;\p;\r ;\t !;\Dw;\";\;\l;\" ASeSAA %iSe^ii @iSe@i@i B@fL ˲ fL ˲ xhSehh 8Se88 xV9SeV9V9 B@fL ˲ >8Se)>8>8 B@fL ˲ Seq B@fL ˲ Se B@fL ˲ LSeLL B@fL ˲ pSeIpp B@fL ˲ qSeqq B@fL ˲ rSerr B@fL ˲ ؐSe!ؐؐ B@fL ˲ VSekVV B@fL ˲ \Se\\ B@fL ˲ 2Se22 fL ˲ xSe rSe rr PLSe0PLPL6ykK@ ?ACELMN | ;\ 4;\ ;\  ;\h;\;\ ;\       A;\;\;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ t;\ L;\ ;\H 8;\  ;\p ;\ T;\ ;\ @;\ ;\ (;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\8 ;\  ;\ ;\t ;\;\ `;\  8;\ ;\ $;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\< ;\;\d ;\  p;\ ;\ \;\;\ 4;\ ;\ \ ;\, ;\ ;\ ;\h ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ t;\;\  o %;\p;\r $;\t !?|wP"x;\;\ld;\" xSwUxx %HuSw`HuHu duSwdudu B@fL ز fL ز x`vSw`v`v VuSwVuVu xruSwruru B@fL ز .xSw1.x.x B@fL ز wSwzww B@fL ز (vSw(v(v B@fL ز wSw ww B@fL ز uSwUuu B@fL ز uSwuu B@fL ز txSwtxtx B@fL ز 4Sw044 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